Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1043 is over!

Single ancient demon family, the pressure on the sword is unparalleled, there is a huge pressure, now I will come to a heavenly ancestor?

Calling with snow!

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat is finally found!"

The heavenly ancestor is killed with the endless fierce, and the next moment, he is a big hand.

The distance from the distant distance is separated by the old ancestors, and the palm is not a double shot. The palm is also growing up while penetrating the space.

In the end, it seems like a giant mountain, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is not double-finished, and it is a sword.


The vast ancient gods of the ancient gods came to the hands of both hands, and the sword was unparalleled to open the three ways of opening up.

"Break me!"

It's quite horizontal, just a sword of the first elder, collided with the front of the 'giant mountain' '.


A big rang, a lot of power is crazy, and it feels like a large amount of gravel on the 'giant mountain' '.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is straight back to a few steps.

"too strong!"

The sword is unbounded in the eyes.

The distance from the far away from him, at the palm of his, the power is constantly weakening, and it can eventually hit his sword, and he has completely crushed him, and even the burst of him. Return.

This strength ...

"It is worthy of the famous old ancestors of the famous Hehe, the strength is really!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, you can take the palm, your strength is not good, no wonder can kill me, but today, you must be accompanied by me!"

"Funeral? Look at you can really be resistant." The sword is unparalleled, but the next moment is turned, and the voids are blooming.

Obviously, he wants to escape.

"Want to escape?" The old ancestors smiled, "Do you escape?"

"What?" The sword did not change the double-color, in front of him, I didn't know when I came out.

The ten stones are standing in parallel, and the breath is very strong, and the light is the three-way peak, there is a three-point, other seven, that is also close to the peak level.

These ten people are hurting the top ten care laws under the heaven.

Ten people, blocking the sword unparalleled.

"Before there is a heaven and old ancestor, the back is the strongman of the ancient demon, I have been blocked by this ten people." The sword is unbolded, but it is very fast. Color.

"There is no way, forcibly in the past!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peaks in the hands have burst out Herhewi, his body shape, easy to shuttle, even if you know that there is a top ten road to the road, but the speed is still there.

"It's so biliary, I want to force the past!"

"Hey, don't self)!"

"Since he is looking for death, then we have all!"

That ten Daozun fangs are cold, when the sword is neither a double shape.


Ten people shot at the same time ...

Ten Madao is teamed up, but also ten very strong roads, especially there are three three-way peak.

This shot, I saw a way or rapid, or violent, or the offensive of lightning, and the sword was unparalled.

The sword is unparalleled is a crazy, and the blood peak sword in the hand is quickly waved.

" " " "

One of the swords and light came out, and the sword did not play the ultimate swords to achieve the ultimate, and the swordsman also played the extreme.

With the sound of the impact, the sword is unparalleled, but only has only blocks six attacks, but there are still four attacks without smashing, and the ability of his defense against the sky. These four attacks only make the blood rolling in the body, but there is no too much harm.

"This kid defense is really powerful!"

"What is it? We teamed up with our hands, he died!"

"kill him!"

This ten Daozun has a murder skyrocket, and the powerful offensive will come to the sword without double attack.

"Slow, my sword, still too slow!"

"I have a faster, fast, I will block the attacks at the same time."

The sword is unbough, but his inner heart is completely calm.

Unprecedented calm and focuses.

This is the sword is unparalleled. The more you encounter the crisis, and his consciousness is more and more.

When I saw that the offensive again came again, the sword was unbentered in the middle of the sword.

"Give me!"


The horrible swordsman broke out.

It seems that only swords are only a sword, but when there is time, there is a footwatch sword light.

Ten swords and light, not only the speed is amazing, and each of them contains horrible power, almost at the same moment, with the top of the top of the Ten Ages, and the power broke out.

During the end, the shape of the Ten Ages has been shocked out.

The sword is unparalleled to catch this empty block, the body is like a fish, and it is easy to get rid of the lacemurity of the Ten Avenue.

When I got rid of this Ten Avenue, the sword was unparalleled, and the amazing speed was opened immediately, and she started to escape.

That is not easy to stand the top ten roads, see this scene, and an expression is very exciting.

"How can it be?"

"His sword, how fast?"

"It's too fast, it is clear that it is a sword with a sword. It can give people a sword."

"We are ten people, three three turn peaks, seven three-way high-level road to join hands, it can't stop him?"

This ten avenue is honored by a head.

Standing in the temple of the mountains, he never shot this scene, and also surprised.

He thought that there were ten prototypes to stop the sword. The sword is unparalleled. It can be difficult to escape. The sword is unparalleled.

This, the old ancestors can't sit.

"A group of waste!"

Dawuant's ancestors drank the Ten Ages, then his figure was turned into a dark flow of flow, and chased it out in the direction of the sword unparalleled.

The heavenly old ancestors are the swallowing bats of the Safety of the Tiantians. He is the most good at speed.

On the speed, he is more than the sword. The sword is unparalleled. It is a first step, and it is far away. It can be just a moment, this is the rear of the sword. Not far away.

"That Tianshi, the speed is fast, my Aurora Sword has just made a breakthrough, reaching the sky, the speed is also skyrocketing, can be compared with this domineering, the gap is still very obvious." The sword is unparalleled. The existence of Tianmu.

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