Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1029 has a vision

"The sword is unparalleled, where is it?"

The audience is cold to the extreme.

He is not about to flore, and he doesn't care what the rock is, and he is only a sword in his eyes.

When I heard the old ancestors, the horses were trembled, or they replied: "The sword is unparalleled. Before it is a few days ago, it has left."

"Leave it? Where to go?" Dawuantu stared at the flood god.

"I don't know." Hong Shen shook his head.

"Don't know?" Dawitians ancestors sink, and the time of a horrible majesty moment is covered with floods.

Although the Hong Shen is a three-turn, it has the blood of the rock giant, the defense ability is extremely strong, which can be covered under this percentage ...


The flood god directly spurted a big mouth, the body was not completely restored, and he added, but he also didn't have so much, and he didn't even have come and wiped the blood, and he said: "Dawgu has ancestor, I don't know where the sword is unparalleled. "

"Oh?" Dawgu has not asked more, and the cold scorpion has seen the land of the rock of the rock to the bottom.

"My son, I will die here, here is his funeral place!"

"Since it is the place where it is buried, can you have a living? How can you have a living? The millions of people in the rock of the magic are all left, and I will accompany me!"

The heavenly old ancestors and their gentle, but it contains pounds of killing.

Two sentences are simple, but it has proclaimed the death penalty of the entire rock of rock.

When I heard this, I was coming with the ten guilds after the Tianshi old ancestors.

These ten prototypes, all of them like killing, and have collected a lot of killing in the reincarnation of the mainland, and the reason why it will be booled by the old ancestors, because of some powerful ethnic groups or strong people to chase, no helpless I will seek the shelter of the heaven.

Now I have heard the Tianshi's ancestors to destroy the rock of the rock, and this top ten prototypes are naturally excited.

And the Hongshen also have a lot of strong people, but they are all growing.

"The Tianshi old ancestors, I have a strange place in my rock, I still want you to go with me." Hong Shen suddenly said.

"Oh?" "Dynasty old ancestors moved.

At this time, he has to go straight to kill the rock family, this Hongshen actually said that he would take him to a place.

Do you say that I have changed the decision that he created him with his son for his son?

"Dynasty old ancestors, please come with me." Hong Shen is a fear of strong heart, leading to the insect of the old grandmaster.

The heavenly old ancestors have strong strength, and there is still no fear, following the body of the flood god, and not long, Hong Shen took the Tianshi, and came to the canyon who has been in the sword.

"Dynasty old ancestors, you look at the mountain wall." Hong Shen pointed to the mountain wall that left the sword mark.

Dawgu has also swept the past, and he saw the Jiuwang Swords on the mountain wall.

That nine swords, he also started to browse, seeing the first sword, his eyes flashed.

When I saw the second sword mark, he still did not think about it.

Seeing the third sword mark, he flashed in a strange.

When I saw the fourth, fifth, the sixth sword mark, his face has gradually become more condensed.

In the seventh sword mark, this dominant is also a shocking.

And when he saw the ninth sword mark, the heelous old ancestors had a sharp heart, and it was more anecdotic.

"It's horror, a terrible sword!"

Bawen Laozu is strong, and the sense of knowledge is natural. He is very clear that there is how terrible thing to cause the ninth sword mark.

That is the ultimate, beyond all the swords, even if he is, I am afraid that there is no way to stop.

"The whole green world, the sword strong, although the number is invisible, but there is a qualified to show the horror swordsmanship, but only one person!"

"The first sword of the fire industry, the rising day sword!"

Dawu, the old ancestors blinking.

"Dynasty old ancestors, you should also give it to the owner of this nine swords." Hong Shen said at this time.

"It is recognized, how is it?" "Dynasty old ancestors low.

"There is nothing, I just want to tell the old ancestors, my rock, the legendary Rising Jie Di, also reluctant to make a little, 20,000 years ago, the Rising Sword Emperor passed my rock magic family, and Just a good heart, stopped in my Rock Melody for two years, and also in this canyon for two years, my rock fellow provided this two years, providing this Rising Sword Emperor. Everything is convenient. "

"When I left, this Rising Sword Emperor also deliberately stayed in the nine swords, and the martial arts said. The relationship between this nine swords, he will stay in my rock of magic, just at this time, Deni and the black phantin made a tribe, blew him, he was killing them, but it is not true. For my rock, I got. "

"Like now, he also knows that he kills Di Yan, provoke you from the old ancestors, you will leave it directly, but you can't scruple my rock."

"What you mean is that your rock is nothing to do with this matter?" Dynasty old ancestors glanced.

"Yu Yan is dead in my rock, my rock is naturally difficult, I just want to tell the old ancestors, in fact, my rock is only a little love, and what is the sword There is no feelings, he is also purely because of this nine swords, will be left here. "Hong Shen said.

When I heard this, the Tianshi's eyes were slightly smashed.

He is not a fool, naturally it is impossible to believe in Hong Shen, and he does not think of the hegemony, no way, no matter how the flood god is unparalleled with swords, he will not hesitate to do not hesitate to make the rock magic One is covered.

But now, the reason why the old ancestors did not immediately, but the most critical, but because of the jealous of the rising days!

The nine sword marks in this canyon is definitely left, and from the years of swords, it is indeed worth 20,000 years, and the Rock Melody has lived here for hundreds of thousands of years. The Rising Sword Emperor, which is said, is a passer in this, which is really worthy of belief.

In other words, the Rising Sword Emperor, and the Rock Melody is really a little, which makes the heavens and the ancestors have to worry.

"Rising Sword Emperor!"

I thought of this name, and the older ancestors have a little bit.

With the nature of him, he can make him taboo people throughout the world.

But the rising Sword Emperor is definitely he is most implied, even let him feel fear!

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