Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1076, two major books

The scarlet stream of winter Ming Tianzun has appeared in front of the sword, and the silver armor is killed from the other direction of the sword.

The two major days, the war, but the sword is unparalleled, but the battle is skyrocketing. He stepped out, the blood peak in his hand, the bloody moon is full in the void, and the speed is too fast.

The winter of the hand-held knife, the future of the future, and the royal bloody moon, the sword has come, has come.

"How can it be so fast?" Winter Ming Tianzun took a shocked and immediately waved the knife.

The knife is transversely, it is like a thunderous thunderstorm, and the explosive power is broken, and after being promoted with the sword without double sword.

"Nine heavy waves!"

The winter is a cold, and the screaming of the scorpion.

A ripple is spreading, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is like caught in the endless sea.

"It's so strange."

The sword is not a feet, he can feel that the corrugation is actually a scorpion.

This knife is crazy, and it is very strange to him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is sword, and the three of the three swords will completely explode.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

The sound of the Jiuwa hit, which hit this hit, was completed between the blink of an eye, and the strong Jin said that the sword was unbentered and he couldn't help but retreat.

At this time, the fierious hurricane came from the sword, and the sword was unparalleled immediately. Seeing that the silver armor formed by the battle array has appeared after him, a quite horizontal fist, directly toward himself The back of the brain smashed.

The sword is nothing to turn, and the cold is flashed, and the blood peak sword lights out.

This sword is a shadow.

Single Jianming has just passed, the consciousness has been instantly acting on the ancient god of Nairok, and passed through the ancient god of the ancient god to the nine ancient gods.

The nine old ancient gods are only just a Tie Zun level, and the impact of this consciousness, the whole consciousness is falling into the , the body shape of the silver armor is still paused.


The sword is unparalleled from the silver armor, and she took a large piece of flesh and blood formed by the ancient gods. Then, the big body of this silver armor was immediately burst into rear.

I just hit the emperor of Yinyi, the sword was unparalleled, I found a quiet-free knife, there was already on my side.

The sword is unparalleled, so quickly and quietly swearing, he can't come to the sword to resist, can only force the blood peak sword to block his chest.


The knife is on the front of the blood peak sword, and a terrible force is passed, so that the sword is unparalleled, and the figure is immediately shocked.

The foot is shocked, and the sword is not stopped.

Roade your head again, see that the winter Sundi is standing in parallel with the ancient gods, the two are abnormal.

"It is my big idea, and the two major China Tianzun's fighting force, just lighted me, indeed it unable to compete." The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, now he, even if it is facing the last middle and Tianzun, it will be extremely tasty, so that you can say it separately.

And the two major secondary days join hands, that is not that he can resist.

"However, one I can't resist, then two?"

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. It is followed by his body shape, and a black robes appear next to him.

With the same face as the sword, even the breath is also exactly the same, and it is a sword unparalleled kill.

"That is ... bordering?"

The many strong people who watch the battle have seen the swords, and many people have frown.

Framed, in strength, it is generally much more than the present.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is enough to compare the second day, but they don't believe that the sword is unparalleled.

Under normal circumstances, the sword is unparalleled, it is very good, it can have a good battle, it can be said, it is not qualified to have the battlefield in front of you?

The periphery is surrounded by a surrounding, with a questioned eyes, the sword is unparalleled, but it is uncomfortable.

I don't know how to modify the sky, I don't understand the terrible refurbishment, these people will know his abilities?


The vast breath is rising, and only the sword is unparalleled. The blood is crazy. The next moment is also immediately turned into a huge dark golden god. At the same time, there is a stream from the sword unparalleled Qiankun ring. Out, there is a 72nd stream.

This seventy-two stream is perfectly combined in the void, and the time has formed a purple light sword.

This purple light sword, it is a sword unparalleled to achieve the extreme effect of the second heavy nine-day sword array.

"My kill is respectful, the war is quite right, but the difference is that my world is respectful, with two treasures of the bloody and blood peeled sword, enough to make me strength to reach a new level. "The sword is not double-finished.

Bloody will have a blood peak sword, and the overall strength of him is indeed.

And these two treasures, he can only let a present.

"Killing this, there is no blood, there is no blood peak sword, but with the strength of the top of the Samsung, with the nine-day swords, the war should also reach the Tianzun level, plus the killing means of the ancient gods, should be enough to follow the Silver A fight against the ancient gods. "

The sword has emerged in the bumper.

He is now facing the opponent, the winter, the sky, the greatness of the ancient gods, winter Ming Tianzun, is not weak, but it is not weak in the Lei Yi Tianzun, and the silver armor is ancient god because it can't play all the strength. The relationship of coming out is a lot of difference than the winter.

"My World Realism, the war is much stronger than that of the winter, give me half an hour, I am enough to defeat it." The sword didn't look at the killing.

"Half needle, give it to me!" Killing this nod.


The sword has no double one low, and the time is always on the same time.

"court death!"

Winter Ming Tianzun is gloomy, in the moment of the sword, there is no pair of two major people, he is immediately rushing with the ginema.

Soon, both parties collided together.

The sword is unhappy, the blood peak sword, the sword is rushing, and directly blocks in front of the winter, and a bright sword is directly attacked.

And the killing of the people is sorrow, and the hands of the ancient gods are gathered in their hands. They directly show the first finger of the ancient gods. They went to the ancient gods of the silver. At the same time, Ang ~~~ sharp harsh The broken wind sounded, the purple light sword formed by the nine-day sword array, broke out, and also attacked it directly.

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