Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1040 makes it, earn!

"Of course, although I am strong, I have bloody, but I want to have a sky, but I am still not enough, just like the attack, if I come twice, then I am not resistant. Live. "The sword is unparalleled.

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the battlefield of the surrounding.

While the sword is unparalleled with Jiu Xiu, the surrounding battlefield has been continuing, the two guards of nine repaired, although I saw the nine-year crisis, I also want to rescue, but they were killed by the army, Raksha 2 people entangled Live, I can't find a chance to get out.

By now, when they see that nine times are unparalleled and double crackdown by the sword.

"Quickly put the nine swords, otherwise, no matter whether it is the end of the horizon, my ancient monk will will let you die!" The wild man who waved the giant ax made a burst.

"Oh, the end of the earth? Can you catch up with it." The sword is unparalleled, but then waves, and throws a Qiankun army knife.

"Stroke, this is the rest of the reward, I hope you can be entangled in it for a while." The sword said.

The army took the Qiankun Ring. After browsing it, nodded. "I can drag them for a quarter for you. After a quarter, the ancient monk is coming, I have to leave."

"It's enough." The sword is unparalleled, and then it will not pay attention to the crowd on the battlefield, but turned to the vast space of the rear.

"Breast, there is a courageous!" The wild man drove.

"Stupid goods, he has already grabbed the nine swords, it is hard to stay here to stay here, waiting for your ancient monk," the army knife ridiculously. "

"Damn!" The wild man is ugly, he and another three-way peak, you want to get rid of the army knife, Luoqi two people's entanglement to chasing the sword and unparalleled, the army knife and Luo brain are good at entangled, each other The strength is similar.

If the army is taking advantage of Rakshasu, they are difficult to walk.

The military knife and Rakshasa also follow the agreement, and then entangled a quarter of an hour. After a quarter, the two had a shape.

"Time is here, now you want to go, I will stop with the army." That Chu Chu's teenage girl laughed.

"You two of them!"

The two men in the wild man have a gloomy, although it is now tenty, but his two have no longer chasing the sword.

After all, it has passed the time of a quarter.

For a quarter, although it is not long, the strength reaches the level of them, I don't know how long it can kill. If I escape, I can escape from a quarter of an hour. The distance is far away. If there is no guidance, the light is blindly chasing, and it will not be chased.

"Thermal knife, Luo], today, my ancient demon is remembered, if the Jiujian said, there is a three long two short, more than you are, and your blood knife, you have to give him a burial!" Savage man Low drink.

"Hey, when are you scared?" The army did not take care of it.

"Although the ancient demon family is strong, my blood knife is not a vegetarian. If I really want to turn my face, how will my blood knife? I don't know, but the people of your ancient monk, I can only stay in your nest in your nest, and then Don't want to go out, come out, my blood knife will assassinate one! "Raksha also cooked.

I heard this, the wild man was angry.

"Okay, then go!"

"let's go."

The savage man said, and left another person.

As for the nun, they have not been in the mood.

Above the void of the landlord, the army stood in parallel with Rakshasa.

"This time, the ancient demon family is afraid of being able to get crazy." The army said indifferent.

"Hey, after all, this time is the nine sword, that is the baby's baby's baby!" Luo brach is smiling. "I am not a curiosity of the ancient monk, but it is more curious. The employer, before he only entered the two guards of Jiujian Dao Zun, I thought he was arranged for another strong to deal with the nine swords, but did not expect that he actually shot? "

He personally shoted to suppress the Jiujian Road, but he was successfully successfully used to use the strongest base card, and the fullness of Tianzun is unable to kill him! "

"A eternal can have this energy-resistant, the whole turn back to the mainland, even the entire green world, only one person!"

"Sword is unparalleled!" The eyes of the army smashed.

Whether it is him, still Raksha, after seeing the sword, there is no double shot, they have guess the only one of the swords.

Don't guess at all, the answer is obvious.

In the green world, in addition to the sword is unparalleled, there is no second eternal, it can have the strength and means of this anti-day.

"I didn't expect, our employer, actually was a boring sword that the whole round of the mainland came a few times!" Raksha low smiled.

"This sword is unparalleled, the gut is really extraordinary, before killing the only son of the Tianshi old ancestors, causing the old ancestors to have 20 mixed-chaotic crystals, and he is full of the world, and he encompasses an old man. The ancestors are still not enough, but they still have a more terrible ethnicity than the heavenly old ancestors, but also the crime of the ancient demon family.

"Right, this sword is unparalleled, but the value of 20 mixed chaos, let's don't ..." Luoqi did not finish.

"I have already told this matter, as for how the old guys decided, I haven't need to do it, our mission has been completed, or hurry to leave here." Said the army.


Luoqi nodded, and then the two immediately left.

The rest of the remains of the skeleton, but a head of the head, and now I haven't figured out what is going on.


Emperor Head City, still in the remote shop, the thin old man who received the sword has received a message from the army.

"Oh? The kid is actually sword is unparalleled?" The thin old man is first surprised, but it will be released quickly. "In fact, I should think of it. If it is an ordinary eternal, how can it be so simple to take 28 chaos? Crystal? "

"The sword is unparalleled, the Tianshi old ancestors have been looking for him crazy, but I didn't expect that my blood knife organized the first one to learn about his drops."

I laughed a few words, then this thin and weak old man came up with an ancestor, and the news that the sword was unparalleled was conveyed to the heaven.

"This task, although he said, he got the twenty-eight mixed chaotic crystals, plus the twenty mixed chaos crystals from the Tianshi's ancestors, close to 50, haha, earning, earn ! "


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