Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1045 Daddy

This chase, although only two hours, the movement that can be triggered is too big.


The whole world of monsters, and even the entire round, they were alarmed.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to be careful, I have to be very low, he is good, I am afraid that I am not provoking enough, I actually honor the Jiujian Road of the ancient demon family to suppress." The old town of the Temple of the Temple of Temple Ding Ye, I know this news, but I am shocked.

"Killing the son of the heaven, now she is craving, the Jiujian Dao Zun, the ancient demon family, this sword is unparalleled, the gut is really big enough, but he is now being killed by the ancestors of the Tianshi, ancient demon family I don't have to let him, I don't know if he can spend this crisis. "There is no dream and honor.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Long Wing City Lord knows this after the matter, but there is no double concerns for the sword. "Single a domineering ancestors is extremely unpredictable, now provoke ancient demon family, hey, hope that his Ji people have Tianto. "

Ding Yumin is a high-rise power of the temple, and naturally received the news.

Long Wings The master is good, so it will also get news.

Returning to the mainland, all parties forces, all parties, and soon they have soon got this news.

Rotating back to the mainland four peak ethnic groups ... blood repair Luo Yi family.

Blood repair Luo Yun, is the whole round of many ethnic groups, the only group, the spirit, the strength, the ancient demon family with the blood repair, Luo Yifang, more than the other two peak ethnic groups, must be strong .

Like the ancient monk, in the reincarnation of the mainland, can only say that "faint 'is called the first ethnic group, but is not recognized?

That is because he has the existence of blood repair.

At this moment, it is within this blood.

In the endless ancient forest, the mountains stand, countless palace counters, all the corners of the mountains, the top of the towering, with a high-rise, with a beautiful black girl, stand over there.

This black girl looks at a little weak, but it can be sent out, but it is full of convulsions.

This tall attachment is definitely the most important place for blood removal, no one, the hemorrhaship has accumulated the heritage of the year, there are Jiu Chengdu in this high-rise building, naturally this high-rise building is also guarded.

Even if there is a whole blood repair Luo Yun, it is eligible to enter this attic, and it will not exceed ten people. It is eligible to stand in the top of this attic. It is only three people, and this black girl is it. one.

Black girl is indifferent, standing on the top of the attic overlooking, the eyes are also somewhat, do not know what to write.

At this moment, the two people passed from the voids next to the attic, while brushing, the two men were still talking freely.

For these two people, the black girl did not care, but after she heard the words of the conversation of the two, the black girl has changed.

"You received a message? The morutinth hell of the ancestors is said that now is chasing the sword is unparalleled?"

"Hey, so big news, how can I not know? I also heard that the sword is unparalleled and suppressed. The Jiujian Dao Zun, the ancient demon family, the ancient demon family is also anger, and it is also crazy to kill him. "

"This sword is unparalleled, it is really a big courage!"

"Hey, what is the big courage, I think, he is self-found, and the Tianshi old ancestors teamed up with the ancient demon family, I don't believe that he can escape today."

The two people talking is the two strong people of the blood of the romoric.

Two two in the reincarnation of the mainland have a lot of arrogance. There are also many friends. At that, the whole sky mad domain or even the mainland is shocked, and the two have got a message.

The two were originally just a casual conversation, and it was suddenly ... ! The black girl with the top of the high attachment appears in front of these two people.

Seeing the emergence of black girls, these two people are surprised, but they are immediately greeted.

"See the Holy Lord!"

These two roads are respectful, and they respect.

"You just said that the sword is unparalleled, which sword is unparalleled?" The black girl is inquiry, and the sound is somewhat urgent.

These two Daozun could not help but immediately replied: "Go back to the Holy Lord, we are not very clear about the sword unparalleled calendar, we only know that this sword is only just an eternal But the power is extremely terrible, even the three-way peak, he can kill. "

"And it is said that he is from the ancient world, and it is very young, born to now, than two thousand years."

"Well?" The black girl is full of light, "from the ancient world, and born to two thousand years, but the war is particularly powerful?"

"Is him?" Black girl murmured, but the bottom is not determined.

After all, the fire community is too big.

The more familiar number of thousands of years is a lot. Such a big world, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how many people will have, and a person who has similar words and practicing time is also normal.

Although I can't affirmed, the black girl still decided to find out.

"Xiong Mountain!"

"let's go!"

Black girl is immediately moving, and at the moment of her, I!!! A road is rushing, and there have been behind this black girl. When I look at it, I have more than ten movements, and more than ten movements are particularly powerful.

Especially the nearest way to the black girl, like a brown bear, the breath of the indifferent man, has exceeded the category of Daozun, and it is a genuine Tianzun strong.

"I hope, I hope it is him!"

Black girl is tightly holding hands, but the eyes are with a hint.

The indifferent man like a brown bear and the other more than ten Daozun, followed by the black girl, so soon, she quickly left the blood of Luo Yi.


The sky, the vast void.

call out!

A bloody stream is instantly crossing the void.

After this blood color flow, there is a black figure, which is equally acute.

The sword is unparalleled with the heavens, still in the madness.

And now, the Tianshi old ancestors have chased the sword without double full four hours.

"That little child ... how will it?"

The heavenly old ancestors are dead to lock the swords of the front, but the face is somewhat hard.

He was originally thought of secret surgery of the sword unparalleled, and the consumption of spiritual power was definitely very huge. It took a role to support him, but the facts slammed him.

This is full of four hours, but the sword is not stopped, and the breath on the body is still unparalleled.

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