
The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are gripped, and the power of the strong ancient god is constantly gathered in the right hand.

On his right hand fists, he also released a rich dark golden rays, rotating, suddenly.

The godboa of the battle array is the same, the same is the fierce.

Two huge fists, positive hit together.

Hard hard, this is the hard collision!


A loud noise, the vast ancient god of the ancient gods came out.

The void is almost instantly, it is twisted into a twist, a huge narrow space crack, it is like a spider web spread, and the foot is spread, and the terrible power, the many strong people around the battlefield. It is unique to absorb the cold air.

At the most central in the battlefield, the sword is unbolded, but the figure is in the middle of the road.

And the war of silver Arms, but it is just that it will take a walk back.

"how come?"

The many strong people of the ancient demon saw this scene, they all exposed the color.

Task, the nine older gods, the gincés, but the four-star level, and the sword is unparalleled, although the royal family, but only the top of the Samsung, it is far less than the former, But as a result, this silver armor is just barely to occupy some upper wind?

They don't know, the sword is not just the power of the Samsung's ancient gods. He also wears a bloody to take a bloody, the blood will have a lot of strength to soared, which leads to the strength of the sword. It is also the level of Tianzun.

"Come again!"

After the hit falling down the wind, the sword is unparalleled but not discouraged. His huge figure is rushing, and the next moment will kill again.

The godboa of the battle array, also burst.

The two majors are lightning, and they will fight again.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unpredictable, relying on his own hands and feet, but still completely playing his close smile.

He has taken a while in the real ancient god family, and he has also exchanged with many ancient gods.

He is very understanding about the way of killing ancient god.

Even if you don't use the weapon, he can also play the power of yourself and perfect.

But the nine old ancient gods is different.

Although they all awakened the blood of the ancient gods, but the killing of the ancient gods learned that there was no sword, and the most important thing is that they are the ancient gods fighting for the nine people to form, and three, or temporary. There is a war.

Although this battle is strong, the cooperation between them can not be perfect.

Empty is strong enough to compare the medium-day or even higher war, but there is no completely played, and the top can only play more than 70%.

In addition, the sword is unbolded as the royal god, and the bloody pressure that has been carrying people has also made this nine ancient goddess.

Under so many conditions, killing, this is a disadvantage, but in turn, it is very obvious.

"Haha, go side."

The sword is unparalleled, and the body shape is a stepping. It is close to the distance from the Silver Ah. The shoulder is instantly impacted on the body of the godney, so that the silver Akai Ancient gods After retreat, then the sword has no double big hand, and the huge body of the ginet is the big body, all sweeps out.

"It is clear that the power of four-star silver armor is all in order to play this force."

The sword is unparalleled and shaking his head, and it has not been interested.

The sword is unparalleled and too lazy to follow this silver armor. I saw that he was in the power of Li Mang, the power of the vast ancient god, but it was instantly chartered to his right hand.

The ancient gods formed by the battle array compared to the true ancient god, the gap is great, this gap is not only reflected in some of the killing skills of the ancient gods, with each other, the same, there are some tricks, secret motion Above.

Now, as the sword is unbound index finger strength, the horrible means when it is pointed out.

"The first finger of the god, break the world!"

There is also a low drink in the sword.

Time, a golden giant refer to a terrorist breath falls from the sky.

This golden giant refers to the extension from ancient times, carrying an amazing momentum oppression, and the time to finish the gland apique formed by the battle array.

That Silk Armard is also desperately gathered in the power of the ancient gods, and the horizontal showing a punch.

But the end result ...

Snooked, heaven and earth.

The Silver Auger flew out with an amazing speed, while flying out, the power of the ancient gods on his body was also obviously reached the edge of the goddess, but formed the nine of the godboa At this moment, the big goddess is also sprayed out of a big blood.

This is already enemiliated, but the sword is unparalleled.

"I didn't stop me, didn't it be completely rushing?"

The sword is unparalleled, and then the right hand finger begins to bring together the power of the ancient god.

"One finger is not enough, then come back again!"

The sword is unblocked.

In the ancient demon family camp, then the body of the sky saw this scene, the frowning slammed, "The ancient gods battle, you can't help, winter, you quickly shot."


It is quite ugly that the face is standing next to the bubble.

If he is now speaking with Na silver Ako, it is obviously less to bully, with a big bully.

If it is usually, this winter is still doing this, but the situation in front of him is not so much.


Winter Ming Tianzun immediately turned into a scarlet stream light, and the pen was detached.


The sword is unparalleled, and he believes that he only need to make a refer to it. This Silver Aka, the ancient god, should be so enough, but he found the surrounding rushing. Downtable red stream.

"Winter Ming Tianzun?" The sword was mightless.

And the strong people of the battlefield abroad saw this scene, but it was a champion.

"Is Winter Ming Tianzun? He is going to shoot!"

"The ancient god battle, there is already a strong battle force, now this winter is still there, this is a one?"

"Hey, the sword is not double, it is just a eternal border, the ancient demon family acts like this, I can't say it?"

"Hey, it is also a sword is unparalleled. You see his strength, in addition, he is already a three-star ancient god, Samsung ancient god, is equivalent to human road."

A sound came from the battlefield.

And the sword is unparalleled is to show a cool smile. "It's good, let's go together."

In an instant of the voice, a lot of battles sounded on the sword without double, with this, the blood peak sword, also appeared in the hands of the sword.


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