Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1048 Sheng Sheng Lord!

"Bawen ancestors, I am here today, if you dare to move him, I will pull your body's bat hair!"

Su Soft's words, the word was ringing in the heelous old ancestors.

The face of the heavenly old ancestors is now gloomy.

"You are the blood of the blood,"? "

Bawen Lao Zu looked at the many strong people behind Suo, and then locked his eyes on Su. "If I didn't guess the wrong, you are the Sundow Lord of the blood of Luo Yifang?"

"Shung Sheng Lord?" The sword watched Suofeng at a glance.

He also read the information of the four peak ethnic groups, and some people also learned about the blood of the robe.

He knows that in the blood of the romoric, the most loubbly is the highest, it is the saint of the Sinco.

This repaired the Rosa, which is generally the most strong people awakened by the blood repair Luo Yi, which is almost equivalent to the king of blood removal.

Just like the royal family of the ancient god.

"For more than two thousand years, the old four she has become the saint of the saint of the blood remotting Luo Yi people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, blood repair Luo Yi, is very strong, but I am not so promise, Sheng Luo, you really want to tear your face for the little child?" Dawgu's old ancestors.

In fact, it is unable to have a nature of the world, if it is a scruple, it will not talk nonsense with the other side.

Now he said this, it is obviously to Su whitelo, or have a lot of scruples on the blood of the Romo.

After all, it is one of the four peak ethnic groups, but it is not worthless of this.

"I said, I have to go today, I will never allow anyone to move him with a sweatency." Su Fu's voice is still cold, after the voice falls, she saw her jade hand, more than ten strong people behind her, directly Extended, the time is in the past, the indifferent man is in the center, and the heaven is in the center.

More than ten three-way peak strong, plus a Tianzun strong, this lineup is strong, to stop the heaven, the old ancestors can still do it.

And the most important thing is that the Tianshen ancestors also pay attention to these strong people around him, is a feeling of indifference, no feelings change, feeling, just like the war.

"It is said that the blood of the rose of the rises of the rises of the year, is not only the highest amplitude of the blood awakening level, but also she wakes up to the eye, and she can control the many strong people at the same time. She, even if it is a strong, it is likely to be controlled by her. "

"These people should be the strong people who control the Sincoly owner?" Dynasty old ancestors low.

The strong man who is robust to the eye will completely listen to any order from his owner, even if his owner wants him to die, there will be hesitant.

Such a strong person, whether it is more than a human warrior, or a battle, it is terrible.

And because of this, the Shu Sheng Lord will only be jealous of the strong people of the mainland.

"There is this Shura Holy Lord, I want to deal with the kid, it is not so easy." The old ancestors were slightly smashed, but then took out the contest, "Winter Ming Tianzun!"

"Bawen ancestors, I have been stopped. I have stopped. It is not that you have killed the sword and saved the nine swords?" Winter Ming Tianzun asked.

"Already, I have troubled, it is the Saint Lord of the blood of Luo Yifang, she came out, she asked the sword and unparalleled." The old ancestors low.

"Shung Sheng Lord?" Winter Ming Tianzun is cold, "the blood repair Luo Yi actually intervened, is this actions against the nine swords, this is this blood repair Luo Yifang arranged? Hey, a blood remotted Luo Yi, you first Turning, I will arrive immediately. "

"Okay." Hearten ancestors nodded.

After the simple news is completed, the Tianshi old ancestors have seen it in Su.

"Look, the blood of the blood, Luo Yi is iron, I have to intervene it." The old ancestors said, "I have come, I am not the little child, but the ancient monk's winter is right. I will arrive, I have to see how your blood repair Luo Yifang will face my heaven and ancient demon! "

I heard this, Suolou face color slightly changed.

One single ancestor, or an ancient monk, she can definitely, and they can ensure that the sword is unparalleled.

If it is a hegemonic ancestor with ancient demon, that is, it is her, and there is no absolute confidence to ensure that the sword is unparalleled.

After all, the overall strength, the ancient demon family is not weak, and even slightly stronger.

The heaven is the famous ancestor, the strength is more strong.

In either party, it is enough to make the blood of Luo Hone to treat, and join hands, in strength is stronger than whispering Luo.

"That is also waiting for the winter, respect it." Su Siu dribly drunk, then the body is moving, and there is no double next to the sword.

"Old three." Su Soft opened, and the sound was full.

"The old four, you can really have you, two thousand years didn't see you, you have become a Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Runner," Sword is also a surprise look. "

His three good brothers, Wang Yuan and Yang Zi Xuan, he old early in the void continent.

Only the old four sudi, the longest time is the longest, and he is also the most concerned and miss.

Now I have seen it again, the sword is unparalleled.

"I am also because of the relationship of blood." Su Lu is smiling, then the look will become solemn, "I don't say this, the strong people in the ancient demon family will arrive, with my ability, can't deal with the ancient demon The family followed the heavens, so before you haven't arrived, you will flee it before, I will drag the heaven. "

"Escape? Don't worry first." The sword is unparalleled but shook his head.

"Why?" Su Fu doubt.

"I have a secret lippet on the nine sword road of the suppression, and the ancient demon family is with the secret line, induction, as long as the secret is not dissipated, I can't escape, and the sure is left. There is also this Tianshi in the ancient demon, "said the sword is unparalleled.

"That is to be ..." Su Fu willow smile.

"Don't worry, since I dare to crack the nine swords, I naturally be completely prepared, no matter what, I will not lose your life, and now I have you helped me, single by Dao Tianshi and the ancient demon It really doesn't necessarily be able to make me? "The sword was unparalleled, it looked very confident.

He also has a lot of confidence.

After all, he has now stopped showing the secret of the blood of the dragon, and the king is trying to return to him, and when the ancient monk is arrived, his spirit should have completely recovered, but what is true? In case, he immediately killed nine repairs, showing the blood of the dragon blood, escaping, and the opportunity to escape is not small.

In addition, there is an idea in the sword.

"Since I can't learn the mother's falling, I may know the answer from the winter of Winter Tianzun!"


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