Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1072 comes!

"To this, how to choose, see yourself."

The bubble is a look at the ancient black tower, and shook his head and sighed, and then left directly.

Within the black tower, the woman in the blue robe stood there, and he flashed in his mouth, and her mouth was still murmured.

"Nantian, there is a double child!"

"Do you have it?"


One month ago, at the Temple of Temple, in the General Assembly of the Temple of Temple, Jian Nan Tian was in the face of all parties, saying that he had to kill the peak after a month.

This thing has long been spread throughout the round.

And now, a month, already arrived.

The voids in front of the ancient demon family, the people of the mountains.

On the reincarnation, a large amount of power has gathered here.

Like other three peak ethnic groups, like the strong high ethnic groups, all parties forces, there are many excitement, such as the heavenly ancestors, demon and so on, and there is also a round of temple, there is no The old house is old, and the Golden Garbard has come to watch.

The whole void, lively.

"The ancient demon family, in the dark by many people call the mainland first ethnic group, strong strength, the heritage is even more unspeakable, but this time, this ancient demon family is a big enemy."

"Hey, the supervision of the Temple of the Temple has made it a sword before, and the monitors will definitely have the strength of Tianzun, which is estimated that only the embarrassment of the world. Observed, this time, the ancient monk is really dangerous. "

"That is not necessarily, I can hear it before, the monitor will come to the private identity, that is, he will not transfer the power of the Temple of the Temple, just with the power of the sword, although two people They are very strong, but they face the whole ancient demon family. "

"No matter what, this battle will inevitably be quite exciting today."

"Wonderful is sure, I am just don't hope that the ancient demon family must not give steps, don't have the monitors to kill the swords, the ancient demon family will immediately detained the place in the peak. Out."

"This is certainly not, the sky is greatly significant, unless there is a honesty, otherwise the ancient demon family will never make people easily, in addition, what is the majority of the ancient demon family? The battle has been driven, which is obviously going to meet the enemy. "

"This big array seems very strong?"

"Why, this is, it is the Guardian of the ancient demon, it is said that there are not a few Tianzun's full strength to join hands, it is impossible to break this big array."

A large number of conversations discuss the sound of the discussion, echoing, so that the whole void is noisy.

Just then, at the end of the distant void, two people, one left, one right, and walk stepping.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, it was originally not more than noise, and it was quiet.

Countless eyes, with worship and fear, see the past.

Both of these people have their long swords, and they are emitted to rushing to the sky.

"Jian Nan Tian, ​​the new monument of the reincarnation of the temple! It is said that it is still a pro-disciple of the Temple of Temple!"

"Another, is the sword is unparalleled. Sure enough, he is just a eternal!"

"This is the enchanting father and son, finally came!"

Everyone is not in the breath.

After a month ago, Jiannan Tian, ​​the name of the sword unparalleled father and son have long spread.

The two people are so enchanting, or a father and son, naturally escalating a shock and amazing.

Under countless eyes, the sword is unparalleled with Jian Nan Tian two people have appeared above the ancient demon family, and everything in the ancient monk is overlooked. They can see it. In the big array, I have already gathered in the strong people of many ancient demon, which is the old man who is white.

"He, is it a bubilization?" The sword didn't have a double head of the old man.

Becoming to the famous big name, he has heard of the peak of the sky early, the top of the sky, in the whole green world, except for the turn of the temple, the void palace, Tanghuang, etc., he is almost the top .

In several Tianzun, who has traded with him, even if it is the strongest heaven, compared with this baker, there is still a great gap.

In addition to the confused sky, the other strong people of the ancient monk, even if the winter is the sky, the sword is unparalleled, and he cares, only the heritage of the ancient demon.

The ancient demon family can become a four-peak ethnic group in the mainland, and stand for so many years, who knows how many means they have?

"Lianzhu is used to use it. It looks like it is going to die." The sword is unparalleled, and the laugh is cold.

"I guess it early."

Jian Nan Tian is still indifferent. I saw him step out, and there was a layer of energy barriers before the Kutrong Nationality. He looked at the end of the big battle.

"Becoming God, it seems that you have decided?" Jian Nan Tian looked at the gods.

"Of course." The birmed Tianzun also looked over, "Jian Nan Tian, ​​you are expensive to return to the temple monitoring, if it is not necessary, my ancient monk does not dare to have to sin, but the old peak, the one is ancient The demon family has no significant meaning, you want the old man to give her to you, but dream. "

"That is nothing to say." The sword is indifferent, and the words are simple.

At that moment, when he was down, his long sword was fierce, and a sword was suddenly lit.

This sword is light, it is the most important thing that it is still slow, it feels like there is no power.

Seeing this sword light, there are many strong people in the scene.

They can remember clearly. One month ago, in that monitoring, they were in the General Assembly, and they were still the sword of this sword. The result was the sword of the show, but the Lei Yi Tian was directly killed.

The horrible sword brushed out, even if it was the bubble, it couldn't help but wrinkle, but it didn't care.

This slowly swallowed, faster, incredible, and contains magical power to directly be directly above the nutar.

Jian Guangwei can break out, but it is only a few ripples that will be slightly smoked.

"Well?" The Jiannan Tianyi was moving.

"How?" In the sword behind him, there is still many strong people to see this scene, they can't help but shock.

They are very clear about how strong the sword is in the sword, the ordinary sky, in this sword, is dead, and the righteous sword can be such a horrible sword, but it can't give it. How much wave is big?

That big array, is so strong?


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