Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1042 is worthy of adventure!

"The sword is unparalleled, that nine tribute to know that the strong people of the ancient demon will come to save him, the bottom is very hard, you want to get the message you want from his mouth before the ancient demon family, it is impossible, so, I suggest you kill him directly. "Xi Wang solemnly said.

"Kill him?" The sword was slightly smoldering.

He is full of murdering for nine times, and he has also really wants to kill this nine repair.

But before this, he still wanted to know his mother's drop in Jiu Xun, and many secrets inside the ancient demon family.

"It's hard to let this nine trims. Have the opportunity to learn from his mouth, how can you give up?" The sword is holding hands, and the heart is rising.

Yes, he is not willing!

He spent so much robust to suppress nine repairs, and even if you don't have to organize the blood knife for the 28th chaotic crystal, you want to get the answer he wants to know from the Jiu Xun.

If it is just just to kill nine repairs, do you need this trouble?

Now, he has already suppressed nine times. At this time, you can have a loss because of the strong people of the ancient demon.

Thinking of this, the sword has no difference in the blind.


The sword in the rapid plundering is unparalleled, and it stops.

The shape is shaking, killing this respect.

The sword is unparalleled to waive your own Qiankun, and the many treasures, all hand it over to the killing.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you really decide?" The voice of the King kings sounded in the sword.

"Well." The sword has no double heart. "I will let my killings with my many treasures, including the mountain river social map, ensuring my life, and my world's respect, with blood peak sword , Bloody will go to the ancient demon family! "

"I have many big cards, plus the nine trims and in my hand, you can talk to the ancient demon family, even if you talk, even if you finally turn your face, you can't kill my world. "

"In addition, even if my world is killed by the ancient demon, I lost, but only the blood of the sword and the blood of the blood, but my life, but I won't lose there!"

"Treasure is gone, you can find a way again in the future, but this opportunity, missed, may not have next time."

"At the beginning, the father was only for the future, there was a chance to see the mother, and did not hesitate to go back. This is not returned, and today, it is difficult to have the opportunity to know the drizzle of the mother, just just a risk, it is worthy of me. do!"

The sword is unparalleled, the expression is very good, and the bottom is determined.

"In this case, then fight once, you have a bloody to defense, plus my recovery ability, even if you are in person, you want to kill you, it is not easy." Zhen Wang Zheng said.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

Immediately, his killing was lurked out, and the world's book took the blood peak sword, with the nine repairs in the blood peak sword, and continued to play forward.

While plundering, he continues to strengthen the torture and persecution of the nine repairs.

Now he is to compare with nine, which is longer than who supports.

It is the first to get the ban on the ban in Jianfeng. Let all the whole plate to tell the sword. There is no parallel, or the sword is unparalleled first by the ancient monk's strong, and then kill, who insists on the end, who is the win By.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the ancient people's strong people are not far from the sword.

"Fast, it is already very close!"

The winter of the ancient monk is like a lightning, and the speed is in the void. It is a long way to look at the front. He can induce the extremely far, the secret lines on the nine trim.

"Half time, most of the time, I can catch him!"

"Nine swords, I hope you can support half an hour."

Winter Mingmu is murmured.

at this time……

"Winter Ming Tianzun." A message suddenly passed.

When the winter, the sky is moving, and immediately took out anorge.

"Bawen Lao Zu?" Winter Shengzun was surprised.

He has had a feet between heaven, but there is nothing to make each other, even if it is a mess, it is because he has had some entanglement with the ancient demon family, will be left.

However, winter Ming Tianzun also knows that the Tianshi's ancestors rewards the sword unparalleled, so I also guess the intention of the heaven.

"Dynasty old ancestors, you are also unparalleled for the sword?" Winter Ming Tianzun returned.

"Yes." Bawen Ancestral: "The sword didn't kill my son, I naturally kill him revenge, and I heard that you are also chasing him now, and if I have not guess wrong If you should have locked the child's position? "

"It is indeed locked." Winter Ming Tianzun nodded.

"Tell me the position of his present, this seat must personally put the kid thousands of knives!" Dawgu old ancestors.

"I can tell you his position, but I hope that when you are in your day, you can guarantee the safety of our nine swords and roads as much as possible." Winter Ming Tianzun said.

"Oh? Is the nine swords of Jiujie still dead?" The heaven and old ancestors smiled, but he nodded, "I promise you!"

"Well, his current position is ..."

Winter Ming Tianzun informed the sword unparalleled in the position of the Tianshi.

After getting a sword where the sword is unparalleled, he has rushed over with the strong of him.

"Haha, the kid just fled in the direction of this seat, no accident, he immediately talked with this seat." The old ancestor sound is cool.

"The heavenly ancestors, remember to ensure the safety of Jiujian Road." Winter Ming Tianzun is quickly reminded.

It is a vast plain that is a vast plain.

Wearing a bloody robes, the sword of the long sword is unparalleled, and the rapid moves in front.

"From my suppression of nine times to now, I have passed the two hours of the past, the strong people of the ancient demon," the sword is unmarkable. "

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled, and it can be clearly seen in the end of the mountain, the end of the mountain, the old, the old, the old man who is thinner.

This old man is like an eagle, and the hole wears voids, and the sword is directly seen.

Single this is a single point, you can't help but you can't help but

The sword is unparalleled in the void, and the eyes are also seen in the old man.

"This seat ... dominery!"

A voice containing anger, as in the endless thunderstorm, in the big void, and also passed to the sword unparalleled ear.

"Dynasty?" The sword has no double inner, "Dynasty old ancestors!"


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