Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1067, Father! ! !

On the entire campus, everyone has fallen into the shock of the horror sword.

In their opinion, in the entire green world, it is possible to show more terrible swords than just the sword. Maybe there is only the legend of the first sword, and the Rising Sword Emperor.

While shocking swords, they are more, but they are surprised.

Yes, it is surprised.

Because today's sword is unparalleled with the Thunder Tianzun, it is clear that the sword is unparalleled. The supervision should be the sword.

But this monitor, but did not punish the sword and unparalleled, but directly shot the Lei Yi Tianzun to kill it?

What's happening here?

Everyone is wrong.

"Supervision, monitoring makes adults ..." The winter of the ancient monk is shaking.

The ancient demon family, a total of three Tianzun, but now it is made by this, the monitored supervision, directly killed one.

And if the Lei Wi Tianzun is guilty or by this monitoring, the latter will kill it, the key is that this monitor is obviously not divided into green saponis.

The winter is full of angry.

But he is anger, and I think that the status of the monitor has just been showing the strength, he is also grateful and not afraid.

Under the eyes of everyone, the green jackets sitting on the throne slightly, next to him, once again, there is a throne, and there is also the throne of his throne, his eyes are also in front of the sword. Looked over.

"Little son, come over!" Tsing Yi men opened slightly, and the sound took a soft and kind.

"Yes, my father." The sword is unparalleled, and then it is directly forward.

I can hear the sword unparalleled to the name of the Qingyi man, the whole of the campus, is still quiet.

"Father, father?"

"The sword is unparalleled, the monitor makes adults ... father?"

"Is this newly charged monitoring, is a father and son with swords?


Everyone is getting off.

Regarding this new monitors, all parties in the field have just got some messages.

These news, originally top secret, but now because of the news of the supervision, the Temple of the Temple will take the initiative to spread.

Everyone now knows that this new monitors make it the fastest rise in the history of the Temple of Temple.

Just only for two thousand years, the first-order reincarnation, all the way to the hierarchy of the nine-point reincarnation, and even say that he is the disciple of the Temple.

What is dazzling, what is incredible with super genius?

And the sword is unparalleled, it is even more, a eternal, force the sky, and even win, the talent is strong, it is definitely the first to the fire world, which is more than the sky.

Such a peerless genius, there is a rare, and there are two already miracles, and now, these two people are actually a father and son relationship?

The father and son are two, which are unbelievable.

Are they really dreaming now?

"I can't stand three fees, but I can't find his father's fall. It turned out that his father was so like this?" Su Fu is dark.

"That little child, is it a son of this new monitors?" The old ancestors were wide and closed, and the bottom of the heart took the air. At the same time, he was more, one is fortunate. The dangerous festival is fortunate.

"Fortunately, I have known the grievances between this kid, I also abide by the promise, no longer have found his trouble, although I can't kill him, but since I have already understood, his father, this horror The supervision makes it not to be angry and kill me. The top more, then I apologize, I am going to apologize. "Bawen ancestor murmured.

He is not smooth, no day, but it is absolutely not responsive.

With his strength, there is not much to kill him throughout the entire green world.

Like the four peaks, he is not very concerned, that is, almost no one in the four peaks can kill him, but this monitor is different.

From the horrible sword of the horrible, this heavenly ancestor can see that this monitor has made his ability to kill him.

I didn't pay attention to the shock around, the sword is unparalleled, and when she is in the face of so many people, sitting directly on the throne, and sitting with the green clothes.

"Kid, very good, so short time, you have come to this step?" Tsing Yi man, the sword is a smile.

"Compared with your father, it is still a bit." The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't compare with me, my encounter is different from you, I really want to say, you have much better than I have." Jian Nan Tian said.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is rising.

His father is now powerful, it is obviously stronger than him, and the progress is natural than him, but why do you want to be strong?

"The sword is unparalleled, what is your father in front of you?" The voice of the King suddenly sounded in the sword.

"Of course." The sword is not a hyper point.

His own father, he certainly knows.

Whether it is from the appearance, or temperament, and the familiar feeling, the sword is unparalleled can be confirmed, and this is undoubtedly his father.

"If he is your father's words, it is a bit mean." Yu Wang said.

"What do you mean?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, according to what you said, your father is born in the ages for more than two thousand years ago, and it is also a reincarnation in the ancient world, and then to this round of the mainland, that is, your father is only live More than two thousand years, but I can see that your father, the at least 100,000 years have been lived! " .

"What?" The sword was shocked.

His father has lived more than 100,000 years?

How can it be?

"Don't believe, I am the most good at the month of the month, it is the ability to recover. Since it is recovery, the sense of life is naturally extremely strong. I can determine that your father is absolutely more than 100,000 years." Said King said .

"How?" The sword is not double still can't believe, "Father, he is only more than a few tens of years old, and it has lived for more than 20,000 years. This is impossible."

"How is it impossible? The world is big, there is no."

The King is a laugh. "If I have not guess wrong, your father should have entered a very special secret, the time flow rate outside the secret is not the same, such as the outside world in the past year, the secret This is possible in the past 100 years or even millennium. "

"Is this?" The sword has no double look.

Can you change the secret of time flow rate?

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