The military knife with Rakshasa, as the bloody killer, both have three turns of the peak, and the strength is very strong in the three-way peak road.

It is said that these two have been killed by three turns, although many people teamed up, but they also explain their strength.

And perhaps, because of the content of this task, it is only responsible for entanglement of the relationship between the two three-way peak road, the two people who have been delayed, and they are quite good at entangled people.

"This task, two of you should know?" The sword was unparalleled to the army knife, and the two people were bustling.

"Know." The army nodded with Rakshasu.

"Well, when I want to perform the task, two of you can act at all according to my command." The sword has no double.

"This is nature." The army knife is open: "You are an employer, we will be listening to you, but it is only limited to the task. If it is a task, it is not possible to force me."

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

After reaching a consensus, the thin and weak old man opened. "I have sent people to secretly staring at the nine swords, as long as he has a move, it will immediately tell."

"That is waiting." The sword has no pair: "The emperor is more eye, the strong is too much, or wait for him to leave, we will do it again."

"Well." The army nodded with Rakshasu.

The next time, the sword is unparalleled in this secret room quietly waiting.

Three days later.

"The nine swords are honored." The thin old man came.

"Time I am coming?" The sword didn't smile, and smile is like a blade.

Next moment, the sword is unparalleled with arsena, and the Raksha two people are immediately moving.


The Jiujian Road did left the Emperor City, and after leaving, the speed is straight, but after half a day, it came to the place where the higher ethnic group is.

This part of the high ethnic group is famous.

"For 500 years ago, some small actions in this skeleton, so that my ancient monk suffered a lot of losses, although this is very good, but it is still found by my ancient demon, I came out this time. Three days respect have told me, let me go to this family. "The Jiujian Road is still a kind of temperature Wenya, and it can be seen from the ethnic group of the family, but with a cold.

"Let's go."

The Jiujian Road is full of smiles, and the throwing of the two three-way peak, directly grazing the inside of Na.

The three people were so strong that they were so strong that they did not cover, and there was a void in the upper part of the land of the land, and the many strong people of the Yan were immediately perceived.



A road exploded, only a moment, there is a large number of things, and these people have reached the level of the road, which is the first, it is a purple burly middle-aged year.

This purple is a burly middle-aged is a long, at this moment, but he is deadly staring at the three people in front of him.

"Trinity is ..." Zifa burdon middle-aged opening query.

"The ancient demon family, the nine swords." Jiujian said with faint opening.

"Ancient demon family?" Zifa burdon middle age, and many strong people in the skeleton, the noodles are all changed, but it quickly calm down.

"It turned out to be the Jiujian Dao Zun, the Ding Ding of the ancient demon, I don't know what this day, what is it?" Zifa asked the burly middle-aged year.

"Nothing, just, this is not pleasing to this, so I want to destroy." The tone of Jiujian Daozhao is very flat, but it can be sent to the ears of the skeleton, but it is like anger.

"Do it!"

Jiujian Road is too lazy, a waving, there are two people who have hosted to go after him, instantly rush.

Two horrible breath sweep, covering the entire skeleton, so that the entire skeleton is immediately riot.

"not good!"

"Three turn peaks, but also two?"

That purple is a burly man's face, and the mouth is ranched quickly, "Quickly, block them, block them!"

Many of the ,,,

The high-level strong people of the entire skeleton were in the same way with the two three-way peaks, but they made a hand, the situation was one side.

, just a more ordinary high-class ethnic group, although it is better than the rock magic, the black phantin is strong, but it will not strong too much. The whole ethnic group has a total of more than ten roads, the strongest two people One is just three-way, and the other is to cross the three turnover threshold.

Even if it is more than ten kinds of road to join hands, it is difficult to have any room for the hand under the two three-way peak.

The war broke out, the skeleton was completely confusing.

In the case of a void, the three shadows are quietly suspended, and the eyes look at the distance, and everything happened inside the Yan family looks in the eyes.

"I was still curious, this Jiujun Road was to do what to do, it turned out to cover the skeleton, huh, huh, look like the luck of our luck." The Chu Chu's teenage girl Luosa, laughed.

"With the lineup of the three people in Jiujian Road, it is not difficult to overwhelm, but there are some people, and some of the topic means, although he can't let him three people pay too much, but it is enough Their spiritual power consumes a lot, and let's wait for them to solve the , then do half the effort. "The army is also serious.

"There is no need to wait until that time, now you will do it now." Standing in the center of the sword is unparalleled, but low departments.

"What?" The army watched the sword with Rakshasa.

When the Jiujiu Road respected three people resolved the, they played again, this is definitely the best way, but the sword is unparalleled ...

"You are quite kind." Luo brach laughed.

"Hand." The sword is unparalleled is indifferent.

The army knife and the Rakatha face each other, nodded slightly.

The sword is unparalleled is an employer, they naturally listen to the sword unparalleled instructions.

"Our mission, just entanglement of the two three-way peak, as for the nine swords, you will deal with yourself." The army said, the next moment, he and the Raksha's body shape is ghost Floating out, and soon floating on the battlefield.

On the top of the land of the skeleton, the space has long been completely collapsed, and it is terrible.

Ten Dao Zun, who told each other, do everything in full with the two three-way peak, and the nine swords have never shot.

However, in this way, the Yan family can only be supported, and if the moment is short, it has been killed by the other party.

At this time, the two ghosts were directly rushed into the battlefield.

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