Blood repair.


A white shadow, the sword is quietly standing there, but a big tree in front of him is lazy to open.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." The sword was unparalleled.

Just that sword, although the speed is coming to the extreme, but it is only the extremely limited to the Aurora Camido in the heaven and earth.

I want to improve the Aurora swords to achieve the level, but the poor is very far, even the feeling of the sword is unparalleled, it seems that it is not in one direction.

"Returning to a sword, I recognized the essence of this sword in the morning, just incorporate the new Jianwang in it, but the Aurora sword with Red Rover, but it is very different, I have to slow down. Drilling is talented. "The sword was muffy.

"Old three."

The sound sounded, Suofang's figure has fallen into the courtyard.

"Is there a result?" The sword was unparalleled to Sudu to sit down next to the table.

"Well." Su Guo nodded. "Our family has been infiltrated into a strong person in the ancient demon for a long time. He has already told me the drops of your mother, although I don't dare to determine, but There are 80% of grasp. "

"Talk." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is the case." Su Guang began to say in detail, "When he received the order, he started to investigate your mother's drops, he first investigated some strong people inside the ancient demon family, and because your mother is More than two thousand years ago, he was able to catch up with the ancient world more than two thousand years ago. It should be not difficult. "

"But the power of our family has found a full 100 years in the ancient demon family, but there is no news."

"In the ancient demon, it seems that there is no such person in your mother, and he secretly asked a lot of power, and those strong people have never heard of the nine swords, I have to go to the ages, let alone arrest people. "

"I haven't had a little clue until later, the strong people in our respects are inadvertently listening to the peak!"

"Tian Xiufeng?" The sword has no double, "What day is the peak?"

"The sky is the peak, it is a place where the ancient demon family is in a place, that is the banned place of the ancient demon, and the ancient monsters are not numbed, and the peaks are almost being used in the ancient monk. Thoroughly isolate, many strong people in the ancient demon family, don't say that I have to enter the peak, even if you want to be close to it. "

"Only those who have committed the sins, or bring endless losses to the ancient demon, will be held within the peak of the sky, this treatment, the average person is not qualified." Su Lu said.

"The ancient demon family stands for so many years in the reincarnation, but it is only for two people before the peak."

"The two people, one is the second generation of the ancient demon family, because he made a wrong decision, causing an unprecedented impact in the ancient demon, and the reincarnation is completely dissipated, after the crisis is released, he is in the heart If you volunteered to go to the peak of the sky, it is a full-length! "

"The second place is the largest traitor in the history of the ancient demon, the traitor bulge, killing his own master, and even killing his parents, then escaped from ancient demon, later ancient demon The family sent a large number of strong people to chase him, in the way, a large number of people died in his hand, this is a big devil, and the big devil, the best, it is best to take the first power of the ancient demon family, and suppress it And detained in the peak of the sky. "

"The big devil was exhausted in the sky, and later, it was dead."

When you hear this, the sword has no double-faced necropsy.

According to Su Soft, the day is independent.

"Old four, you mentioned the peak of the sky, couldn't my mother ..." The sword didn't ask.

"This is what I want to say." Su Fu face is dignified, "the people of our family listened to people, soon, in the peak, it was a woman, but no one Knowing her name and origin, I don't know why she will be held in the peak, but the people of our family have been found that the woman is detained in the peak of the peak for more than two thousand years ago. ! "

The sword is unparalleled.

Su Zouji continued: "According to what you said, your mother should be quite special in the ancient demon, and many of the ancient monk people don't know the existence of your mother, and being detained in the peak of the peak. The woman, the same, no one knows the origin, mystery is incomparable, and it is detained for more than two thousand years ago. At time, it is incomparable, so I said that the woman has eight%, it is your mother. ! "

The sword is not double-finished.

Obviously, she also recognizes Suoft's guess.

His mother is certain that the woman is being held in the peak of the sky.

"The sky is the peak, the sky is the peak!" The sword was unparalleled with hands, and the eyes became a scarlet.

"Old three, I just carefully investigated the peaks, the sky is the peak of the ancient demon, but all those who were detained in the peak of the sky unless they voluntarily entered, otherwise the ancient demon family is Will n't let her go out from the peaks of the sky. "Su So said.

"Of course, this world is no matter where it is, everything is strength, you are strong, and you are strong, you will shake the ancient demon family in front of you, then as long as you say, the ancient demon family does not dare to let people, However, your strength now is strong, but it is still going to be some, but it is still a difference. "Su said.

"I understand." The sword has no double heart, and the gripped hands also put it down.

I heard the things of the peak, the sword is unparalleled, although excited, but will never lose ration for this.

On the contrary, he is calm.

He is very clear, now he is enough to compete with the general sky, even those who are relatively weak, like Lin Gang, he can defeat, but single strength, it is not enough to face it. A big ancient demon family.

After all, there is a feet in the ancient world.

And the top three Tianzun were the strongest one, and there was already the top of Tianzun, and there were still a lot of strong hello.

"No matter what, my mother's drop I at least is clear. The next thing to do is that I want to improve the strength!"

"Only when my strength is strong, if you reach the Hall of the Hall of the Temple, the Round Temple, or the level of the Rising Sword Emperor, then I can directly kill the ancient demon, save your mother! "

"Everything, you have to need absolute strength!"

The sword has no binding in the bamboo.


PS: Brothers, Happy New Year!

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