Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1056 is a long and old

The next day, the top of the millennium, the highest, Millennium, started.

In the huge courtyard on the mountainside, the sword was sitting there, drinking wine, and his face is with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the role of the mixed yuan is so huge. How long is this? I don't have two hundred years, I have already reached the top of the Samsung!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, that is, it is a very rare treasure, which is a very rare treasure. Of course, it is very powerful, but just two hundred years, you will reach Samsung, reach the top of the Samsung, it is indeed, it should It is related to the practice of cultivating you. "The king of King," the retrieval of the practice, too unique, can't look at the perspective of ordinary people. "

"Other Samsung ancient gods, absorb a mixed yuan gold beads, less say that you have to last for thousands of years, but you have absorbed two-thirds for less than two hundred years."

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

In the case of a few pieces of the Taoizi, this mixed yuan Golden Pearl can directly improve his strength.

He has been constantly absorbing the sterling power in the mixed yuan, with the power of absorbing, his ancient gods, has always been improved.

By now, a mixed yuan gold beads have been absorbed by him two-thirds, and his power of his ancient gods directly reached the top level of Samsung.

Samsung Top Royal Great God, simply in strength, more than those three-way peak road to strong.

"This one hundred and twenty years, I have been studying the swords cheats in the Hardcore, in the sword, also achieved a big breakthrough, plus the great improvement of the ancient gods, my overall strength, than before It is necessary to have a big cut. "

"Now I, although the realm is only the first time, but the strength, I am afraid I can really go to the Tianzun wrench." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't take care of your realm, others don't know, I am clear, you can't be considered eternal, put it in the chaotic world, others will also treat you as a road, and your current strength, put it in It is not worth mentioning, it is more amazing than you, and more than you are more amazing than you. "

"I know this, don't you use it like this?" The sword was laughing.

Kings have been parasitic in his body, and the sword is unparalleled to regard the king as his closest comrades. The two naturally have nothing to say.

"For the King, I only know that I have achieved the road from the eternal border, it is necessary to open up my own way. I have a breakthrough condition like I am now, I can break through, but I can break through, but Dao Zun and Tianzun What is the difference? "The sword did not ask.

With his current strength, it is possible to threaten him, and only Tianzun, naturally want to have a deeper understanding of Tianzun.

"Tianzun, also belongs to the category of Daozun, but the only difference is that Tianzun is the way to open up, completely integrate into immortality." Said the King said.

"It will be fully integrated with the opening of the road, and the immortality is immortal." The sword didn't have a double, he immediately remembered two Tianzun with his hand.

At the beginning of the Summer Tang Xia Zhizhuma, the Tang Dynasty, there is a heaven and old ancestors. When they shot, they used two distinct efforts, but the two of the two contained strengths were perfectly collected.

That, I want to be the result of two different roads.

"When I arrived at Tianzun, everything is going to return to my source. When you arrive, you will not only be integrated, and your two major respects will be blended again, and only one will be left." Wang said.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

Even the two major respects, have you integrated?

It is important to know that there have been, the sword is unparalleled, these two major respects can be heard many times.

If there is only one left, the sword is unparalleled.

"This step, you have to experience it morning and evening." King said.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is helpless.

If you have to reach Tianzun, you must have two big ideas. In order to go on the peak, he can only be so.

at this time……


The two people have sprunged from the distance and fall within the courtyard.

"The sword is unparalleled."

These two people are all wearing a gray robes, and the atmosphere has reached the level of the road, which is obviously the strong people of the blood of the blood.

"Two, is there something?" The sword watched the past.

"The long old forest is old, please have passed." One of the indifferent men said.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has lived in this one hundred and twenty years, which has been very clean. In addition to Su Guang often comes to him, no one can come to disturb him, and today, the forest exotic is old, there is something to ask him?

Although doubt, the sword is unparalleled or standing.

"Two, guide." The sword was unparalleled.

Immediately in the leadership of the two gray robs, the sword didn't have a double blood of the Ruo family.

In the temple of the high mountain, there is a black attachment of an aerial oval, this black attic, is the place where he is the highest parliament of the blood.

The two gray rises with swords and unparalleled into the hall of the black attic.

"The big old, the sword is not brought over." The indifferent man said, then immediately returned to another person.

The sword is unparalleled in the main hall, but it is interested in looking at everything in front of it.

In front of him, there is a huge round table, next to the round table, sitting on a breath and magnificent figure, about twenty people.

And these people are obviously divided into three major camps.

A camp is the mainstay of the Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saintprise?

Another camp is that the old forest is also six or seven.

In the last camp, it should be that the united camp is maintained, the number is the most, there are ten people.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is seen that it should be the dispute between the blood of the blood.

"Old three." Su Fu's sword watched.

The sword was laughing, and immediately walked in Su. After you went to Su Guang, the sword was unparalleled. "What is going on?"

Su Fu did not answer, but he took a slight head.

That of the lesman was watching the sword and there was no pair, the mouth was slightly tight, the cold channel: "The Saint-Lord, the sword around you is unparalleled, his identity, should you know?"

"Know." Su Guang nodded.

"Oh, since you know, why do you have to bring him to my blood? Yifang?" Lin glass socks: "You can know these years, because of his existence, the ancient demon family is aimed at my blood. Have the heaven and old ancestors ... "

PS: Brothers, New Year, I wish you all a happy new year. In the new year, you can smoothly, the most important thing is your health, and the financial resources are wide.

In addition, I wish you all this book, you can achieve more brilliant achievements next year!

Everyone must have fun tonight, killing, give you a New Year!

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