Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1066, since he wants you to die, then you will die!

"Here, what is going on?"

The green jacket is laughing, and the sound spreads.

"Adults, the sword is unparalleled with the ancient demon", the two have just been in this battle. "Ding Mo said.

"Monitor makes adults, this sword is unparalleled first, I am helpless, I didn't think of adults." Lei Yi Tianzun is busy.

"Is this?" The Qingyi man still does not move, and the eyes are slightly turned, and the sword is not double. "He said, but true?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden, and the body carries the killing of the sky, low Shen said: "I want him to die!"

"Oh?" Tsing Glass Men picks.

And the strong people on the campus, they heard the sword unparalleled, but it is a weird.

They didn't think of it, this monitor made people from personally, and the sword is not double, and even directly said that I want to die.

"Hey, kid, in the monitor, make the face, do you dare to let? I still want me to die? Now the old man will look at it, who is dead." Lei Yi Tianzun is a clear.

In his way, the sword is unparalleled now, this is very hard to find it.

If he is a good attitude, the active image of the supervision makes the sin, this monitor will give him a perhaps, but now ...

"It's really a life yourself!" Lei Yi Tianzun has become more cold.

"Lei Yi Tianzun." Tsing Glass men looked over, "said the sword is unparalleled, have you heard?"

"Yes." Thunder Tianzun Zheng nodded, : "Monitor makes adults, this sword is unparalleled, and the chaos is ready to come, and even now to see the supervisory, you will be arrogant, you still dare to arrogance, make yours. A majesty, it is not a sin, but also hope that adults can take them directly, severely punish him! "

Lei Yi Tianzun also kills.

He didn't dare to ask the Qingyi man to kill the sword without double, and he could only invite the Qingyi man to severely punish the sword.

"Severe punishment?" Tsing Yi man smiled.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is a kind of unspete, but it is a lot of mozzarellation, but hidden with a mercy.

"It is sad." The sword is not smiled.

"Lei Yi Tianzun." Tsing Yi men opened again. "I will not say that I have a sword, I will ask you, I have just said that I have just said that I have just heard it?"

Lei Yi Tianzun one, the heart is full of doubts.

If you just say something, don't you want him to die?

He certainly heard it clearly, this monitoring made it sure, and how did you ask him repeatedly?

Although doubts, Ke Leo Tianzun is still nod, "listening clearly."

"Listen clear, so you can at least know why you are dead." Tsing Yi smiled slightly.

"What?" Lei Yi Tianzun inner.

The strong people on the campus are also fierce.

"Since he wants you to die, then you ... you will die." Tsing Yi man smiles, the wind is light.

At that moment, a sword light suddenly lit up at the moment.

This sword is not comparative, and one appears immediately attracts all people who have seen it.

In their sight, the temperament on the tannin man has been completely changed.

Originally a pair of indifferent and superb gestures, the breath is also ordinary, but at this moment, his breath has become extremely sharp, this sharp, as if you can tear all the earth, the whole people of the Qingyi man seem to have become A cover of the Gay Sword of the Heaven.

This sip of the sword came out, under the day, no one can fight with it!

The sword of swords and lights are also eye-catching.

That sword, glaring, can make him surprised, this sword is light, but it is very slow.

Yes, it is slow.

Slowly swallow, it seems that there is no strength.

In such a slow swimming sword, don't say that Tianzun, Da Zunqiang, even if you change to a eternal, you should be very easy to avoid this sword.

Result ...

This slow swallowed sword waved out, the goal of sword light, the Lei Yi Tianzun was completely obvious, he wanted to dodge, you want to avoid this sword, but he is very amazed Discover that your speed is too slow.

Slow, surprisingly slow.

The speed is much slower than that of the sword light.

"How could this be?"

Lei Yi Tianzun is unbelievable, the bottom of the heart has set off an unprecedented fear.

He is wide, so standing there, watching the slow swords of the swallowing appeared in front of him, he didn't even have a spear to resist, and he was directly hit by the sword.


A sulf, accompanied by the rain.

The Lei Yi Tianzun is still standing, but his interest is to dissipate the amazing speed. The moment has been completely disappeared. His shape is also unable to fall.

When he died, he didn't want to pass. This new monitors did not discontinue his swords, why would why would why would you kill him?

Moreover, this monitors make the swordsmanship of the show, he also fully can't see it.

He didn't even know why he died in that sword.

But the sword has shocked all his blood and meat organs into powder, but also annihilated his life, he missed it is not difficult.

On the campus, a silence!

The many strong people arrived, at this moment, I grew up with my mouth, and I watched the scene in front of you.

In their heart, it is also full of shock.

"Too too strong!"

I don't know who is the first exclaimed, and the entire campus will fall into the excitement.

"Just that sword!"

Dynasty old ancestors took a moment, and the Tsing Yi men on the throne saw the past.

That sword is really terrible!

Even if he, he did not grasp the whole body in that sword.

"Lei Yi Tianzun is under this sword, not." The old man turned dark.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it will also just look at the eyes in the eyes.


"Yes, it is illusion."

The sword is unparalleled.

"That sword, it looks slowly, slow and poor, but it is actually incredible, it is the ultimate, and the sword is full than the sword of the Aurora Sword. "

"Fast, the illusion, the fast Lei Wi Tianzun is not coming to make a react, and it is too late to resist it."

"so horrible!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also full of shock.

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