Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1061 An invitation letter, all parties cloud!


A people suddenly fell into the hospital, which is a long elder in the blood of the blood.

"Holy Lord."

This elderly went to Su soft, handed over a hot letter, respectfully said: "This is an invitation sent from the Temple of Temple."

"Invitation letter of the Temple of Temple?"

Su Fuyi is moving, after the invitation letter, spread it in his hand, simply browsing, and it will not be surprised by emergence.

"Old four, what happened?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You go first."

After Su Fu sent the old age, he went to the sword.

"Monitoring?" The sword has no double one, doubts: "What is it?"

"The supervision of the Temple of the Temple is, it is the main position of the Temple of Temple and the power only in the turn of the temple, like the old houses, have to have eight-level reincarnation, one is high, but these The old man is old, but it has to listen to the monitoring of monitoring! "

"It can be said that the supervision of the Temple of the Temple is, that is, a giant."

"And the strength of monitoring is very horrible. Generally, only the nine-order reincarnation of the final test is qualified to be the position of monarch, but can be nine-order reincarnation, what is rare?"

"As far as I know, the reincarnate of the Temple of the Temple is tested. The more the test is more difficult, and the test of the eight-order reincarnation is extremely harsh. As for the nine-order round, even the general Tianzun, the color change It can be said that it is eligible to become a nine-order reincarnation, inevitably, the top of the sky! "

"The Temple of the Round Temple stands for so many years in the reincarnation. The reincarnation has also existed so many years. It has always been an election, crazy competition, but countless years, can go to the end, become a nine-point reincarnation, five fingers, now The reincarnation of the temple, only two nine-order reincarnation, these two people are also the two monitors of the Temple of Temple. "

"Now, this invitation letter is, it is clear that the third monitoring of the Temple of the Temple is to be born." Su said.

After listening to the sword, the sword was unparalleled and secretly nod, and he immediately understood that this monitor is made, and the power owned is the strength.

Only two monitors have been made before the Temple of the Temple, and they are all the top of the top, facing such existence, even if they are like ancient demon family, the blood of the blood Romanti is like a peak ethnic group, it is estimated to be careful, do not dare to have Sin.

Now this third monitor has invited a letter from the General Assembly, but if you pick up the invitation, I am afraid that no one dares to give face.

"Three days later, the reincarnation of the temple will be a giant monitoring, the old three, when you come to participate in me." Su said.

"I?" The sword is unparalleled, slightly nodd, "the monitor made such a big permission in the Temple of the Round, I saw him, if it had enough cost, perhaps you can ask him to find my father's fall."

His father, is quite special in the Temple of the Temple, even if it is the old town of Ding Mo, it is unqualified, but in the Temple of Temple, the temple is only the supervision of the void palace, but there is authority to go to find Those information.

This monitoring makes it easy to help, he wants to find his father's probability, it should be great.

Su Soft is also because of knowing this, it will deliberately let the sword will go forward with her.

"That is here for three days." The sword was unparalleled.

"Well." Su Guo also nodded. "But this monitors the meeting, the invitation can only have my blood of Luo Yi, and there is a top forces of all parties in the mainland, and even someone who is strong, the ancient demon The family will definitely be present, and even the Tianshi old ancestors will also come, you have to be mentally prepared. "

"The ancient demon family, the heaven the ancestors?" The sword has no double smile, "said that he had gambling with me before, so many people looked at it. He won't pay for him, and I will not recruit him again. The heart is unwilling, it is estimated that it will not be deal with me, as for the ancient demon family ... oh, what is the means, I will then it is. "

The sword is full of confidence.

As early as 120 years ago, he was able to keep his life under the challenge of the Tianshi, the ancient peony.

And today, today, his strength increased, and it was more feet.


As Su Soft said, the reincarnation of the temple monitors the invitation letter of the General Assembly, not only sent to the blood of the Romo, and sent it to the ancient demon family, the Barn family, the blood and phoenix, and the parties of the mainland Forces and a lot of excitement.

All power or strong people are shocked at the bottom of the heart when they receive this invitation.

The Temple of Temple has made this identity.

At the moment of receiving the invitation, a large amount of force groups and those who are excitement have begun to prepare.

One of the four big peaks, in the Barn family.

"The Temple of the Temple of Temple has been born again."

The family of the Bacard family has played a majestic voice for a group of strong people.

"Monitoring, it is not more old!"

"Reincarnation Temple, the big and small, the old town is old, there are more than 20 times, and there are many times in the middle, which can be monitored, so many years, there are only two, nor replace it, now this third Basic monitoring, this is a big event! "

"Immediately prepare a gift, after three days, this seat will congratulate."


One of the four big peaks, the blood practice family.

"The supervision of the Temple of the Temple has made it in the Temple of the Temple, and although the high height is on weekdays, it is unrecognizable to the sky domain, and the battle against the power of the mainland, but their influence is amazing."

"Sometimes, the monitor can make my blood and phoenians have accumulated that there is no virtual, the same, and a sentence can make my blood and phoenix are stronger than ever."

"Now, my blood phoenix is ​​in the bottom of the four peaks. In addition to their own strength, the most important thing is that the two supervisions with the reincarnation Temple, there is no smile, and now this The three monitors made birth, my blood and phoenters, I must try to climb some kinds of emotions with him, even if you can't raise his feelings, it is absolutely unity that there is any dissatisfaction with my blood phoenix. "

"Three days later, this seat and three old age, personally."



Dawuantu has also received an invitation from the Temple of Rendenery.

There is no time in the next day, the big heavenly ancestors, and the day is directly moving with two guardians, and the world is coming.

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