"This is simple." Su said is very refreshing and promised.

Whether I pay attention to the high-level power of the Temple of the Temple, still in the ancient monk, the drops of swords and pairs of swords, and their words are just to raise their hands.

"There is still something." The sword is unparalleled, "" You have been talented Luo Yifang, as one of the peaks of the mainland, the long years, must have born a lot of swords, those who have left some of the swords left Cheats, or experience, should there be a lot? "

"Keyway cheats, there is a lot." Su Guang nodded.

"Can you use these swords to cheats or feel a trip, wait for me to leave, I will return all, in addition, I am willing to pay some price for this." The sword said unparalleled.

He specializes at the sword. Now, although there are three swords, it has only reached the heaven and earth level.

And the three swords in his opening, there are huge improvement space. At this time, he certainly needs to be drilled with the swords cheats of more strong people or the experience. He can go to learn from, to the enhancement of his three swords. It can have a lot of help.

"But it's some swords' cheats. If you need it, I will send you it directly, as for the price, I don't have to use it." Su Jun said.

The sword is not a double brow, you are welcome.

Su Guang is soon arranged.

"The sword is unparalleled, see your look, it seems to be intended to live in this blood to Run," Su King asked.

"Well." The sword was not a double point: "I have made my best now, and I don't use it anymore. It is better to stay in this blood. I want to improve the strength is Wang Dao. If my strength is strong enough, I I still need to be too much, I still need to get started from this nine trim, directly killing the ancient demon family, everything can be clearly white. "

"Yes, in this world, strength is king, your current strength is already close to the general sky, and wait for you to find a way to improve the swords, and the power of the ancient gods, a bit, It is possible to truly have a battle force. When you arrive in this green world, you can truly walk away. "Yu Wang smiled.

"Just this." The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

Not long, Su Port sent a lot of swords cheats to the sword.

The accumulation of the blood of the rods, the accumulation of a long-year-old, the sword cheats left by the swords, and there is also a lot of blood, there are too many quantities.

These swords have a record of the swords that have been opened by some swords, although the level is not too high, all have their own characteristics.

After all, every Justice is a great effort to open up his owner.

"Good guy, single now give me the cheats, the complete sword road recorded, there is one hundred and eighty-eight." The sword has a strong surprise color.

Posing a hundred and eighty-eight swords, although most of them are only ordinary levels, and there is no quadrature, but the sword is unparalleled, the sword is, it is this refusion.

When it is one, what is one, it is to be Haina Baichuan!

Many swords are fully integrated into one.

From this day, the sword is unparalleled for a long time in the blood of the romance, one person is alone in your courtyard, carefully refers to the sword and sword.

He is a guest of the Saint-Saint-Saint-House personally, and there will be almost nothing to disturb him. In addition to Su Guou, you will talk to her, the sword is unparalleled in the blood of the blood. Very clean.

He is also clean, deliberately put into the promotion of the sword.

The time quietly passed, blinking, it was already a hundred and twenty years.


Blood repair Luo Yi, a dim palace in a banned package, a huge round table, a huge round table in the palace, a man sitting there, where to sit in the end, is it is the old forest glass of the blood.

"Tomorrow, it is the highest-level parliament of our millennium. It is not unexpected. The girl will give it to the permissions of Suvuwei, which is filled with the permissions.

"These years, because the appearance of the girl, the power of our hand has slowed slowly, and now there is no stock, and the robb is, it is the power of my hand, the strongest one, once From now on, I will wait until there will be any room for any fight! "

When I heard this, some of the high-rise strong people around the round table, wrinkled.

Most of these people are the beliefs of the forest. Inspected years, they have been looking forward to the forestry horse.

Even now, these people are still standing on the side of the forest.

They are also clear, the power of Linzhibao is in the power of the blood, it has always been weakened. After all, the Saint-Sheng Lord has appeared, and the blood repair Luo Yi nature has to be taken by the Sheng Sheng Lord, this is unquestionable, a large number of people do not Herdous followed the Sacred Lord.

But the faction of the straw is absolutely reluctant.

"A little girl who lives less than two thousand years, what do he know? Let her control the whole blood repair Luo Yifang, my blood repair Luo Yi is probably not used, will be being swallowed by the ancient demon, or the other two peak ethnic groups I really don't know what the old people are thinking. "Lin Into cooled.

Su Qian, is the teacher of Su. It is also a word of Ji Ding, the blood of the blood, and the strongest strength.

However, the Tooother long is more than a thousand years ago, and he left the family, and he went out to travel. It has never been returned.

If there is Su Qian supported around, the lesses will not be able to endure, but they will give the power to Su. Since Su Qian is not there, then she still has a fortune.

"The last highest level parliament, the gimmick made me brought into the guards, at the short day, I just got a lot of matters in the family, and there were a lot of things to renewed the mainland. It's just that it is not so simple. "Lin I did a reasonable reason and refused to fall."

"The big old, the Shu Lord is not in the past, is it for a guest to live in our family?" A strong person suddenly said.

"You are saying that the sword is unparalleled?" Lin Izhed is bright, "it's right, I almost put him forgotten him."

"This sword has no double hatred, and the heavenly old ancestors have chased him with the ancient demon family, and these years, my blood repair Luo Yi is just with the ancient demon family, and there is some conflict with the Tianshi, and there is no small loss. I can take this thing to do this. "

"From the eggs, pick the bones, find out some of the shortcomings of the girl, and this is excuse, refuse to hand over Luo Wei!"


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