Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1070, Tianzun

"Two thousand years, father even remembered every year, even every day, can see the mother's position in his heart." The sword is unhappy.

"One month, only one month left!"

The Jian Nantian drank a bite, but his eyes became unusual.

"Dream, after a month, I will pick you up, let's reunite!"

"After a month, be sure to save your mother." The sword is also a bright spot.


Just when the sword is unparalleled with the son of Jiannan, there is a pot of porridge in the ancient demon.

The ancient demon family, as one of the four peaks of the mainland, has always been unparalleled, very few things worthy of the ancient demon.

But today ... Lei Wi Tianzun, after a month, the sword is in the south, the sword will kill the news of the peak of the sky, and the whole ancient monk is completely boiling.

The ancient demon family has only three respects, and now it is now directly killed, and the ancient monk is naturally an angry.

But the surplus, but more is shocking.

Within a majestic hall, the many high-rise strong people of the ancient demon have been gathered there.

Above the word in the hall, there is a three-star throne, but at this moment, this black throne is only sitting in the dark. These two people are winter Ming Tianzun, and there is the strength in the ancient demon. Becomatothy.

As for the Thunder Tianzun, because of the dead relationship, it is natural that it is impossible to appear in this temple.

"Things are the case."

Winter Ming Tianzun said that he had simply said that the matter happened at the General Assembly, and he finished his eyes around him.

When I heard the winter, the ancient monk had a lot of people, a look.

"You are the new monitors of the Temple of the Temple. The sound seems to have a few points.

"Yes." Winter Ming Tianzun nodded.

"How is this possible?" The face of the old sky and the old face wrinkled, obviously did not believe this fact.

"My disciple was connected to the nine sword from the ages, but just two thousand years, and the swords of the swords, the swords were only a disturbed antique, just two thousand years, if they only have one person to grow to this day This point, the old man is reluctant to accept, but the father and son have a pair of pairs to this point, this is incredible! "

"It is a lifelike, but it is a fact." Winter Ming Tianzun wrinkled: "The Jian Dynasty is already in the face of all parties, saying that after a month, his father and son will directly kill the peaks, gallblatry. I will kill innocent! The old brother, now I should think about it, how to deal with his father and son. "

When I heard the winter, the bubble is not from slight.

According to Winter Ming Tianzun just said, Jian Nan Tian is unparalleled ... Single sword is unparalleled, you can be able to defeat Lei Wi Tianzun.

This strength, in the whole ancient monk, only the bubble is dedicated to shoot, can suppress the sword.

It can not be said that the sword is unparalleled for a month, and there is a more terrible sword.

"Winter, you have seen it before, the sword is really only using a sword, will you kill the Lei Wing?" Dead and frightened.

"Of course, it is not only me, and there are also strong people who come to all. The sword only shows a sword. It is very strange sword. It seems that it seems to be slowly swallowed. , In this sword, the Lei Wi has not even struggled, and it was directly killed. "Winter Ming Tianzun.

"Slowly swallow, soft sword?" The bubble is a deeper, "he opened the swords, it should be very strong, and the three swords should have been completely integrated. The immortal of the achievements is extremely strong, with the strength, It should also achieve the greatness of Tianzun! "

"Tianzun is full? Isn't that the same as you with your brother?" Winter Mingtian was shocked.

Tianzun, strong and weak, according to the strength of the road, and the number of fusements are also divided into several different levels.

From weak to strong, first wait for the first day, like some of the two roads, barely achieved non-fidelity, like the blood depression of the blood, the old man, one of the three countries, one of them, is in this One level.

At the beginning, Tianzun, is the bottom in the sky.

Following the second day, most of the second day is only blended, but these two channels that are integrated will generally reach the sky, and there may even have a similaration level, the higher the integrated road, the more immortal The Body is naturally the stronger.

Like the sword is unparalleled in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the Summer Laozhu Xiamine, the ancient peony people, the Teiyi Tianzun, winter Ming Tianzun, all this level.

Next, it is a high level.

Higher Tianzun generally blends two ways of compatibility, or combining three ordinary ways.

Like a heaven, it is a high-day, power is unusual.

As for the high-level sacred, it is a full of Tianzun, and the strongest bubble, and Suoft's master, the most stronger existence of Suofu.

This level has already integrated all three ways to open, and at least one of these three channels is the way of the level of the chemical.

Nowadays, the dryness is just a scene of seeing swordsmanship from the winter, and judges that the Swordsman has a successful strength.

This is also normal, although the Tianzun strong, every small level, the gap is extremely huge, but the winter is also a second day, I want a sword to kill him, there is no great battle, Can't do it.

Like a bubble, you are absolutely absolutely grasping, you can kill the winter.

"Becoming big brother, you said that the sword is also a full strength of Tianzun, then you compare with your brother, and how?" Asked Dong Mingtian.

"This, is not good." The body is a little shilted, "Tianzun and Tianzun, not only the gap of each level, even if the same level, the strength has a great gap, take the first sword of the fire industry to repair the Jianji Emperor For this, the Rising Sword Emperor is just a Tianzun, but his strength has more, and it has always been a mystery! "

"The same is true, but I didn't even have the courage of the Sky Jian Di."

"And this sword, maybe compare with the Rising Sword Emperor, but it is very far, but he can kill the Lei wings, but it should not be weaker than me. As for it, it is better than me, but you must fight I will know one by one. "

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