Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1071, Bluea Woman

"Even the big brother, you have not absolutely seize him?" Winter Ming Tianzun couldn't help but frown.

"It's not to be grasped, but he wants to pass the level, it is not easy, let alone this is within the old nest of my ancient demon, you have done the advantage, since the son of the sword, since the son of the son, since the son of the son, since the two people say I personally Come on, it is not afraid! "

"Tian Xiaofei, is the forbidden place of my ancient demon, the self-ancient family creation began to stand the rules, and this rule did not break this rule. This sword, the sword, the sword, the sword, the same is not qualified to break!"

"I also want to let my ancient demon family take the initiative to make people, it is a joke!"

"The command will go, everyone is ready. After a month, let me go to the ancient demon, and I will be against the father and son!"

The sound of the born, rumbled in this temple.

The strong people in many ancient demon families present were listening, and they were flashing.

Although there are three Tianzun, no matter who is clear, this three major days are only the strongest defective sky, is the real top pillar, he is the biggest reverberation of the ancient demon.

Three major days, although the Lei Yi is honored, the overall strength of the ancient demon has caused a huge impact, but only the bubble is not dead, the ancient patriarchal is full of confidence.

Many ancient monk in the hall quickly scattered.

The bubble is a shaped body shape, and a high-powered giant peak.

This giant peak has a high foot and high, close to the sky.

The huge pounds, the air flames, and the surroundings around the giant peak are surrounded by a heavy red airflow. These red air flows as if a group flame is included.

This giant peak is the peak!

Obviously, he stood in the center of the ancient monk residential land, clearly, but the countless people of the ancient peaks were full of fear of this .

At the top of this , the clouds are surrounded, with an ancient black tower exists.

This black tower is equally high, and there is a high 19th floor.

At this moment, in this ancient black tower, the highest layer of tower, a dim empty space, the void's most central, a raised stone bed, a blue robe woman sitting quietly There.

This blue robe woman is graceful and temperament, although it is a middle-aged appearance, but the skin is not more white, and the charm stills.

However, such a blue robe woman who looks Puttong, has his hands and feet, and has a hand-made foot of the special material, and there is a ban on the presence, seal her spirit. Force, even even her blood is completely sealed.

She stayed at the top of this black tower, more than two thousand years, and the range of activities, only the range of this stone bed is less than ten meters.

Obviously miserable, but this blue robe woman is very calm.

For two thousand years, she has been crazy in addition to a while, and she is very quiet.

at this time……


A Cangful voice passed through the ban on the giant peak, through the ban on this ancient black tower, delivered it in.

The sound passed into the ear of a blue robe woman.


The blue robe woman looked up slightly, and the look was light.

In the void around the giant peak, the shape of the old and old, the temple, looking at the ancient black tower that is eyeing on the giant peak, and the sound road: "There is an old man to inform you in advance, after a month, my ancient demon Will usher in two guests, these two are Sword South Tianhe swords. "


The original calm and unparalleled blue robe in the black tower is in the heart, and the figure is also standing immediately.

"Master, you promised me, you promised me, as long as I stay in the sky, you will let them go!"

"You promised me !!!"

The woman in the blue robe makes a scream, passing from the black tower.

This is also accompanied by a strong, the periphery from the blood, so that the bubble is picker.

"I have been over for more than two years. I have a lot of folded pain in the peak. I thought she had almost forgotten the two people. Who once thought that one of the father and son, her mood fluctuated This way. "The body is cold and cold, but it is cold.

"Since the old man agreed to you, naturally speaking, she will bring you back to the group, my ancient demon never has never been a sad father, even if the nine sword has drawn the sword soul of the sword, the old man I personally reprimanded, but today, it is not that my ancient monk is not going to with his father and son, but his father and son killed the door! "

"What?" "The blue robe woman could not help but feel stunned.

Jiannan Tian, ​​swords are unparalleled father, take the initiative to kill the door?

How can it be?

"It's the old husband too small, the father and son, did not expect to be a short two thousand years, this has grown to the father and son, now this is the father and son, one is expensive to return to the temple of the temple, or even he may be That round, the old disciple of the Temple, the strength of Tianzun is completely cultivated, and the strength is not weak in the old man. "

"As for the other, that is, your son sword is unparalleled, although it is only eternal, strong powerful, even positive defeat the Lei Wing Tianzun!"

"The two of this father and son are a rare super genius for the 100 million years of the green fire. Yesterday, they have already announced news. After a month, the two of his father and son will kill the peaks, gallbladder, and dare to block. I will kill innocent! "The bubble is a cold, and it sounds in the blue robe.

The blue robe woman has already stunned.

"how could this be?"

"how come?"

The blue robe is full of incredible.

Since she chooses to enter the peak of the peak, she never thought that she was able to see the father and son a day, she never thought that the father and son came back to her again, she hoped, just The father and son can pass through a lifetime in the ages, which is enough.

But now ...


The bubble is awkward, then continue: "You should know the heritage of my ancient monk, and you should know that your current situation, no one can save you."

"After a month, my ancient monk will be a collision with the father and son!"

"That battle, the old man can promise you, will not start, let their father and son leave, but the old man hopes, with this opportunity, you must pass the same relationship with him, this is right for you For my ancient demon, it is the best result for the two people who have a father and son! "

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