Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1057, Thunder, Tilting

"Our family has no intersection with the hell of the old ancestors, and no grievances."

"You can't ask for a trip to him, and the hatred is not too big. If you look at my blood, you will be more punishment, you will, Results, the other party directly gave the killing of our respects, and did not give it a little, obviously the meaning of the Tianshu also has the meaning of my blood! "

"And all this is because this sword is unparalleled."

The forest is passionate, with an anger.

"You know that this sword is unparalleled, and it is also brought to the family, this is not a tribute to my family?"

"And I have heard it before, you have been unparalleled for this sword, and I almost tightly with the hello, the ancient monk is completely turned to kill, hey, for an outsider, there is a family and dangerous place, such as this, simmer! "

When I heard the forest, a lot of strong people around the surrounding were not frown.

"How do I act, I am afraid I can't get it?" Su Siro low.

"You are the Saint-Sinner, and our nature is naturally in your respect. How do you do it naturally, I just think that you don't have enough sophistication, still need to have it." Lin Vao.

"Said so much, until the end is not to make a sigh of the sanquen?" Su Fu smiled.

The leaching is cold, but I have never answered.

The sword is unparalleled to listen to the dialogue of Suof and the forest. He can't help but laugh.

According to his knowledge, the blood remotted Luo Yi and the ancient demon family because of the relationship between the two strongest peaks, each other has been fighting, and the ancient demon family is aimed at the blood of the blood, it is normal.

As for the heaven, the old ancestors, the heart is not smooth, and the goodness of his hand is, most of them are fierce and crazy. Since the blood repair Luo Yifang has a strong person to enroll them to them, they are directly killed, and it is normal.

It is very normal, but this forest is hard to deduct these two hat on him.

Obviously, I want to use him for an excuse, deliberately find Su.

I want to pass this, and the sword is unparalleled.

"The old forest is old, I live in the blood of Luo Yifang this day, I really brought you a lot of trouble, it is so ... this way, I am willing to pay some costs, it is a loss of blood and compulsion." Sword is unparalleled Said, but a wave of taking out a Qiankun ring.

"In this Qiankun ring, there are thirty mixed chaos, thinking to make up for these losses."

"Thirty mixed chaos?"

The people around him immediately looked at it. When they confirmed that there were thirty chaotic crystals in that Qiankun, these people saw the sword unparalleled eyes immediately.

"Thirty mixed chaotic crystal, take it out, big strength?" A strong man muttered.

Take the wood glass and a wonderful look of swords, but it is still cold, "30 mixed chaos, is very precious, but you brought the ancient demon family brought by our family, two old ancestors The enemy, this is the thirty mixed chaotine center in the district? "

"Oh?" The sword has no double eyes slightly, and the spin is slightly turned cold. "Since 30 chaotic crystals are not enough to make up for this price, I don't know if I will make up for it."

"What?" Asked under the consciousness of Lin.

The sword where you can stand next to Su Guo, but it is moving.

There is no sign of signs, in this parliament, when the blood of the Romo Yi family, the sword is unparalleled.


The horrible swords are in the sword. There is no double body, and the huge round table in front of him is smashed.

The sword is not like a ghost, and there is no better.

This scene, the strong people around the surrounding blood romance have been shocked.


Su Fu face also changed, obviously she didn't think that the sword was unparalleled and suddenly shot.

The stern Siwang is torn space, and the trail is straight to kill the past.

The forest is angry, "the little child, looking for death!"

Intang glass is also instantly, as a strong strong, the reaction ability is natural.

I saw a green sword like a spirit snake, a stunning, tattooing, and the surrounding faintly fell, the cold was forced, and the entire space around the surrounding space was completely solidified.

And the sword of the sword is like a Thunder, and the time hits it.


The long sword of the two sorts, hit, splash, splash, spatial cracks.

"The power of this kid ..." Lin glass watched the sword unparalleled.

She is able to feel the strength of this sword in the sword, this strength is not weak than her Tianzun.

"Although the strength is good, the sword is too thick." Lin Into laughed.

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled but smile, and it is a lot of fire.


A low drinking is sent from the sword, echoing within the entire attic.

After this low voice sounded, the horrible power hidden in the sword was unparalleled, suddenly broke out.

It is still unsuitable, horrible, and awkwardly to the leaching.

"What?" Linjing faces bigger, "" There was a second heavy power, and this power, so strong! "

The leaching blocked eyes, feeling the role of the excision of the sword without double sword, the power of her long sword, instantly passed to her arm, , her whole right hand The arm is directly burst.

The blood of the blood, all shredded by the moment, and her sneaked green sword also flew away.

And at this time, the sword is unparalleled, and there is an appearance of the forest.

"Give me!"

A whisper, contains the thunderous angry, the sword is unparalleled with a dark whip, directly in the body of the forest.

This leaching is not asked to make any reaction, and the whole body is immediately embarrassed into the ground.


The ground was completely smashed, and the next moment, he pulled out from the mountainside connected to the ground, and continued to smash the foot of the mountain. In a bloody palace in the foot of the mountain, the blood palace also shredded.


At the same time that the leaching is pulled out, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also in the bloody palace that appears in the foot of the mountain.

That is in the ruins of the bloody palace, struggling to stand up yet.


A feet with a tens of thousands of pounds of boulder carry a terrible impact, directly pressing the body.


I immediately spurt a big mouth in the wood. The whole body bones have more than 70% of the crush. She is pressed under the boulder, and they will not move.

And on the boulder, a bloody friend shadow is there, and the foot of the dark golden rays has been lifted. As long as he uses, it can make the straighten powder.

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