Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1051, a summary

"Just that punch, if the power is strong twenty or three, maybe I have a flesh, you have to rush." ​​The sword is unparalleled: "Just the second trick, so strong, I don't know this Tianshu The third trick, what is it? "

Under the walked eyes of the sword, the heaven is moving again.

I saw him in the body, and the time was once again turned into their body swallowing bats.

After the primary, the Tianshi old ancestors also became scarlet, staring at the swords, and the huge body shot shuttle.


A slice, you fiercely echoed in this day.

This effort has formed a strange ripple, and the black air flows.

The black airflow of the day is covered with the sword.

"What is this?" The sword was unbolded and doubts.

"Dark swallowing!" The old ancestors opened the cold.

Time, the black airflow immediately formed a shock wave, from the four-sided eight-party swords and swings, one followed, too much.

"Not good!" The sword did not change the double-faced.

This road shocks the waves, the sword is unparalleled, this darkness is, but it is impossible to dodge. It can only rely on its own body surface defense, and resist the impact of these shock waves.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

One of the shock waves, every road is strong, every way is enough to match the full hits of Tianzun strong, but the kung fu in this moment, there is a full-footed shock wave, bombards in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the body is crazy.

After a while, these shock waves bombarded, the vast black airflow was completely dissipated in the void.

Everything is calm down throughout the world.

"Is it dead?"

Downtenal old ancestors were intimate, staring at the void that has been completely exposed to space in space.

"Well?" The older ancestors suddenly changed.

More than him, there are many strong people around the battle, have seen, a shadow in the spatial chaos.

"How is it?" "Dawitians ancestors horror.

He is the strongest trick, you can easily remove the slag of the sky, and the sword is unparalleled, although the defense is good, but in this trick, it is necessary to come to the bone. , Result ...

The sword is still standing in the void, although it is full of blood, the wolf is extremely, but his flesh is not preserved.

At the same time, the Tianshi's ancestors also noticed the eyes of the sword, and the eyes were ignorant, obviously, he is still alive!

"Dynasty old ancestors, I won!" The sword was unparalleled, but I just finished it, I immediately had a blood.

Reproduction, no one can see the sword without double injuries.

But no matter how it is injured, he at least lives.

Among the three attacks of the hegemonic old ancestors, survived.


"The horror attack, even if the Tianzun has encountered, it is estimated that he only lives, he actually lived?"

"How did he live?"

One is full, the incredible voice came from the surrounding, countless looks to the sword, unparalleled eyes, and there is a happiness.

However, these people don't know, the sword at this moment is full of smile.

"The last trick of this heaven, it is indeed terrible. The idea is much stronger than before, but it can be said to me. He is a threat to me, but it is not as good as before. It is very big. "The sword is unmainted.

The second trick of the heaven, the horror, it is very horizontal, it is completely concentrated in a little power, and then completely broke out, and that in the box contains a vibration wave, directly transferred to the sword without double body, no horror He brought him an unprecedented heavy hit.

It is just that trick, although the devastating is stronger, but it does not focus on a point, but separate.

The shock wave, every way is only equivalent to a Tianzun, although there are many hundreds of a hundred, but the sword is unparalleled with bloody will, weaken the power of nine into the nine-nine power, The remaining power is very low to his injury.

Even if such a hurt, there is a hundred way, add it just to create a double creation of the sword, but can't compare the injury to him.

"This older ancestor is estimated that you haven't thought about your blood, if he put the second trick again, you may not have to stop." The voice of the king is in the sword. Rang.

"Indeed." The sword didn't smile.

At the end, it is still the defense ability of the blood, too strong.

The heavenly old ancestors also guess the robe of the swords and unparalleled clothes, but they absolutely thus not think this kind of nature!

"Bawen ancestors, I have given you the opportunity, let you kill me, you are useless, you can't kill me in the three tricks, that follow you, my gambling, from now on, you me The grievances, there are so many people who witness, I want to come to you? "The sword is unparalleled.

The old man is gloomy and ugly.

Before he promised to be with the sword, there was a mall, but he never thought that he was close to the top level, and it couldn't kill the sword.

And now, then many people look at it, can he be able to go to the sword without double shot?

And the most important thing is that even if his true face is out, the result is not necessarily killing swords, and the top is just a fish dead network.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The heavenly old ancestor sounds low, and the word sounds in this world. "You are very powerful, I admire you!"

"I am a life, never wear a person, you, is the first!"

"My son, die in your hand, don't you!"

"From today, you are a descending between the grievances, if there is no other change, I will not chase you again."

"You, so good!"

After saying, this Tianshi said that he turned to leave directly.

When he went, he followed his top ten care law, naturally left immediately.

"Dynasty old ancestors." Winter Ming Tianzheng is very shocked.

Can heald the old ancestor did not pay attention to winter Ming Tianzun. He took the top ten Tianzun. Under the eyes of many strong people, they directly greeted the front, and they took a firm, but more but more It is helpless.

"Xiaoyan, is a father who is useless!"

"It is also your enemy, too powerful!"

"I have tried my best, but I can't report it for you!"

"do not blame me!"

With helplessness, with full heart, the Tianshi took the top ten prototypes, so soon disappeared in the sight of everyone.


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