The sky is domain, there is no Star City.

There is no Star City, which is the most prosperous city in the Tianfu domain. The third monitoring of the Temple of Temple has been held in this united city.

At the moment of the city, the people in the mountains, the guards are strict, and the strong is more countless.

The whole turn is back to the mainland, and more than half of the top strong, it has been gathered here.

Monitoring the admiral meeting, but anyone who received the invitation, even if it was a top-tip power like the ancestors, they had to come to the face.

The most central vast in the unrequited city, all parties have already arrived.

Among them, the ancient demon family, the Bacard family, the strong people in the four peaks, the strong people who come to participate, are the highest levels of the ethnic groups.

The Pakistan family follows the blood song family, all of which have a thick gift, personally arrived.

And the ancient demon, although the strongest existence in their family did not arrive in person, but there were two Tianzun personally arrived.

These two Tianzun are the winter Ming Tianzun and Lei Yi Tianzun!

"This conference, the ancient demon family actually sent two Tianzun arrival?"

The long-term partners have seen the Camp of the ancient demon family from time to time.

Two Tianzun, this is only the ancient demon family with the ,, There is only one, with the ancient demon family, the blood of the Romo Yi is very bad.

"Lei Yi Tianzun, this madman ..."

"Isn't this Lei Wi Tianzun went to a Jedi? This is all endless years have not appeared. I didn't expect this to participate in this conference today."

There were many strong people on the field, and they were secretly discussing, the topic of the discussion is the old man in the ancient monk family, the old man is like an eagle.

He, it is the Lei Wing Tianzun, which has been famous for many years ago.

On the strength, he is more stronger than the winter, and he is in the second place in the three days of the ancient demon family.

At this time ...


The three shadows suddenly down from the sky, soon fell to a longer.

The emergence of these three figures, suddenly caused attention to the strong people in the field.

These three people are wearing a young man who is carrying a long sword, a beautiful black girl, and a man with a brown bear.

Among the three people, the man like a brown bear clearly is stronger, and it has reached the Tianzun level, but he is very respectful to sit in the last side, and the young man carrying the long sword, and the black girl is side by side. Go front.

"It is a person who is bloody Luo Yifang, the head of the head is the Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Sinner!"

"Since the sins of the Saint Lord, that is the king of the blood of Luo Yi, although she is not much better, but she wakes up to the eye, can directly control the strong, as him, the sky, it is said to be controlled by her."

"Direct control of Tianzun, this is really good."

"Who is the person who is going to the Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-House?"

"This person, he is not ... sword is unparalleled?"

"Yes, right, he is sword unparalleled !!!"

After a few exciting, the time of almost everyone saw the blood and greetings of the long sword.

Everyone looked at the sword and unparalleled, and even even the Saint-Saint-Saint-Sangdu is already ignored by them.

"He, is the sword is unparalleled? The sword who is shocked throughout the sky is not long ago?"

"It is said that he is just a eternal border, but he can jointly keep his life in the winter of the Tianshi, and there is a relationship between the Shu Lord to help the Holy Lord, but he is on the front of the ancestor three. Trick and don't die, this is a fact! "

"Know the nine sword road of the ancient demon? It is the baby's baby in the ancient world, it is caught by this sword, and now it is still in his hands, not already put it out."

A voice, has been discussing.

These dialogues around, the sword is unparalleled, Su Gu is listening to the ear, the two people are a laugh, but they are not careless.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

At a corner of the campus, the hedgeous old ancestors wearing a black robe is gripped, and the eyes are dead and stare at the sword. On the forehead, there is also a ribbed violent.

Killer's hatred, do not share the sky, if there is an ability, he really wants to set the sword.

However, at 120 years ago, he had tried it, and he knew that he wanted to kill the sword is unparalleled, almost a luxury.

Plus the relationship between the gambling, he can only put this hatred.

Like now, although he is extremely irresponsible, it doesn't want the meaning of the sword.

On the other side, the ancient monsters' camp, when seeing the sword, there is no double arrival, the thunder Tianzun is a shrinkage of the two people in the winter, then the first step of the first step in the first step. Come up.

Winter Ming Tianzun brows, but also followed.

"You, it is a sword!"

The cold and low voice, it was awkward, although this sound was not large, but contain a strange sound wave, cover all the sounds on the campus, and the entire campus is temporarily quiet.

A touch of light, I watched the source of the sound.

The slow sword is unparalleled with Su. It also stops at the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the person appeared in front of himself.

A red hair, gaze, like an eagle, is staring at himself.

"Old three, this person is the , the strength is better than the winter, and the forest is strong, and his sexy is extremely violent." Su Shifu said.

"The ancient demon?" The sword was not a mouthful of mouth.

And the strong people on the campus saw this scene, and the face became an old.

"It is Lei Wing Tianzun!"

"I guessed it!"

"This Lei Yi Tianzi is a violent, in the three major days of the ancient demon, it is definitely the most violent one, I saw him appearing at the next meeting, I guess, there will be good Drama. "

"This sword is unparalleled to suppress your Jiujian Road for more than a hundred years, but the ancient demon family has not responded, until now, Lei Yi Tianzun is unparalleled with the sword ... with the nature of Lei Yi, he is never Maybe you can't help but go. "

"Look at it."

These strong people are interested in looking at this, but no one has a planning.

"Kid, old man is asking you?"

Lei Yi Tianzun is fierce, and it is unparalleled with swords.

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