Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1028 I am angry!

There is no dream, I haven't stayed, and I will have left it soon.

When leaving, there is no dream road to remind the sword unparalleled, and he is careful to be a heatent.

After that, the sword was unparalleled to find a flood god.

"The big brother of Hong Shen, how is the black boy?" The sword didn't ask.

"How can it be?" Hong Shen grinned, "Black hen family Mo Lin," there is more than 90% of the high-rise strong people to be killed by you, this black pyth is not known to the high ethnic group, the wall Everyone pushed, even if I didn't need my rock, this black pyth is already finished. It is estimated that some of the people can escape. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that this round of the battle between the ethnic groups and the ethnic groups is abnormally cruel.

This rock of the magic, if it is not because of his own relationship, I am afraid that it has been covered, and a large number of people will be killed, and it is estimated that there is a very small number of people to escape.

And because of him, so now unlucky, replace it into a black flornion.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

"Blacka is destroyed, this territory should have no ethnic groups threaten the rock family, I should leave." The sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want to go?" Hong Shen faces slightly changed.

"The Jiudi Swords left by Xuri Swords has not been huge for my use, and I also have my own things to do, naturally you have to leave." The sword was unparalleled.

"That's okay." Hong Shen can only nod, "Yes, the hello ancestor?"

Before the battlefield, Hong Shen he heard no dreams said that he was aunt.

"The Tianshi is a threat, but he can't." The sword is unparalleled.

"That's good." Hong Shen easily tap.

"The big brother of Hong Shen, said."

After the sword didn't have a few words, I got a few words, and I went to the hood and then I later left.

The reason why he came to this rock before, this is to still have the one in the ancient world, and now there is no need to continue to stay, and naturally leave.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is that the monster domain.

Ding Ding, who has been introduced by Nammented Road, is in the sky mad domain.


At the same time, the sword is unparalleled from the Melody, far from the hundred million miles, a very unusual territory, a vast mountain range, with a vibrant, dark brinet-surround castle, this castle , Huge, but quite concealed.

It stands in this long years, but there are few people in the territory of this territory, but there are few people to know the existence of a castle.

It's awkward, this huge dark castle, a horrible, extremely breath burst.

The atmosphere is accompanied by the anger and huge pressure, and the time is swept away from all directions. It is directly filled with tens of thousands of miles away, but many of the martial arts that are covered with their breath, even some of the secondary ethnic groups Dao Zun, can't help but shake.

There are countless military people in this tens of thousands of miles, all in a panic.

"Dead, my son is dead, is it dead?"

In the dark black castle, a old man with exquisite short hair is standing there. This old man has a fierce, and the whole person seems to be more incomparable.

He, is the entire round of the mainland, there is Herhee's famous Dawuantu!

At this moment, the entire body shape is slightly shaking, and it is burned in an unprecedented anger.

He, it is very embarrassed, and the character is very weird. It has never been able to turn around in the reincarnation of the mainland.

And, as a swallow, his life is not shorter than your own, and his only son, he is also very careful.

Rotating back to the mainland is strong or a group, knowing this, so even knowing that Deni is alive, swallow some of the scholastic blood of the blood, those ethnic or strong, and it is also closed. Eyes, I don't want to provoke this domineering.

Returning to the mainland, no one dares to buy the face of the heaven.

If there is any time, the Neiyan is too much, angered some top power, and the top strong people look at the face of the heaven, but the top is only slightly punished, but they don't dare to really want The life of Di Yan, so many years, it is like this.

Who once thought that today his son was killed by people?

"The sword is unparalleled, sword is unparalleled !!!"

The heaven and old ancestors, the eyes were fierce, and he had learned that his son's death, and he also knew that his son is a sword, a sword, a sword, and the sword is unparalleled. Just a eternal.

"Knowing is that I am dominated by the old ancestors, I still dare to kill the killer, so big courage!"

"No matter who you are, no matter what the background you have, no matter what you come, I am domayer, I must let you die!"

"Be sure to let you die !!!"

"Ten major cares!"

The sound of the old ancestors of the ancestors, echoing throughout the world.


The ten bodies shot from the castle, and the moment appeared in front of the heaven and the old ancestors, and immediately fell.

"See the ancestor!"

Ten people's voice shock.

These ten people are Daozun, and the strength is not good, and the light is three-way peak, and there is a three-footed three.

They are all brains under the Tianshi.

"Come with me!"

Dynasty ancestor sleeves, when it is.

Domantian Laozu directly found a reincarnation temple, requiring borrowing of the space of the Temple.

The space of the Temple of the Temple is easy to open like a foreign man, but the heavenly old ancestors are famous, even if it is the temple of the Temple, they have to give face.

Through the spatial wormhole, this Tianshi has received a few days before and after receiving the news.

"My son, is it?"

The heavenly old ancestors are suspended above the void above the rock, and the horrible pressure is pulled out, and hundreds of people in the entire rock magic are oppressed.

In the rock of the magic, I went a screaming, and a large number of people were directly squatting down.

"Stop, save your hands!"

A horoscope sounded, and then the flood god rushed over with the high-rise power of the rock magic.

When the Hong Shen appeared in the void, he saw the existence of the heavenly ancestors in front of him. At the same time, he was able to feel very clearly, that kind of percentage, so that he almost looked almost Things-in-one thought.

"Tianzun, it is a strong strong!" Hong Shen's hands were gripped, and it has also guess the identity of the Tianshi.

"The Magical Family is growing, seeing over the heaven and old ancestors." Hong Shen took a respect.

"The sword is unparalleled, where is it?"


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