"I promised?" The sword didn't have a big mouth and did not feel unexpected.

He gave him a promise to promise, because this gambling is the only chance to kill him.

The sword is also because I don't want the old four to take risks. At the same time, I also want to get some secret from the Jiu Xun, I don't want to kill him, this is the opportunity to give the hell.

"Old three." Su Fu's sword watched.

"Don't worry, I have an inch." The sword was unparalleled.

He is not stupid. Since he dares to say that you have to pick up the ancestors of the ancestors, it is natural to be a little.

"I have opened up three heaven and earth level swords. The strength is almost unneaked in the general Tianzun, and there is a bloody will be guilty. Although the enemy is just a heatent ancestor, he wants to kill me in the three tricks. I am afraid that it is not that easy. "The sword was unmarkable.

Above the void, Suofu has the winter and Winter and others have already retired from the edge, and the big battlefield is left to the sword unparalleled and the heavens.

The sword is unparalleled with the heavens and the ancestors.

"The sword is unparalleled, although you don't know where your courage dare to pick me three tricks, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you." The old ancestors released the position, and the body is very violent, more It has risen again.

"It is." The sword has no hands to hold the blood sword, and the sword is also out.

As these two stocks have gradually climbed, many strong people around the surroundings are not covered.

Suddenly, the old heaven is moving.

"Kid, this is the first!"

The heavenly old ancestor sounds, echoing in the void, his body is born out, his right hand palm is immediately black, a horrible seeming to destroy the wind of the earth, in his The palm is rapidly agglomerated.

Time, it has been condensed to reach the ultimate.

"Mast bat!"

A heavenly ancestors waved, and the lightning-like slapping directly slammed the sword.

This dark palm constantly enlarges in the void, covering the sky, and occurs in front of the sword.

The majestic pressure is easily smashed, making everyone around the battle, and the eyes are fierce.

"Good power!"

"Is this the strength of Tianzun strong?"

"No, ordinary Tianzun, there is absolutely no such strong, but now it is, after all, it is a heaven."

A deserted loudly.

Bawen ancestors, famous Heh.

And this Herch is famous, which is cast by his strong strength.

When I saw this black giant shredded, when I came to him, the sword was unusually lighter, but the next moment was directly swing.

At the same time as the sword, he immediately took the three swords of swords that were unparalleled.

You a fierce sword light coming.

This sword is light, until the sun, with a shaft, as if you can tear all the artists, directly.

The sword is unparalleled to attack the strongest sword, the sky, the sky!


The horrible sword light, collided with the dark palm of the lightning craze, and split it in a time.

In the madness of madness, some swordsmanship spoiled, and it easily scored a huge spatial crack.

~~~ The whole world seems to be ruthlessly torn.


The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person suddenly burst out, and there were tens of thousands of miles away, and they were able to stop the body.

After standing stabilized, the sword has no double throat, and a blood is taking out.

"The gap is really big enough." The sword was unparalleled and died and stared at the front of the heavenly old ancestors and secretly shook his head.

After the three swords he opened, the strength has been greatly increased. It is already very close to the general sky. It can be held with the heaven and the ancestors, but it is crushed. It is powerful too much.

And the heavenly old ancestors also frowned, Lang Lang opened, "Kid, I turned away, I didn't expect your strength, it has been barely close to Tianzun."

I heard this, the people who watch the battle were once a burst of exclamation.

An eternal, power is barely close to the general Tianzun?

This fact has made some people present, and there is an incredible thought.

"Hey, don't be proud, just the trick, not my strongest trick, and in strength, I just only used it for 70%, and next, this trick, I will have an integration." Dawuantao is helpless.

The sword is not bold, and the heart is full of vigilance.

After the heavenly ancestor, his right hand was slowly lifted, and this time he had two distinct efforts in his hand.

It is clear that the two have been very different, but it is perfectly combined by the Daba Tianshi, and the airflow around his palm has also had two colors, a black, one is like a flame. red.

The two kinds of strength combined, the power suddenly increased, and the Tianshi old ancestored once again.

This time, the Tianshi old ancestors are directly fond.

A boxing, it is easy to bokely blew the void, contain a huge gentle, was wrapped in a black red and two energy, directly crossing tens of thousands of miles away from the sword unparalleled.

The speed is too fast.

The faster sword is unparalleled, and this fist is overwhelming on the sword unparalleled body.

The sword is unparalleled, only a meteorite hits, even if the power of the horrible power has weakened the blood, it will weaken the full foot, and the remaining strength is transferred to his body, and it is crazy in his body. The sword is unparalleled, the whole body and mind are crazy.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of blood, and there are some flesh and blood in the blood, and his body shape is crazy on the rear. It is more than tens of thousands of miles. It is even more cracking along the way. The whole body has fallen into a mountainous mountain wall.


The mountains where the swords and unparalleled are directly burst, and a large number of gravel is blasting around, while the sword is unparalleled, it appears again in the world.

But at this moment, he is full of blood, the face is pale, and there is almost no blood, it looks not comparative.

"It's a terrible trick." The sword didn't think of just that punch, but the bottom is a bit a sense of affection.

Just that punch, not only power is strong, the most important thing is that in the box, but also hidden a darkness, the darkness is as if the vibration wave is general, ignoring the defense of swords and no doubles, directly role The sword is unparalleled.

This attack, too strange, the sword is not aware of the beginning, the bloody will not resist or weaken its power.

This leads to such a misery.

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