Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1077 defeated!

The bright sword is carrying, but it is the horror power of the Supreme.

This is a day-created a day created by the sword.

The horrible power broke out, the winter Ming Tianzun also shouted the knife in an instant, the knife method was very horizontal, but after the front of the two, the winter was shot, and the body was smashed slightly.

"Nine heavy waves!"

Winter Ming Tianzun once again showed the strange knife method.

The sword is unparalleled as in the sea, the endless waves are swept toward him.

"One force breaks the law, give me a break!"

The sword is not bumper, and the face is also a slice, and the blood peak sword is soaring.

It is still a day, but this time it is, the power is obviously larger.


That endless waves are directly in two sides, the whole sea is simply two halves.

"How?" Winter Ming Tianzun was shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, the shadow is a sword, and it is shocked.

On the other side, the sword is unparalleled with the killing, and the silver armor is crazy, and the two people are very large, but because there is no relationship between the blood, the power of the killing is far less than the godney of the silver. He can only rely on his skills, and then cooperate with the nine days of swords, and touched with the silver armor.

The nine-day swords are fierce, and the speed is even more amazing. In a short period of time, it will also die from the ancient god of the silver.

The two battlefields, all the fire, the strong people who watched the battle, I have already seen it.

"Old Day!"

"This is the true strength of swords and unparalleled?"

"It's too strong, this sword is unparalleled, it is really too strong."

"No matter whether it is this, it is still the same, it is very strong!"

"Although his strength of his ancient god has reached the Samsung level, he is really a good thing in his spiritual power, and the war is actually enacted. When he breaks through the road, how much?"

"This sword is unparalleled, he has already opened up his own way, but more than one, but he never broke through the road, what he wants to do? He wants to make his own road stronger, this breakthrough To achieve the road, the strength will be stronger, the potential is also bigger! "

"This guy is really a monster!"

A horrified voice, constantly sounding from the crowd.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, all people who watch the battle can't help but laigh.

He, too bright!

Too enchanting!

He showed the strength, completely unlike an eternal, unlike a small guy who lived for more than 2,000 years.

"This kid ..."

Jian Nan Tian has been quietly standing on the void and looks at the battlefield in front.

Just everything, he looked in his eyes, his face was still very calm, but it took a smile.

Obviously he is also proud to be able to have this statement in this age, with this.

"Both children are better than me, there are too many things, many things, I have no ability, I am not qualified to achieve, but he can."

"I still have a dream, and now it is his gross, which will affect his growth. When this incident, I will take a dream to travel to the green circles, and the days of leisure clouds, I have gone, I have gone. Next, you can see how far this little guy can go!

Jian Nan Tian's future in the future, full of expectations.

He is clear, his potential is too much in a weak period, the foundation is damaged, has lost its qualifications in the world's peak, but the sword is unparalleled, but it can be.

Shake the head, Jienan days did not think more, his indifferent eyes, but the embassy of the ancient demon family, the past.

It seems to be aware of the eyes of Jiannan Tian, ​​and the birman also saw it.

The pace of Jian Nantian.

He stepped by step and slowly crossed.

Didn't cross a step, the void at his foot will immediately ripple, such as the stone falls into the lake, continuously spreading.

It is completely quiet throughout the world.

In addition to the sword, there is no double, the fire is full of winter, the net of silver armored ancient gods, the eyes of the strong people have been attracted at this ceremony, and everyone's eyes are not coming to the autonomous sword. .

This moment of Jiannan days, the temperament that is indifferent and supernatural is also changed.

He changed, the whole person changed.

Among the eyes of everyone, he became a circle of hengeal swords from a group.

This sword peak, the ancient times, it seems to have existed from the ancient times.

This sword peak, with a vicissitudes, with a shackle, like red, shines throughout the world.

Everyone's eyes are firmly locked in this 'Jianfeng', and it is shocked by one by one.

"This, what is this means?"

"Good quirky, unique artistic conception!"

"It's the road, it is a sword!"

"What is this just sword, why is it to give me a weird?"

Everyone looked at the Sword South Day.

In the ancient demon family, the baker is still dead, and the eyes are also a stereotype. "This sword is in the middle of the three channels, there is a strongest sword?"

The strongest sword!

I think of these four words, and the hearts of the sky are invisible.

That is the legendary road, in the entire green world, endless years, you can open up the strongest swords, but also a few more than the number of flexible.

The strongest sword, can not be able to open up.

And Jianan Tian, ​​live to now only more than two thousand years, how can it open up the strongest sword?

"Impossible, impossible!"

The bubble is madly shaking his head, and the mood is calmed down.

At this time, in the Sword South Day in all people, the pace has paid down, he stood in front of the dead, and it was less than 100 miles away.

Such a short distance, Jienan can span.

"Becoming the sky, shoot." The sound of Jiannan is still indifferent.

Becoming peace of mind.

This time, in order to cope with the sword in the son of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the light is prepared, and the light is prepared.

Like the Guardian big array, like an ancient god battle, is just one of the bottom cards.

But these tops are not all the ancient monk.

Don't say anything else, single, his existence, is an Optimus of the ancient monk.

Tianzun is a full war, but no one can pass over.

"The old man also wants to look at it, as a reincarnation of the temple monitoring, how strong? What is it, what is it, dare to tell you to kill the peak!"

The bubble is cold, and the moment, the sky is fiercely burst from him.

The most powerful people in the ancient demon, Tianzun is a full-time, and it is!


PS: Five get it!

Today, add more, it will try to keep five more, if you can't get it, it will be a four more, you will support it.

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