Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1037 is long time no see

On the battlefield, the unusual is hot.

The two guards of Jiujian Road, one of which has risen to three meters high, and the body is faintly emitting a bronze shiny. He holds an ax, breaking the power of terror, a person, and the six of the squad. Extremely miserable.

And I have just had two Dao to die in his ax.

"Haha ~~~ The little scorpion of the fairy is dead."

This three-meter high-like man roared, and the giant ax in his hand was crazy.


A scarlet knife is suddenly coming.

This knife is not only fast, and the power is strong. The most important thing is that there is too sudden, and there is almost no signs.


Suddenly, this wild man didn't work, but as a three-way peak, it was not surprised, a low drink, this wild man did not pay attention to the six Dao Zun of the , but a fierce transfer, that giant The ax has ridiculous traces in the void, and directly smashed the knife.


A big rang, the body of the wild man was refunded after being shocked.

When the stood is stood, the wild man has seen the past in front of the front.

There, a indifferent man with a sword mark appeared there, this indifferent man has a bloody knife in his hand.

"This is the same, there is still one knife ... Are you a bloody army?" The wild man made a low sound.

On the other side, the other three turned peaks, and he was stopped by Luosha, and the status of Raksha was also recognized.

"Army knife, Raksha?" Jiujian Dazun is a void, and the eyes are slightly turned cold. "It is even a big name killer in the blood knife, it seems that your skeleton is ready to prepare, I will move two Blood moon killer, this price, I am afraid it? "

This nine swordsmanizes don't know, the strong people of the fangs are also an inexplicable expression.

They are not clear, this blood knife tailored two blood monthly killer, what is it?

They are skeleton, did not ask these two killers at all?

After all, they are unclear that this Jiujie Road will suddenly come today, and it is a race, in addition, the blood month level killer, can not be invited, please move a cost required It is not the same as the same as the heritage of their skeleton, and it is difficult to pay for the price of two blood moon killers.

Then this army is with Rakshasa, what is it?

"No, no matter who is coming, in short, our helper, there are two help, then I have a big life." The family of the skeleton, the purple man is low, but the body is directly killed. Out.

The skeleton of the side is also surprised, and even if it is with the army, the Rakha has a hand.

"Blood knife tissue, good courage, even my ancient songs, dare to tube." The Jiujie Dao Zun said with ice cold and spread.

"Jiujian Dao Zun, you don't scare me, my blood knife, has always been the people who have a money to disaster, only the other party pays the price, then there is no my blood knife is not dare." The warrior is smile.

Not far away, the sword in the eyes is unparalleled, but the corner of the mouth is slightly, but I will pick up the bloody mousse on your face.

Although this mask can cover his identity to a certain extent, it is also quite a little attention.

"The two three-way peak has been entangled, next, it is him." The sword is unparalleled, and the scorpion is dead to lock in the nine sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to deal with this person, since there is such a big position in the ancient monk, there will be some unique self-defense treasures, you can be careful when you do it, don't let him slip off." Wang reminded.

"Reassured, I have something to play." The sword was unparalleled, and then the body shape directly went out.

The Jiujie Road is standing on the edge of the battlefield, looking at the battlefield in front, but the face gradually became gloomy.

The military knife and Raksha have three-way peak, the strength is not weaker than him, plus the skeleton, and now it is his two hands, it is completely suppressed. .

"People who didn't expect the blood knife were also, this is troublesome."

"Blood knife tissue, as a reincarnation of the first killer organization, the strength is extremely extraordinary, even if my ancient demon family is quite jealous, they are in today, this family is afraid."

The Jiujian Road is sinking, and it can be suddenly, and there is a vacia next to him.

The breath of the eternal bodies broke out, and the breath was closed with the anger.

"The damn ancient demon family, Laozi fights with you !!!"

A explosive drink, and suddenly swayed in this day.

This appears like a crazy, I want to find this nine swordway to respect the desperate soul.

Where is the nine sword road still standing, when he heard the burst of drinking, his dark scorpion flashed a touch.

He even looked too lazy to turn his head to the other side, he casually reached a finger, and grabbly chair.

A sword will take an amazing speed.

Although this sword is just a Jiujian Road, but the power is strong, but don't say an eternal border, even if it is a genuine turnover, it is not necessarily able to survive in this sword.

The swordsmanned, the first appearance as the Jiujian Road is like, this sword is directly in front of the people, the eternal border, it is too late to dodge, this sword is already on his body. .

That Eternal is still in front of the front, but the speed is suddenly reduced, and the body is beginning to weaken.

"The area of ​​the district, and I don't fight with me?" Nine swordsmanizes smile.

Can be disrespectful ...

The original speed that has been exploded, but suddenly looked up, followed, bomb!

In his space, the space behind him came, and his body was also in an instant, directly appeared in front of the Jiujian Road.

This speed, I don't know how many times I have to be fast than those that are very common.

"What?" Jiujian Road is not shocked.

He immediately turned to see the other party until this moment, he finally saw the opponent's face.

And when I saw this face, the nine swordsman's eyes were fierce.

"You, you are ..." The Jiujian Road honored his mouth, just wanted to say anything.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a smile, the cold is like the sound of the sauce, the word is not leaking to the ear of the Jiujian Road, and the sweat in the latter is all erected.

"Nine repairs, I haven't seen it for a long time!"


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