"The sword is unparalleled, even ran to the heavenly field!"

"Sin of sin, my hello, now the crime of the ancient demon" ... "

When the Tianshen ancestors learned about this news, it also flashed.

"The Jiujian Road is respected, the ancient demon family must be crazy to chase this sword is unparalleled, but the little child can only die in my heightest!"

"Top Ten Protects, Departure!"

The Tianshi Laozu led his top ten prototypes and immediately left the sky.

At the same time, in the ancient demon family.

The Jiujian Road was honored by the sword, and the ancient monk received the news in the first time, and immediately became anger.

"Whoever doesn't know that the nine sword is my baby's baby, the sword is unparalleled, and the big courage!"

"It's good to take the ground, I left a secret line in the nine sword very early. Now this secret pickup is still inherent, the nine sword should have not dead."

"From the present, bring the nine sword back, and then kill the sword without lively."

One of the three big days of the ancient demon family, winter Ming Tianzun, also personally moved.


After the sword is unparalleled from the skeleton, they will flip all the way.

"Nine Repair !!!"

The sword has no bisector is cold, and consciousness has been covered in the blood peak sword, and he also urged several prohibitions in Jianfeng.

Those ban, each is particularly strong, enough to be abandoned.

The nine repairs within Jianfeng, at this moment, his flesh has been repaired. In the face of a fear of he tortured him, strong from the pain of the soul, so that he is striking.

"Where is my mother now, there is everything about her, all said, otherwise ..." The sword is unparalleled.

When I heard this, the twistedness of the nine repaired, but squeezed a smile, this scorpion looks that the , "Hey, the sword is unparalleled, do you take me as a fool? I am saying, then Still life? "

"Don't say, you are as dead as you!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Then look at it first, who is going to die first!" The nine ways are also crazy.

He is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, not directly killing himself, just want to know some secrets from his mouth.

He does not open, there is still a vitality, after all, the ancient monk's strongman will come to save him.

Once the opening, he is sure, the sword is unlikely to kill him directly.

"It's really hard enough, then I have to endure, how long can you have to endure!" The sword is unparalleled, the power of the ban has risen again, and the pain of nine times is doubled.

Nine repairs have suffered hard, and in the Jianfeng, there is still one person, but it is desperately shouting.

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you torture him, is your business, it doesn't matter! I have nothing to do!"

"Your ban, also spread to me ... ah !!"

"Stop, stop, hurry!"

This is called screaming, pain, obvious voice of the voice is suffering from huge torture.

"Oh, sister?" The sword was unparalleled.

Many years ago, he crimmed the traitor of Jianzu in Jianfeng. Have time to drive banned torture him. Now tortured for many years, the sister has been tortured, there is no temper, sword is unparalleled It's too lazy to deal with him.

Today, Nine repaired into Jianfeng, and the sword is unparalleled to get tortured. Although most of them are tied to the nine times, there can be small partial balances to the sister.

It was once again afforded, and he was naturally painful.

But the sword is unparalleled but does not pay attention to it.

"This Jianfeng is used to get a lot of banned people, and most of them are very strong, but unfortunately, I am now inseparable." The sword didn't have a dark.

He got the blood peak sword and has been many years.

The blood peak sword can be used to kill, and the second is to suppress the power.

When used to kill, the blood peak sword's powerful sword is unparalleled. It is much stronger than a lot of emperors, and its suppression can be, in the sword, there is no more than a double, it should be more good than the killing ability. This is just that this suppression ability sword is unparalleled.

"The master is given to me, the sample is extraordinary, this blood peak sword is not a million product." The sword is unmartbered.

"It is indeed unfair." The king also suddenly opened, "Your sword, I just thought it was only a strong emperor who was more stronger, but later I found that this sword was very unique, even more exceeded The category of the gods, especially its suppression, can only be. "

"One hand can have the ability to suppress the energy, single one, its value is not general, maybe the value of this sword, not much, how much is it better than your blood."

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled and smiled.

Bloody will armor, that but the chaotic poem.

What is the value of blood peak swords? That is naturally very rare.

In the entire green world, even the strongest round returning the main, the void hall, Tang Huang, whether there is a chaotic Qibao, but the sword is unparalleled, it already has two pieces, and even he also has one The disabled chaos godshan river social map ...

"Let the nine times stay in Jianfeng, etc. I will not believe that he is not honest." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that things are not as simple as you think." The voice of the king suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I just pericated that there is a secret lipit on the nine repair. If I have not guess, this secret line should be that the ancient monk's Tianzun strong is deliberately stayed on him, through this secret line, ancient demon The family should be very clear that the location should be the location of his position. "Said the King said.

"What?" The sword did not have a double color.

This means of sensing classes, although there is no role in weekdays, but if it is critical, the importance is big.

Like cold as frost, Tang Huang left a mark on her, and then gave the sword without double an ambulance. If the sword is unparalleled, if it goes to the ancient chaotic world, you can find him with this. Wife.

There is a similar means on this nine trim, and the ancient monk is also purely in order to protect nine repairs.

"There is that secret pattern, the ancient demon family can also find you easily, no accident, now, the Tianzun strong people of the ancient monk are already chased by you."

"Dai Wang, can't you clear the secret line?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If he does not resist, give me half a day, I can clear the secret lippet, but if he fully resists, it will be more troublesome." .

"Even if you don't resist, have you been half a day?" The sword was unparalleled.

For a long time, it was very long for him, and he was so long to find him with the speed of ancient demon.

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