Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1049 bet!

Not long after, the winter of the ancient monk is present, and it is present.

More than the winter, there is also the top ten care laws under the Tianshi, and the strong who attracted a large number of madly chased before.

In dense, a large number of strong people appear in this void, most of these strong people are the Tiezi level.

A pair of swords who have been interested in it have seen it.

"That is the sword is unparalleled? It seems that there is no three-arms?"

"At the same time, it is very miserable to sin, this sword is really enough, but it is too late."

"What is it? I don't want to, the blood of the saint, but I have to keep him."

"One party is the Shu Sheng Lord and swords, the other party is the heighter old ancestors and ancient demon, this is interesting."

The voice of whispering whisper also quietly sounded.

Among these strong sights, the heavenly ancestors, winter Ming Tianzun is angry and regarded.

"Shu Sheng Lord, this matter has nothing to do with you, you are really a common," "Winter Ming Tianzun sounded.

"I just have, how can you?" Su Guang did not make steps.

"Very good, I heard that the Shu Sheng Lord is the most pure, the blood of the blood, the history of the history, and it is also true. Today, this seat is to ask for education." Winter Ming Tianzun is cold, At that moment in the voice fall, his body immediately has a horrible suffocation.

At the same time, he stood in parallel with the winter and stood in the same breath, and it was clearly ready to be prepared.

See this, Suolou face is not cold.

And the sword is unparalleled.

"Although the strong lineup of the old four brought, it is also possible to stop a heaven and old ancestor. I want to stop the heaven and old ancestors and the winter, but it is not realistic." Shake the head, sword is unparalleled I have an idea of ​​my heart.

"Bawa Lao Gu!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the pace is also taken.

"Kid, what else do you want to say?" The old ancient ancestors cooled.

"All said that you have a high arrogance, never take a role with the four peak ethnic groups, but today, in order to kill me, it will choose to join hands with the ancient demon, this is not like your style?" Sword is unparalleled Laughing, it seems to be unhappy.

Sorta old ancestors.

He has no entanglement with the ancient peaks in peacebuilding, and he also got to deepen it with these peak ethnic groups, but today he joined hands with the ancient peaks.

"Dabaotian ancestors." The sword didn't have a double, "Not as good as we gamble?"

"Bet?" Dynasty old ancestors moved.

"Since you want to kill me like this, I will give you the opportunity, let you shoot."

"I will pick you up on your three strokes. After three moves, if I die, then you will report your son for your son, but if you are three tricks, you can not kill me, then you, my previous grievances, In this case, how? "The sword laughed.

"Positive to pick me up three strokes?" Dawitians ancestored.

His strength is in Tianzun, all of which belongs to strong, his three strokes, even if the ordinary Tianzun may not survive, and the sword is unparalleled to say that he should take a three strokes.

"This little child, really confident?" Dawuantu sultured, followed but smiled: "Hey, I am not stupid, the situation in front of you, you have already died, just need to spend a little effort, why Want to bet with you? "

"You must die?" The sword is unparalleled, "Don't think that I don't know, you can find my position with the winter, nothing more than the secret tattoo on the nine swords, if you really will For airs, I directly kill the Jiujian Dao Zun, then show secrets to escape! "

"I have no sense of secret lipit, you have to catch me with winter, what to catch me?"

The sword has no difference between a slap.

And I heard this, the heavenly old ancestors and the winter are all sinking.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled, the speed of the secret surgery, the Tianshi old ancestor is personally seen, even if he fully reveals the body, the secret can be confused, it can't catch up, if it is not because there is a secret line He has long lost the sword without double.

But if the sword is unparalleled, there is no double kills the nine swords, and then use the secret to escape, they are two people, I am afraid there is no way.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you dare to kill the nine swords, I dare to guarantee the mainland, but there is absolutely no place to returns you!" Winter Mingzi Zun cold road.

"Haha, I am sorry, I was not a person who turned back to the mainland. I am from the void continent. If it is a reincarnation of the mainland, I can't help it. I am not going to return to the empty mainland. If you have a matter, you can continue to empty the mainland chasing I, but I'm going to that time, I have to see who kills! "The sword was unparalleled.

Winter Ming Tianzun is immediately getting ugly.

"Void continent? Sure enough, you are the talented genius of the boiling genius of the void continent!" Winter Ming Tianzun Cold Road.

Rotating the mainland with the void continent, the same is in the green world, this winter is a super power of the four peak ethnic groups in the mainland, and some things about the void continent, soon, he knows the empty continent. In the world of Eastern Tang Dynasty, I also knew the amazing super genius.

That super genius is eternal.

"Returning to the mainland and the void continent Although the same green world, you can have an agreement with each other, and the two mainland wells do not commit river water. If this kid is really returned to the void continent, my ancient demon family can't dispatch too much power. Chasing him. "

"In addition, according to the news I got, this kid has a great background in the void continent. The first country in the empty continent is Tang Datang. It is his relying on the mountain. Don't say that my ancient demon family cannot send too much power to the past, even if the whole All of the groups have all migrated, and they also want to make him whit. "

"It is definitely impossible to let him escape from the void continent!" Winter Ming Tianzhi said low.

"But this kid escapes is indeed, if he kills the Jiujian Dao Zun, there is no secret pattern, and no one can chase him." The old ancestor voice is also cold, "there is no way, can only promise him ! "

Drat old ancestors blind, then stepped away.

"The sword is unparalleled, this gambling, I promised!"

The audience of the heaven is magnificent, and the echo is echoed throughout the world.

He is very clear, in this gambling, killing the sword is unparalleled, is the only chance to revenge for his son.

In addition, he has almost no possibilities that kill swords.

The last chance, the Tianshi old ancestors naturally grasp.

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