Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1079 Out of the sword!

"how come?"

The bubble is frowned, and it took a shock to watch the Jiannan Day.

All parties around the war are very different.

Becoming Heaven and Swordsman's Day, from the beginning they clearly read in the eyes.

They saw that they were a few means, many killings, like illusion attacks, sports attacks, tricks, etc., he also showed.

However, no matter how many means he present, Jiannan days, it is standing there, so the sword will resist all the offensive all.

"Illusion attack, did he not affected at all?"

"Sound attack, did he move?"

"Even the strongest tricks I just have, he will resist the sword."

It's hard to see the face, but he went to the next moment, he went to a cold, low Shen said: "Jiannan Tian, ​​it is the best test of the Temple of the Temple, becoming the peak strong, your strength is better than I imagined. Still strong. "

"The same is true, you are stronger than me, if you encounter you in other places, the old man will not say two words, but the head is not going, but here is my ancient demon family, my ancient monk, hundreds of millions of years The foundation of the next ... you can't win! "

"Guanling big array, enlighten!"

As the bubble is low, it is a huge altar in the ancient monk family, and there have been more than ten kinds of ancient monsters to gather together, and receive the command of the dead. More than ten kinds of honors flanged.


A horrible force has built from the altar, which seems to be swallowed, a large number of heavens and earth in the void, starting at this moment, starting from all sides from all directions, and finally The birmed sky has been awkward.

That is the faded sky, with the pounds of the heavens and the earth, the breath on his body will immediately rise up with an amazing speed.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, this ancient monk is prepared enough, and it has also been placed in the family." The king laughed.

The gathering of the gathering, the sword is unparalleled, nothing more than the surrounding heaven and earth, and then forced to swallow, so that you have burst out more power in a short time.

This big array is not rare in the fire industry.

But if it is just a general gathering big array, the sword is unparalleled naturally, but the gathering big array of the ancient demon is too big, the scale is too large, the coverage is larger, the code covers millions of miles away. .

Such a huge range of heaven and earth aura all gathered in the body of the bubble, which is naturally lifted.

Like now, with the absorption of these heavens and the earth, the breath of the body is more than 30%, his strength should also increase 30%.

30%, the seemingly improved, but it can actually go to Tianzun at this stage, even if the strength is only upgraded, it is enough to make his own attack power, speed and other aspects.

Increased 30%, the war of the bubble is fully reached a new level.

On the void, the bubble is a cold, and the body is still a red cloud, and the vain is a huge immersed shadow behind him, and its volume has risen again.

"Jian Nan Tian, ​​now, you will pick me up again."

The sound of the bubble is magnificent, with absolute confidence, and next moment him will shot again.

It is still the fierce, light-powered one-legged, this claw is around a heavy blood cloud, and the sword is unparalled.

In the moment of him, he has a huge Tianmun vain behind him, and immediately waited for a grasp, huge blood claws, falling from the sky, carrying the terrible and horrible power of the heart, directly in the sterling of the sword come.

The same claw, can be bired, and now, the power is far from the previous claws.

When this claw came to kill, Jiannan's expression still did not change, he still waved the sword.

A beautiful sword light, directly brushing.

Sword is beautiful, thrilling.


The huge blood cloching junction that was attacked directly into two, and the vast power was screaming in all directions.

"What?" The bubble is surprised.

Before that claws, Jiannan could be easily resistant, he can also be reluctant to accept.

But now, he has used the gathering of the gathering, the overall strength has increased more than 30%, and then fully show this claw.

"how come?"

"The same is true, how is his strength, how can it be ..." The bubble is still in the shock.

"Becoming God, you have begun to now, you have already shown how many offensive, now, now you should pick me a sword." The secret voice of Jiannan is swaying in the world. .

I heard this, the strong people around the surrounding battle were a shock.

They remembered that after being worked with Jian Nan Tian Tian, ​​Jian Nan Tian was standing in the void. He didn't move, just slammed the sword to resist the offensive of the gods. Although it has been over for a while, At the beginning to the end of the sword, he did not take the initiative.

He has always been passive to resist the offensive of the born and respect, and there is no initiative to show swordsmanship.


Jiannan Tianyun sword.

He is still just a casual sword, and it is still a sword that is very beautiful.

Although it is beautiful, the speed is fast incredible.

Almost instantly spanning the near-front of the neighborhood.

Becoming eyes, full of eyes, the face is also very lifting, seeing this beautiful sword attack, he has a vast red clouds, and the horrible breath suddenly broke out, he also swayed again. And a claw grab.

That huge Tianmun vain lightning, the beautiful sword is caught in the palm, but the unrequited power of the beautiful sword is out of the extreme tear power.

~~~ The bloody palm is directly cut, and it is cut from the huge bloodstone arm.

Although this huge bloody palm is by energy, it can be felt to feel the stinging pain came from his hand, and immediately quickly recovered.

At this time, Jian Nantian once again waved.

The second sword is coming.

This sword is rapidly violent, like a meteor-like instant, in front of the bubble.


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