Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1052 Chapter Dust

Dynasty old ancestors left.

It's very simplicity, very decisive.

And he left, the rest of the ancient world of winter is full.

A single winter is a threat to the sword, and it is naturally not that huge.

"Winter Ming Tianzun, Dawuantu has already left, you still don't go? Do you want me to shoot you?" The sword is unparalleled.

Winter Ming Tianzun is gloomy, open mouth: "The sword is unparalleled, as long as you are willing to put the nine sword once, the previous thing, my ancient demon family can not be in the past, and from today, my ancient demon is willing to pay with you, you If I go to my ancient demon, my ancient demon family will treat you as a visit, how? "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

And many strong people around the battle have heard of this, and they also have a lot.

They all listened, this winter is a somewhat service.

He has to take soft.

The sword is too strong, if he is not because he is reluctant to kill the relationship between Jiu Xe, he has long fled, and the ancient monk also took him a certain way.

"I fare to suppress him, you want me to let him go out and think that it is beautiful enough." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you really want to tear your face with my ancient demon?" Winter Ming Tianzun angered: "I know your origin, according to the reason, my ancient demon family does not have any entanglement, and never sin After you, why do you have to catch the nine sword? "

"Why? Oh!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are very unusually and cold. "I have no reason, I have to hold it, I have to go with your ancient demon, I will take a deductive, I will shoot the nine swords."

"Hey, I tell you, I am with your ancient monk, and I went big!"

"This nine swords, no, it is nine repairs!"

"Two thousand years ago, he took my mother in the ancient world, destroyed my mother's family, and took away my father's sword soul, put my father into a desperate situation!"

"At that time, I was weak, and I didn't even stop these things at all."

"Now two thousand years, I still don't know anything about my mother, and my father, I have been able to see my mother again, I have been in the reincarnation of the reincarnation in two thousand years ago!"

"Everything is all because of him!"

"Winter Ming Tianzun, you now say, I have no hatred with this nine swordway? With your ancient demon, there is no hatred?"

"Oh, so deep hatred ... What do you say?"

"Unfortunately, I am not enough now, otherwise, your ancient demon family, I have long, you have long!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no angry, echoing in nine days, making many strong people in the surrounding war.

And that winter, the expression, the expression is very arrogant.

"Nine repaired his mother?"

"Two thousand years ago, the ancient world?"

"That, that's not ..."

In the winter, there was a shock in the world, and the death of the death of the sword.

"This sword is unparalleled, is she left in the child in the age of the ancient world?"

"Is it him?"

Winter Ming Tianzun was completely shocked.

How much is the child?

And in just two thousand years, the heretic family is completely ignorant, even some desirable low blood, actually ... is it going to this?

How can this be?

After a short shock, the winter is silent.

Silent, winter Ming Tianzun once again opened, "sword, sword is unparalleled ..."

Winter Sirios' vocationalism has become weird.

"Your mother is my ethnic group, since you are his child, it is necessary to count, in fact, you also belong to my ancient demon." Winter Ming Tianzun.

"The ancient demon family? Oh, your ancient monk is one of the four peaks of the mainland. The bottom is deep, powerful, my sword is unparalleled." The sword is unparalleled.

"No matter what you want to admit, you always have some blood of my ancient demon, I am still confused, why do you can use the ancient god? Now I understand, I want to come, you are a chance, awakened The blood of the ancient gods. "Winter Mingtian said.

"My ancient demon, this is the ancient god and the heavens, although the blood of the demon is always, the blood of the people awakens, but occasionally some people will awaken the blood of the ancients, You are one of them. "

When I heard the winter, the people around them were embarrassed.

They didn't think of it, and things would have eventually reversed.

This suppressed Jiujian Road, attracting the sword of the ancient demon family crazy chasing, and there was a relationship with the ancient demon family.

"The sword is unparalleled, my ancient demon is indeed a loss of your father and son, you can make a transfusion for my ancient monk, I can understand, but I hope that you still try to guarantee the life of the nine sword, nine swords live , It is also good for your mother, so there is this. "

After that, this winter is no longer nature, and it turns around.

Before the anger, I just want to set the sword. I don't know that the sword is unparalleled. After the child left in the ancient world, this winter is also angry. As for the nine swords, winter Ming Tianzun It is no longer necessary.

Winter Ming Tianzun also left.

If the winter, the sky is left behind, but the sword is unparalleled.

"Nine repaired? Is it beneficial to your mother?" The sword was unparalleled, and there were many ideas in the mind.

But soon, he shook his head, no more thought.

"No matter what, this crisis has been released, and that nine repairs fall into my hand, I can slowly think of a way, get what you want from his mouth." The sword was unparalleled.

"Old three."

Su Luofei sword walked over, looked at the sword without a double, and the pale complex, Suofu asked: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." The sword was unparalleled.

Although the three strokes of the heaven, the sword is unparalleled, but the parasitic king in his body has not stopped, and it has been recovering the injury in his body. It has now been barely stable, How long does it take? You can return to the peak.

"The Tianshi is still in the winter, although now leaves, but it is difficult for them to continue to be difficult for you. In order to prevent it, it is better to return to me." Su Guangti.

"Blood Repair Luo Yifang?" The sword didn't have a double heart, and he took a little bit.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled with Su whites, and the blood is rushing.


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