Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 104 No Shangjin Dan

After returning to the manor, Wang Yuan took out the wine.

"Ice heart drunk?" The sword is unparalleled with eyes. "This wine is rare to see you and drink."

"Haha, no way, happy today, drink with you." Wang Yuan is very cool, "Unfortunately, the second is not there, or it will be more happy today."

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. It can suddenly be moved, and it also flashes a lot of surprises.

"Wang Yuan is old, the old four, I am afraid I have to wait any more to drink alcohol." The sword has no double.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan looked up.

"I feel, I have to break through." The sword has no double.

"Breakthrough?" Wang Yuan blinded.

"Break through Jin Dan?" Su Guo immediately saw it.

And the sword is unparalleled, I blinked toward them.

In the room, the sword is unparalleled to sit on the bed, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

"It's worth 5,000 points, I didn't let me find a breakthrough opportunity when I swallow the first, and I have a breakthrough opportunity."

The sword is very surprised.

The chemical sea and the first day Jin Dan seem to just one step away, but the gap can be greatly amazing.

Especially the sword of the cultivation of the big days is unparalleled, breaking through Jin Dan, it is definitely his urgency.

After all, in this day, only the congenital goldenan can be a strong.

"let's start."

The sword did not dare to waste time. I found a breakthrough opportunity. She immediately ran to this to start breakthrough. At the same time, he also cleared a golden Yang Dan. Soon after the start of trying to break through, this Jinyang Dan went to swallow.

In the sword, the vast ultimate Linghai, the spiritual power of the vastness is already surging, and the Tiantian cracks will run, and a terrible suction is sudden in the sword. There is no double body broke out. The speed floods into the sword.

The sword is also a greedy absorbing.

When the last heaven and earth spirit, the breath is drilled into the body, the energy in the sword has no double body has reached the most, and the raging spiritual force is directly shocked by the barrier.


A sudden sound.

The sword is unparalleled, slightly silent.

"The bottleneck has broken through, the next is to build a unloaded Jin Dan!"

Daily creation is completely different from ordinary cultural practice.

Ordinary military broke through Jin Dan, it was normal for innocent goldenan, and the trend of the big day broke through Jin Dan, but it was a no Shang Jin Dan.


On the vast spirit of the sea, the spiritual power is crazy, but it is a faint purple light.

This purple light is a embryo, although the volume is very small, it is extremely dazzling, and with the vast spirit of the vast, this violet is getting more and more dazzling, the volume is also getting bigger and bigger.

The ultimate infant fist size is slow into shape. At that moment, the golden golden Dan surface is crackled off, and two golden edges have appeared in the next moment.

This Golden Dan also finally turned into purple golden Dan.

The sword is unparalleled and suddenly opened, the dark eyes, the blue white two colors are eager.

"No Jin Dan, become!"


Bast couch, the sword has no double twisted neck, a crisp bone sounds, the palm is slightly grip, a sense of power, let the sword have a lot of joy.

The next moment, the palm of the hand, the palm of the palm, and the air is directly in front of the front.


Void is a crisp bursting.

"There is no goldenan, this is no Shang Jin Dan." The sword has no double eyes.

When the truly breakthrough does not reach there is no golden Dan, the sword is unparalleled to understand, what is the so-called unsound Jin Dan?

The same is the same as the once the gods of God.

There is no golden Dan, and Jin Dan with ordinary practitioners is different.

There is a congenital Jindan who is not ordinary cultivator, it is terrible too much.

"I just broke through the unhappy golden Dan, I can only count Jin Dan, but my spiritual force broke out, but I feel more than a lot of Jin Dan Xiao Cheng." The sword is unpaid.

Just a punch, only 50% of the power, but the power of the fist is still much stronger than those Jin Dan.

If you go all out, the sword is unparalleled. It is absolutely enough to be satisfactorily comparable to normal Jin Dan, or even more powerful.

A Jin Dan Xiaocheng, the power of spiritual power broke out, but it is comparable to Jin Dan?

What is this concept?

There is only a big day to make a lottery, only the big days of the sky, can achieve this incredible scene.

Daily creation, step by step, step by step.

When the lack of lack, the sword is unlikely to have two realm than the ordinary martial arts.

When the sea level, the sword is unparalleled, it is the endless spiritual ocean!

And the congenital Jin Dan, the difference between him with the ordinary martial arts!

The power made by Jin Dan.

His strength of his unsuccessful Jin Dan is a hundred times of the same level!

He has just broken Jin Dan smashed, but it is enough to compete for Jin Dan.

"From today, I am also a strong man in this day." The sword did not stand up, and a thick breath was spread.

"Compair Jin Dan is a complete force, then cooperate with the sword feelings of the eleventh floor of the Longmen, my current strength, how much? I don't know if the strong in the dragon list is compared to the dragon list, and how?" Sword is unparalleled Hold your hands.

After a breakthrough has reached the unparalleled Jin Dan, those ordinary dragon palace disciples are no qualifications. When his opponent, even the white city, he or even no longer care, the only eligible, it is estimated that there is only one list. Su Lie in the dragon list.

The sword is unparalleled but confident. If he is really war with Su Li, he will win, absolutely more than 90%!


In the manor, Wang Yuan and Suirou have been waiting for the sword.

"The old three, he dares to get through the eleventh floor of Longmen, and now it has been welcoming the opportunity of breakthrough.

Su Guang nodded.

The sword feelings of the eleventh floor of Longmen, and then break through Jin Dan, the strength of swords and unparalleled strength will definitely have a huge leap.


The door of the sword unparalleled room was suddenly opened, followed by the sword with confident smile, there was no double.

Wang Yuan and Su Guang immediately looked at the sword. This time I saw the golden Dan atmosphere on the sword, and the two were immediately.

The sword is unparalleled, really breaking.


PS: Brothers, if you feel good, ask the recommended collection.

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