Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1068 After a month, kill the peak!

"Wancha Chaos World, the strong is countless, naturally there are many mysterious means."

"Change time flow rate, it is one of them."

"However, change time flow rate, it is a means of energy, only reaching the star of the star, or the level of Luo Zhen Wang, there is a very high accomplishment in time and space, and it is possible to show it. Your green world, it is impossible to have this aim of this is not like this. "

King frowned.

He followed the sword unparalleled in the fire world, especially in this round of the mainland, and saw a lot of blood in the vast chaotic world, although these blood have already thinned, but their ancestors are very strong. .

Now, he sees the energy-saving means of changing time flow rate. He is more and more, this green fire industry is not general.

"Your father not only lives for more than 100,000 years, and there is still a little, that is his physical fitness, and it is also unusual." King said again.

"Father's physique?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Your father's sword is very strong, he is in the talent in the sword, is never weak than you, even more than you, the reason, except for his own talent, the most important thing is his body, if I don't have Guess the wrong, he should be the body of the legendary sword. "

"Sword spirit body? What is it?" The sword asked.

"This is ... I will not be clear for a while, waiting for it to talk to you again." Said the King said.

"Well." The sword nodded, and he also knows the current occasion, and he does not allow him to continue with the King.

On the campus, when the monitoring of this monitoring made the sword is a father and son relationship, these strong people in the scene also understand, why is this monitoring that does not punish the sword? .

"Winter Mingtianzun."

The Jiannan is slightly opened, but the deep scorpion is slowly eager to see the winter.

The winter is shameful, and some fearful swords have seen it.

He is indeed full of fear, so there is more emotional emotions.

When he knew that Jiannan is a father and unparalleled father, he finally knows the true identity of the sword.

Just said that Lei Wi Tianzun said, the sword is unparalleled by the ant ants, this antite, the referring is that this Jian Nan Tian.

"More than 2,000 years ago, I was completely unsatisfactory, even almost killing the father and son, but now the doubles are so popular?"

"A sword is unparalleled? A reincarnation temple monitoring?"

"This this……"

Winter Ming Tianzun has been shocked, it is completely said.

"Winter Ming Tianzun, more than two thousand years, the sky is the peak, can you still?" Jiannan overlooks the winter.

"Hey ..." Winter Ming Tianzun one, nodding the next consciousness, "Okay, okay!"

"Hey." Jiannan is cold, but his eyes are open, and the sound of the Hong Kong is slowly sounded at the ear of every person.

"I invited you today. In addition to coming to this monitoring, I have to announce a thing, I hope that you can do a testimony."

Many strong people present are listening carefully.

"For more than two thousand years ago, my wife didn't have a dream, and I was awarded by the Jiujian Road of the ancient demon family and has been detained in the ancient peak!"

"More than two thousand years, I became a reincarnation, countless times in the edge of life and death, over the endless trouble, finally went to this step!"

"Just, I am unparalleled with my dreamless children, I also grow up ..."

"The time has arrived!"

"My father is two, and the grievances of the ancient demon family, it is time to make a knot!"

"One month later, the two of my father and son will kill the peaks in the name of the individual! Save my wife and save his mother!"

"No matter who, dare to block my father and son, all ... kill innocent!"

The cold to the extreme sound, echoing on the campus.

The shares of the people carrying the sounds were decided, and the shackles hidden, it was a person who heard all the people, and a heart.

That winter, Tianzun, but also exposed an unprecedented horror.

After a month, Jian Nan Tian, ​​swords are unparalleled, will kill the peaks?

This news is like a heavy bomb, and the whole campus will be boiled.

The ancient peaks of the ancient peaks, and most of the parties in the field have also heard that it is the banned place of the ancient demon, and it has always been a lot of color in the ancient monk.

It is said that only the ancient monk family who has suffered a sin, or the ancient demon family suffering from great losses, will be held within the peak.

And the sword is unparalleled, this monitors make the wife of the adults, it is held within the peak of the sky?

"Killing the sky is the peak? Is this going to fight with the ancient demon family?"

"One party is the ancient demon family in the four peaks of the mainland, and the other party is the first ethnic group, the other is the strongest two big enchanting in the green industry, but also the father and son, the two already have Tianzun's power, Among them, this monitoring is more unspeakable. These two parties have collisions? Scorpio! "

"Big incident, this is definitely the biggest event in the mainland!"

One exclaimed, and the entire campus was in a championship.

"Winter Ming Tianzun, I just said, you'd better originally pass it to the body of the sky, one month, let him want to clear, how to choose." Jiannan Tianmu Zhong Li Mang smashed.

The winter is a little trembling. He looked up at Jiannan Tianyi. Subsequently, the facier arched his hand, not to say, directly turned to people with ancient demon, there is the body of the Lei Yi Tianzun, leave .

When I was walking, this winter Ming Tianzun expression is very good.

Obviously he also knows the severity of this event.

If it is dealt with, his ancient demon family is completely destroyed, and it is no longer suffering from unprecedented hit, which is not solemnly.

After the strong people of the ancient demon, Jiannan will waved again. "I am in the temple of the Temple of Temple today, I have a drink."

After the sound fell, the surrounding of this campus immediately had a burst of fairy sound, a large number of servants, will have already prepared a good wine, and the food has taken it.

Although there are so many changes in the middle, this banquet is still going on.

Only the protagonist of this banquet, but after throwing the 'heavy bomb', it took the sword without parallel.

Within a temple, the sword is unparalleled with the Swords and South Time.


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