Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 105 Suofu's request

"Haha, it's really broken." Wang Yuan got up directly, and smiling is more cool.

"This goldenan is atmospheric ..." Su Suchen was surprised, because she was noticeable, the sword is unparalleled, but the golden Dan breathing of the golden Dan is unusually strong, and even more than those Jin Dan More stronger.

This breath is not active, and ordinary people can't feel it. It can be found because of some special reasons, she feels.

So she was shocked.

"One Jin Dan Xiaocheng, how can Jin Dan's breath so strong?" Su Fu felt incredible, but did not plan to ask.

And at this time, the sword was unparalleled.

"Come to the old three, hurry to drink one." Wang Yuan quickly took out the wine.

This time, the sword is unparalleled, and I have done it directly after I took my back.

"This is good, the old three you broke through Jin Dan, and I have passed the eleventh floor of Longmen. I have this brother. Now I have to look at the entire dragon palace, who else comes to find me. Trouble. "Wang Yuan laughed.

He has been very uncompected because of his own strength.

But now, it is different.

It is the so-called big tree, it is good, and the sword is unparalleled. It is a big tree.

"Old three." Su Guang is a bit more than saying.

"What's wrong?" The sword watched.

"I have something, I want to find you help." Su Zudao.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

For these brothers, swords are unparalleled.

Although the old four Su Jirui rarely speaking in the weekdays, it will never retreat at the critical time.

As soon, Su Lie is forced to fight with him, Su Soft is directly standing directly, and it is in front of him.

As a brother, it is enough to do this.

So as long as they need him to help, even if he will not resume it.

"This is the case, I got the news two days ago, saying that some people have found a black spree in the hundreds ofas, and when they were discovered, this black hydrauline was still thoroughly maturing a few days, and it should be in a few days. Let's have a great purpose to me. "Su said.

"Black Slim?" The sword is unparalleled.

He also heard of this black sparkling, it is a very rare genius.

This black sparkling can not only be used to alchemy, but the most important thing is that it has bred a black water lotus seed, black water lotus seeds have an incapacitated role in drilling and drilling.

It is said that a military person who compresses dripping is to swallow a black water lotus. After the essence of the absorption period, he will greatly enhance his feelings of dripping art.

In the Tianzong Dynasty, there have been many martial arts that have a lot of feelings of dripping, willing to pay a great price only to seek a black lotus seed.

"You want to use the black water lotus seeds, refreshment of dripping water?" The sword is unparalleled.

"No, I don't want black water lotus seeds, but black water lotus itself." Su Zudao.

This sword is unparalleled.

Tips, black spoiled, truly precious, is the black water lotus seed that it is baked. As for the black water lotus itself, there is no great purpose, and Su can refer to dripping artistic conception, according to the truth is very black lotus seed of.

But she, but it cares about the black water lotus.

"Black Slim is extremely precious, in the Tianzong Dynasty, there are many cultivators who have a lot of refreshing water to the black water lotus seeds, so this black water is born, will definitely attract a lot of strong people to catch, when they are not a turn Compete for. "Su said.

"And I have a cultivation of Jin Dan's completion, and it is not weak, but I don't have to grasp it in so many people to get Holuen."

The sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want me to go with you, help you grab the black lotus?" The sword has no double.

"Yes." Su Guang nod, "I originally wanted to wait for the old two, please go with me, or find a few strength disciples in the Dragon Palace, but now I have seen the old three, you have broken gold Dan, so ... "

"I understand." The sword was laughing, "When is it?"

Suiru is a joy, "Two days later."

"Well, I will take you." The sword is unparalleled directly.

Although I promised, the sword is still a little curious. Su Port is not interested in the black water lotus seed, but why is it too black?


Two days later, the sword was unparalleled with Su.

Walking in the Dragon Palace, the disciples from the surrounding passing, but they can't help but read the eyes.

"It's a sword!"

"This monster!"

"Does this have to go out?"

"I heard that he has broken through Jin Dan."

Although these Dragon Palace disciples discuss, there is no jealousy and envy.

After all, when a person's strength is far exceeded their imagination, when they can't touch the level, they naturally no longer envy, and some are just looking up.

They have long known that they are all people who have two different worlds with the other party.

In this case, what is better than fighting?

Outside the Dragon Palace, there have been two gold armor to ride a grybz waiting.

"Let's go."

The sword is unparalleled, and then he will take the lion to 100,000 mountains with Su.

And no one knows that the sword is unparalleled before, and the next moment, the white city immediately gave his message to the Bloody Pad.

During the dark study, the gray clothes were sitting on the chair, and two Ziki killers were standing in front of him.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have left the dragon palace." The old man looked up, and the cold eyes looked straight into these two purple killing.

"According to the news from the Dragon Palace, this sword is unparalleled through the eleventh floor of Longmen, sensationalizing the entire gantry, and he has already broken through the congenital Jin Dan!"

"In addition, he is only seventeen this year!"


The gray elderly slammed the table, the table of the green wood is shredded, and the body of the gray clothes is also stood up, and the sound of the anger is rising throughout the room.

"Seventeen-year-old Jindan!"

"Seventeen years old, passing the eleventh floor of Longmen!"

"What is this speed?"

"If you go on this speed, give him a few years, can he destroy my bloody down?"

The two purple killing killers who respectfully standed to hear this, trembling.

"Listen, immediately transfer all intelligence power, give me clearly, where I got, I found him!"

"Let the blood shadow team, the blood shadow team is ready to stand, once found the sword, unparalleled, immediately dispatched, desperate at all costs, giving me killing him."

"This time, I can't give him any chance!"

"If this time is also escaped, then all people participating in him, including you, all ...

The color of the gray clothes is cold to the ultimate, and the pounds of murder are covered with the entire room, making the room becomes cold.

And the two purple kilms heard this, couldn't help but encourage the throat, and immediately led to leave.


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