Booming ~~~

The bloody giant hand carrying the world's power, completely covered with the sword where the sword is located, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, although the speed is fast, but this moment can not escape from the scope of this bloody giant hand, can only look at the blood giant hand to rush to him.

"This is the attack of Tianzun, and it is not a general Tianzun, sword is unparalleled, you have to be careful." Said the king said that the voice is extremely solemn.

"Well." The sword has no longer looks back. "Guessing that this nine trim is sure some of the life-saving means, but he did not expect that he looked at the gifted attack."

The sword is unbolded, staring at the blood color giant hand covered above.

He is able to feel the power of the blood color giant, and it is absolutely more than a few times compared to the most powerful shot of the dream.

It is necessary to know the most powerful gun without dreams, but only reach the threshold of Tianzun, but it still causes him to be injured, and now this blood color giant hand ...

"No matter what, I can't sit still!"

The sword has fallen in a bumper, and the power of the ancient gods is constantly giving together his right hand.

"The second finger of the ancient god, the broken star!"


One finger pointed out that an ancient gods appeared in the air, and this ancient god is also pointed out.

Huge golden giant finger, contains the power of the stars, and the bloody giant hand is directly bombarded.

This point is that there is no double stage of swords, and the strongest tricks that can be displayed!

On Weon, the second finger of the ancient god, is stronger than him.


Golden giant fingers, taking the front of the blood.

In an instant of contact, the space is in a burst of burst, a huge foot filled the space of thousands of miles.

This space is madly spread, and it also spreads to a few families nearby. Once they are swallowed by this black hole, they are immediately crushed in order to squat, and there is no hitting.

Two horrible power, frontal collision.

However, this collision, but only a moment, less than a breath, the golden giant finger of the sword is unparalleled, it is completely rushing.

The golden giant refers to the collapse, and the blood giant hand has no stops, and the sword is directly oppressed.

"I can only rely on the blood." The sword has a flame flame in burning.

The horrible blood giant hand, the sword is unparalleled, and the power will completely explode.

Time, Tianshal!

The horrible aftertime, crazy sweeping around, even those who are the battlefield's edges also reveal the color of the horror, but they did not dare to touch.

The most central, which is the most central, is also ruined.

"It is possible to force me to take out the life of life, the sword is unparalleled, you are also worthy of arrogance." Jiu Xiu stood in the void, and the eyes were cold and looked forward.

In his opinion, such a horrible energy broke out unless it is Tianzun, no one can survive.

The sword is unparalleled, but in essence, it is only a eternal border, which is the most important thing to break out in this power, it must be dying.

Can be disrespectful ...


The sharp harsh wind suddenly sounded.

"What?" The nine repaired the face, immediately turned to see, vague intermity can see a lavender sword.

And behind the lavender light sword, a black robes are indifferent to standing there, and the sword is unparalleled.

"How is it possible?" Nine watched his eyes, "How can he have not damaged under the terrible attack? And when did he go to me?"

Although it is unbelievable, but the nine times is still immediately swing, and the lavender light sword will be blocked.

The lancet, the lavender light sword shocks to the rear, and the nine times is also shocked, and the direction of nine repairs and retreat is the place where the blood giant broke out, where there is a dramatic energy storm, but also Not completely dissipated.

But at this time, a ghost figure, but he was unfolded in the energy storm.

Although this figure is incomparable, the speed of this moment is especially amazing, seeing nine times and retreat, this people sword directly.

It is still the beautiful sword, although the consciousness attack has little effect on nine times, but that speed is played.

The sword is ruthlessly brushed.

That Nine Temple only felt that his throat was painful, and his body has been firmly standing there.

"That is ... bordered?" Nine repaired pupils made a boss, at this moment he finally understood, but it was too late.

"Jian Feng, suppression!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword in the hand starts to change immediately.

It is clearly a scarlet, like a sword of the killing of the airborne sea, a blink of an eye to a giant mountain.

This giant mountain rushed from the sky, directly toward the body of nine times.

If the Jiu Xiu is a peak period, the sword is unparalleled. It is impossible to suppress him, but now the head of the nine repairs, although because of the understanding and still the relationship, it is not completely dead, but it has lost its actions in a short time.

~~~ The giant mountain is at the bottom of the mountain, suddenly there is a black hole, and the secret of Xuan'ao is swept in the bottom of the black hole. It covers the sky, and it has formed a plenty of law.

This is a complete package of the body of nine times.

"Do not!"

Jiu Xe only came to send a low, and was completely swallowed by the black hole, and there was no voice.

The sword is unparalleled.


The sword has no strong sense of surprise, and his killing is also appearing next to it.

This time, in order to crack the nine repairs, the sword is unparalleled, but in addition to the sneak attack, he has long soon to hide his own killing, waiting for the opportunity, but just, his killing this is to find the opportunity , One shot, and then cooperate with his world's own, this is to get.

"The power of the blood giant hand is really strong enough, I don't know if it is from the ancient monk." The sword is unmarkable.

The blood giant hand is really terrible, even after the second refers to his ancient gods, the power is not slightly weak, directly oppressed in the sword. There is no double body, and the bloody will be weakened directly in the sword. The smell of the blood giant hand, plus the sword is unparalleled as the Samsung Royal King, the flesh is extremely powerful, and the remaining a powerful impact.

Although he hit him, it is not enough to completely kill him.

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