Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1046 Speed

"Bawen ancestors, what happened? Why didn't you catch up with him?" The winter of the ancient monk also came over to ask.

"It's too little to see him. I didn't expect this kid to escape the means. The speed of his full escape has surpassed the general Tianzun." Dabaidao said.

"It turned out to be, no wonder this is clear, but can be induced, but the nine sword is getting farther and farther." Winter Ming Tianzun also relieved.

"Hey, you can rest assured, this little child is extraordinary, but if you want to escape in front of me, it is a thoughtful thinking." Dawgu has a cold, and there is a black tip on the next moment. .

This black secret looks covered the whole body of the heaven, as the old ancestor sleeve is moved, and the time is a huge black wing stretch.

This older ancestors have also begun to change, only one moment, and finalize it for a huge black bat.

The heavenly old ancestors and Nei Yan are all swallowing bats.

Nei Yan can rely on a secret, turned into ontology, and this dominant ancestors did not have to use secrets, just only need to urge blood, and it can be turned into their own body, and once it turned into a body, His speed has risen immediately.


A harsh cockroach sounded in this day.

The heavenly old ancestor is a shot of huge black wings, and the figure is instantaneous to black phantom, and it is rumored.

The speed, suddenly improved several times more than before.

The original sword is unparalleled under the first heavy dragon blood of the dragon, and the speed is similar to the Tianshi old ancestors, and the Tianshi is chasing him four times, and the distance between each other is not close.

But now, the distance between the Daba National Ancestors and the sword has begun to shorten the speed visible to the naked eye.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The voice of King was suddenly sound.

"Swallowing the bat?" The sword is not a double color, and he has already noticed that he has been with him to pull the distance from the distance.

"Swallowing the bat, this is good at speed, and this old ancestors can be much more powerful than his son. He is completely useful to use the body that is powered by the blood, and the speed is out of time. It is much more than his son. When you go, you will be chased by him immediately. "The king of the king low.

"no solution anymore."

The sword is not a buddy, the next moment, the spirit of the burning, the speed of burning!

The previous spiritual burning speed is still in the sword unparalleled, relies on the recovery of the King, and the anti-spiritual medicinal medicine, he is enough for a long time.

But now, the speed of spiritual burning in his body is crazy!

Dragon blood secret, second weight!

It is also costly based on burning, but the speed of the second heavy blood blood, but on the basis of the first weight, it has increased ten times again!


The sword is unparalleled from the void. If you look at the eyes, but even a silk shadow can't catch it again.

The heaven and old ancestors kill the sky, seeing himself to catch up with swords, it can be discontinued ... The sword has no double speed, and it has skyrocketed again! Time once again pulled the distance tens of thousands of miles away, and it was still pulled off at an amazing speed.

For short moments, swords are unparalleled even completely within his sight.


This time, the old ancestor is really shocking.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled, and the speed of ten times has made him feel unusually shocked, and now, on the original basis, it has increased ten times again. What is the concept?

hundred times!

Football speed increases by 100 times!

What a terrible secret?

"Winter Ming Tianzun, fast, quickly tell me the position of the kid." Bawen Laozu immediately gave the winter.

Just so short film, the sword is unparalleled to disappear in his sight. If the winter is not given to him, he does not follow it.

"What's going on? It's hard to let you still make the sword unparalleled?" Winter Ming Tianzun asked with questioning.

"Don't ask so much, pass the position to me." The old ancestors were scarlet scarlets, but the bottom is extremely reluctant to admit.

The swallowing bats of the Tianzheng Tianzheng, who was in the show, was it easy to get rid of a eternal body?

If this news is out, it is enough to let the people in the mainland are laugh at the big teeth.

Winter Ming Tianzun did not ask more, but passed the sword unparalleled position to the Tianshi old ancestors.

"This is not believed, his secret is true, and the speed of such terror is not available!"

The heaven and old ancestors, according to the guidance of winter Ming Tianzun, continue to face the sword.


The sword is unparalleled to get the heaven and old ancestors, but it is just temporary.

The second weight of the blood of the dragon blood is the second weight, which is too much higher than the first payment, and the sword has not been supported.

"The sword is unparalleled, your spiritual burning speed is too fast, my recovery ability, I can't keep up." Wang Wang lowered.

"I know." The sword is not a hyper point, and the look is 10,000. "Show this dragon blood secret surgery in my current state, even if there is a king to recover my ability, but you can only display a quarter of an hour! "

For a quarter, if it is used to kill, it is indeed enough.

But used to escape, but short pity.

After a quarter, his spirit will completely exhaustive, completely lose the power of resistance.

"I have been in the past, that nine repaired, but it is still hard." The sword is not full of helplessness.

Originally his plan, it is our own efforts to fight for time. If you want to use the ban on the ban in Jianfeng, let the nine repair say his mother's drops, once he got the result of his own, he will immediately Kill nine repairs, then rely on dragon blood secrets to escape.

As long as there is no guidelines on the secret lipit on Jiudi, he absolutely has a big escape.

Who once thought that the endurance of the nine repaired would be.

"The sword is unparalleled, that nine trims, may be because of the relationship between the revision, his consciousness, very strong." Zhen Wang Zheng heavy.

"Consciousness is strong?" The sword has no double look.

Before, he also had a shadow of Jiu Xiu, and the sword also contained strong sense of consciousness. The result of the result is under that consciousness, but it is not an impact. It is obviously aware.

The ban in Jianfeng is extremely terrible, but most of them are for consciousness and directly make people a sense of violent pain.

In the face of such a torture, the ordinary road, it should be supported, but this nine repairs have been supported.


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