Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1044 Escape!

Just just, the sword is unparalleled, the magical sword, breaking through!

The Aurora Sword is the second Jianjie, the sword, unparalleled, before, from the Rock Devil's fifth, the sword is unparalleled in the swords, and the sword is returned, and the sword has been raised to the sky, and the Aurora The kennel is the edge of breakthrough.

And just faced the murdere of the top ten roads, in the crisis, the sword is unparalleled, but its potential is completely excited. The Aurora Sword is directly broken through the sky, the sword is soaring, which will be The top of the Ten Avenue is full, and the top ten roads will be shocked.

"The three ways of opening up have reached the level of the heavens and the earth. The overall strength will once again increase a bit. Now I, although it is not more than the general sky, but the gap should not be big." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you still have a mood now? You should now find a way to get rid of the heavenly ancestor, the swallowing bat, the speed can be more faster than you, and he has not exposed your own body. Once the body is exposed, the speed can absolutely increase several steps again. "The voice of the King sounded.

When I heard this, the sword was unbedo.

He also perceived the distance from himself to the heavenly ancestors.

It is estimated that I can't use it for a while, and the old ancestors can catch up with him.

"There is no way, can only fight!" The sword is unparalleled and the hands are all grasped. "Dynasty king, fully help me!"

"Okay." Niu Wang nodded.

The sword is unblocked is a condensed.

"Dragon Blood Secret!"

~~~ The sword is unparalleled in the vast spirit, instantly starts rapid burning.

His body is also filled with a heavy blood mist. With the crazy burning of spiritual power, the speed of swords and unparalleled speeds have skyrocketed more than ten times.

call out!

The sword is unparalleled for a bloody, and the fierce brushed over the empty space, tens of thousands of miles away, and you will die.

After following the sword, there is no double, immediately catch up with the heavenly ancestors, see this scene, the face is not changed.

"what happened?"

"The speed of the kid, how to improve so much, this feeling, I am afraid that I have improved more than ten times!"

The original sword was unparalleled before, and it was already surprised by the heavenly ancestors. But now this speed suddenly increased ten times, then he has surpassed the level of the three turnover, even if it is a general Tianzun At the speed, it is very difficult to say if it is unparalleled with the sword.

"What kind of secret is he made?" He frowned.

He guessed that the sword is unparalleled to show a particular secret, which can increase its speed.

However, there is a lot of secrets that enhance speed in a short time in a short time, but these secrets have become less and lower, as soon as soon as soon as possible, I have a lot of secrets. Surgery, you can make a three-turn trip directly to double the speed, and even the soups can also improve nearly 30%.

This secret, has been made by the strong people in all parties, countless strong people to compete, and even two Tianzun also personally come to compete.

But now, the sword has no two secrets, and the speed is directly upgraded twice?

What is this concept?


The heavenly old ancestors screamed, and immediately showed a secret, and the speed of his speed was completely exerted.

But in this way, this Tianshi can only be far behind the sword, but it can no longer draw the distance.

"Hey, although the secret can be good, but the secret can be used, it is certainly very high. This seat does not believe that the kid can support it." The old ancestors were eager to have a strong cold.

And the sword in front of the rapid escape, the speed is also not reduced.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, your kid's body is really a lot, this secret, I still see you for the first time, with the price of burning, so that you have skyrocketed so much, this secret Even if it is not common in the vast chaotic world. "The laughter of the king sounded in the sword.

"This secret is to give me the teacher, although the cost is very big, but it is absolutely first class." The sword said.

"Your master is really good, the means is endless, and it is also loved to your disciple, giving you so much good things." Yu Wang smiled.

"Master is good for me, I remembered my grace, but the Master said that he will only give me these things without compensation. As for the future, if I ask, I have to have myself. Pay the price. "The sword has no double.

"Well, it is normal, a teacher who really wants to think about it is absolutely not too pet disciple. You have given you these treasures, and it is enough."

"Now, don't say this, King, my current spirit consumption is very big, your recovery speed, caught up?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The spiritual burning, the consumption is too huge, I have to make a whole effort, I can't help you make up for it, but I can make you maintained a long time. If you show this secret, you can only maintain a day. Then I can let you keep at least three days. "Yu Wang Zheng said.

"It's enough." The sword didn't smile, and at the same time, there were several Dan medicine in his hands.

These medicinal herbs are the sword unparalleled from those who are killed by him. They are all-in-law.

Before the sword is unparalleled, although the vast majority of treasures have been killed, it is still a treasure in the world's own, and almost all treats, even two can be in a short time. Forces directly resumed 50% of medicinal herbs, these two Dan medicine are left.

With these medicinal herbs, plus the recovery of Kings, even if it has always maintained the first weight burning of the dragon blood, the sword is self-confident, you can persist for a few days or longer.

Recently, he did not believe that the nine repaired the ban on his Jianfeng's banned torture, and he was able to stick to it.

Two people, a chasing, almost only using a solution, and pulling this is full of full crossings of millions of miles.

The Tianshi old ancestors thought that the sword was unparalleled, and the fundamental support did not have a long time, but the past has gradually passed ...

Half quarter, a quarter!

Half time!

One time!

In the past two hours, the speed of the sword was not paused. Instead, it was a sudden consumption of the heavenly ancestors, and the spiritual power also had a small consumption, and he also began to swallow the drug.

And two of them, in these two times, I didn't know how far, I have passed the place of residence in many ethnic groups in the way, and countless citys, countless strong people, all by this Crazy chase shocked.


PS: four more.

I have been in New Year, a lot of things, especially in this year, more things.

Now let me say that the update arrangement will be next a few days.

Starting today, until the 31st number of this month, it is normal four more updated, whether it is New Year's Eve, or the New Year's Day, killing will be four more normal updates, this is the limit, don't want to explode in the New Year, after all It's also a person, the New Year is also going to rest, and the reason can be updated normally. It must also be a crazy code reputation in the past few days. It can give you a new year's normal four update, it is already very limited.

Brothers, I have to understand, I have been waiting for the first month, which is the beginning of the first five, and then I want to add more.

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