Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1054 Special People

When I have heard the sword, the unparalleled thing is after passing, Su Guo can't help but catch.

"It turned out to be like this? Your father actually became a reincarnation?"

Su Soft also knows what is cruelty.

"A few days ago, I have already went back to the temple of the Temple of the Temple, let him search for my father down. After a few days, there will be a result." The sword said.

"The old house is old, I want to give you my father to find your father." Su Zudao.

"I hope it." The sword is unparalleled.


Blood of blood removal, relying on a honts on the mountainside.

"Old three, this time, you will live in this, take a good harder, if there is anything, give me," Su Zudao.

"Okay." The sword is unparalleled, in front of Suof, the sword is not too polite.

Soon Su Fu left.

In the courtyard, the sword is sitting on a stone table.

"The sword is unparalleled, that nine repairs ... What do you want to do?" The voice of the King suddenly sounded.

"Nine Repair?" The sword has no double eyes, and consciousness has seen the nine repairs that are suppressed within Jianfeng.

"This nine repairs, the bones are really hard, I drive those banned in Jianfeng, tortured him for so long, he still bite the teeth, nothing to say." The sword did not have a double eyed.

"No way, the stronger ban in Jianfeng, I am now not able to drive, and the light is now banned, but I can't help him. In addition, the winter Ming Tianzun said, this nine repaired alive, for the mother There are also some benefits, although I don't know if it is a fake, I don't have to kill him now. "

"Sorry, he will continue to suppress him in Jianfeng."

The sword is unparalleled.

Originally he wanted to know some things about his mother from the Jiu Xun, who knows that this nine repairs do not say a word, he has no way.

"Next, only the other Sikong elder news is given to me." The sword is unparalleled even in this hospital, and the news of the ink is waiting.

A sway, the time has passed, and the Dik is only a message.

"The sword is unparalleled, I heard that you were taking hands by the old ancestors, the winter of the ancient peony, and finally retreat it in the whole body."

The crazy chasing movement is so huge, and the sword is unparalleled with the heavens and the ancestors, and the front of the old ancestor is three strokes, and the scene is so many people. .

This Ding ink is old, the temple is old, and naturally got a message.

"I am just luck, add a Shu Sheng master to help me, this escapes, otherwise ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Blood Repair Luo Yi's Sacred Lord, oh, I didn't expect you to have this kind of emotion with her?" Ding Yumin played.

"Ding Dao is old, you will give me this day, I want to be one thing, have a result?" The sword is unparalleled without litho, direct the theme.

"Well, there is a result, and this result is a good news for you," Ding Mao Road.

"Good news?" The sword is unparalleled first, but it can be frowning, "should it?"

"I use my permissions from your origin of your friends, and the time to be a reincarnation, I did find such a person." Ding Mo just said this.

"I found it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You don't worry." Ding Mo continued: "I did find such a person's existence, but it is strange that this person is only five-order reincarnation information, as for the five-order reincarnation information, there is no However, I have checked it carefully, and I have no existence in the first five-order reincarnation of the Temple. "

"What do you mean?" The sword didn't have a pair of frowning.

Only the five-order reincarnation information, didn't you?

It is difficult to make his father failed in the test of the five-order reincarnation.

"It's not a death. If he fails in the test task, then his information will completely eliminate, but not there, but now he is only five-order information, while the information behind it is not, it is not The ranks of the fifth-order reincarnation, this situation occurs in the Temple of the Temple, and there is only one possibility. "Ding Mo's serious way.

"What is possible?" The sword didn't ask for a double.

"This person, is a special person who has a great or active temple in the Temple!" Ding Mo said.

"Special people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"In the Temple of Temple, there are some people who have extremely rare people, they are very special, and the turn to the temple is extremely valued, so their information is the real top secret, even if I am old, I am not qualified to find, As far as I know, now the reincarnation of the temple, such a special person, there is absolutely not more than ten! "

"Not accidentally, your person is one of the people!" Ding Yum voice also has a solemnity.

The special person of the Temple, each is equivalent to the baby of the Temple of the Temple, the status, but you have a long history of the house.

"Is this?" The sword has become unusual.

His father, is actually a special one of the temples that take the reincarnation Temple?

"The sword is unparalleled, I am a good news for you, because such a special person, the protection measures of the Temple of the Temple will also be very good, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to fall, your people, people, Since there is such a special person, then he should still live well, and in the position of the Temple of the Temple, it is high than me. "Dano Road.

"I understand, Beli Ding ink is old." The sword didn't have a double slim, and the face also revealed a smile.

Although Ding Yum did not really find his father, he did tell him a good news.

"If the father is really a big place in the reincarnation of the Temple, the power is definitely not small, I am so big in the Tianfei Domain, he may have got a news, saying that I have been going to find me. ? "The sword was unparalleled, and the heart was quite happy.

After the end of DING, the sword is unparalleled to find Su soft.

"Old four, I have something wrong, I want to trouble you." The sword has no double.

"Your business is my business, no need to polite." Su Ziro said, she has always regarded the sword to be a parent brother.

The sword is unparalleled, nor is it a lot, directly: "I need you to use your power, go to the top of the Temple of the Temple, see if there is anything that may be similar to my father."

"In addition, there is an ancient demon family, you have a bloody robe and the ancient peaks as the strongest two-year peak ethnic group, all kinds of mutually fighting in the next day, and each other is definitely very well, I need you to help me in the ancient monk. My mother's drops. "

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