Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1053 Blood Repair

Blood remotting Luo Yun, the mountains stand, countless diameter palace, all over the corner.

Enter your eyes, a big breath.

"This is the blood of the four peak ethnic groups?"

The sword is unparalleled with Su. Su. It's coming to this blood, the eyes are the scenes that look around.

Rotating back to the mainland's four peak ethnic groups, which take the ancient demon family and blood rodor.

"Holy Lord!"

"See the Holy Lord!"

All the way, met many people who had a lot of blood, and the people were generally strong, and when they saw Suke, they would be very respectful, whether they are a look and have absolute respect.

Since the Saint Saint Lord, it is almost equivalent to the existence of Wang's existence in the blood of Luo Yifang.

When the sword is unparalleled, when it comes to a hobs, he! From the mountains, there is a number of people who have a number of pens, which is the old woman wearing a gray robber. This old lady faces the old, and the two are white, but the eyes are stunned.

"Tianzun?" The sword is unparalleled, the secret is worthy of the peak ethnic group, the strength is really good.

It is necessary to know that Suiro relies on the eye to control a strong strong, plus this old woman, and the blood of Luo Yifang has two Tianzun, and the two Tianzun may not be all of the blood.

"The Holy Lord." The old woman Chao Suiro will.

"Long is old, is there something?" Su Fu is flat.

"I heard that the Holy Lord has just taken a strong force out, I don't know what to do, I am bothering that the Holy Lord personally shot?" This old woman is the long-term long forest opening of the blood. .

"I just happened, but now I have solved it, I am not good for you." Su Yuli indifferent.

"Oh?" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and didn't ask, but the eyes did not help but looked back in the sword behind, "The Holy Lord, what is your side?"

"He is my brother, sword is unparalleled." Su Zudao.

"I have seen the old age." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Lin Xiao is a shrinkage. "You are a sword is unparalleled? The one is a very worse sword who is a very wonderful sword who is guilty of the ancient demon family."

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

The forest is tight, and it is said: "The Holy Lord, this sword is unparalleled, but the people who want to die with the ancient demon family. You now bring him to the family, this is the blood of my family In terms, it is not a good thing. "

"The old man is more," Su Zudao: "The grievances between the old three and the hell of the ancestors have been saved, as for the ancient demon family, before the old three, the two have been facing, the two sides have not reached the endless Gloss. "

"Is this?" Lin glass frowned.

She only knows the news that the sword is unparalleled by the heavenly ancestors, but she didn't know what happened.

"If there is nothing, I will go first."

Su Mou did not recall this leaching, led the sword where there was no double continued to go straight.

Above the voids of the blood of the romance, the sword is unparalleled with Su.

"The old four, just that kind of leaching, what is going on? Why do I feel that she looks at your gaze, some weird?" The sword was unparalleled.

When I arrived, when I was talking to Suile, the look was hidden in the look, although the conception is excellent, but the sword is unparalleled or can be seen.

"It's normal." Su soft is a smile, obviously, I will not blame.

"Old three, you still don't know, there are three people in the blood of the robe, the status power."

"The first, is my master, my teacher is the long-term older of the blood remotting Luo Huan, and is also the first tortures of the blood of Luo Yi, and in the blood of the rusticone, he, his words, no one dares to violate. "

"Second, it is the old man who just saw it. The old power is very old, and my teacher has almost asked the blood of the Ruo family, so many people have many people. Take a matter of time, it has been taking care of her. "

"As for the last one, it is me."

Su Guang laughs, "blood remotting Luo Yi people, more attention to the extent of blood pulse than the many ethnic groups in the mainland, and in many years ago, the blood of the romance Luo Yi is the most prosperous period, the force blood is spread throughout the fire world Even more than many thousands of people have been involved, which leads to the various corners of the fire industry, there is a veins of blood repair. "

"These jiki, the blood in the next day, the Hardcore is never paying, and she is self-destroyed. Those gemmons have even forgot to be a person who is a bloody robe, but all these trips are very pure. The blood is awakened, and the blood-repair Luo Yifang has a special way to induce, and it will immediately dispatched this family to come back. "

"Like me, I will live in the ceremony of the blood of the romance, and when I am awakened in the elderly, when I wake up, the blood remained, Rong Yifang immediately induced."

"So, my master came up with me."

"I am very awakened, in the history of the blood of the Romantian, almost the unique, plus awakened the eye, the promotion of the teacher, it is very easy to become the Holy Lord of the blood."

"Sheng Sheng Lord, equivalent to the king of blood repair Luo", under normal circumstances, even the teacher respects his old people, you have to listen from my field, and that of the forest, naturally I have to comply with my order. "

Su Guangtun suddenly, continued: "This forest is almost monopolis, but because of my existence, the many rights she have, will be attributed to my hand, naturally her heart will be a bit uncomfortable, will Some grievances. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled secret.

He also finally understood, why did Su Soft leave, and why can it become the Shura Shu Lord of this blood in just two thousand years.

"Old four, two thousand years, you can't see you now, you have to be more than our brothers." The sword is unparalleled.

"The boss is coming to the old, is they coming to the green world?" Su Fu asked.

"The sword is not a hyper point, smiled:" They are now in the Eastern Tang Datang of the void continent, waiting for some of the things, I will take yourself, I will take you to the void continent, to When we have four brothers, you can get together. "

"Well, good." Su Mou smiled, "I have been the old three. How can you go back to the mainland, and also to the heelous elderly ancestors, ancient demon family?"

"This is this ... this is the case." The sword is unparalleled and simple.

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