Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1080 of the strongest bottom sign

Becoming the sky, the face is sinking, and the palm is immediately taken.

A in front of him.


The rapidly violent sword is in an inner, and it has smashed the mountain wall of the blood and mountains, and the Sword of the Swords and Greenwire acts in the body of the dead.

Subsequently, Jian Nantian once again waved.

This is the third sword.

This sword, quiet, like a ghost, clearly, can be displayed in the void, and there is no shadow of swords and even swords.

It can be seen that the swordsman sky swords, and that the bubble is a big change.

He didn't want to think more. At this moment, he broke his speed completely, and his figure wanted to move around, but the results were just barely moved.


The sword light has been whistling, brushing directly from his shoulders, and the sound of the sword is ringing.

This sword is not only taking away a large piece of blood, and even his whole right arm is cut down.

The arm was cut off, but the bubble is unfaicable, he is full of feelings.

He knows that if he just reacts slightly slowly, if you don't move in the surroundings, then just the sword is not just a simple, but directly to the body. Two halves.

"It seems that the old man guess is right, you have opened a strongest sword!"

The bubble is a broken arm, and the arm is in a burst of energy. It is obvious that it has begun to fix it, and it is aweather to see the eyes of Jiannan, but it is an abnormality.

I heard the troubles of being bired, and the people who watch the battle were also awkward.

"The strongest sword?"

"The legendary strongest swords?"

"No wonder is so strong, it turned out to open up the strongest swords and great success."

A piece of sound with shock and horrified sounds.

"Father." The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but look at Jiannan.

He has the strongest sword, but also wants to hit the road with the strongest swords, but now he has only opened up a way to the two levels of heaven and earth, but the strongest sword is still far.

And his father has opened up.

"The body of the sword is strong, and the Sword is strong, and it has been cultivated more than 100,000 years in the secret state, and the strongest sword is opened. If it is not what is too weak, the potential is too small. More, he will be more dazzling. "The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

Wen Yan, the sword is unparalleled and shakes his head.

The strongest way, always belongs to the legend, than those of the chemical level, there is too much.

Jiannan Tian, ​​it opened up a strongest sword. There are two ways of compatibility, all of which integrated cohesion of the three channels, and its instance is naturally non-general Tianzun big success.

"I can't think of it, I can't think of it."

The bubble is a bit of the sound, and there is room here.

"More than two thousand years ago, that is not seen in the eyes of my ancient demon, thinks that it is tarnished the boy of our blood, and can open up the strongest sword!"

"I can't think of it more, you can force my ancient demon family to this step!"

"Since the creation of self-ancient demon, then many years have passed, in the history of my ancient demon, there is only one forced to this point, and the top of my ancient monk is the strongest base card, but only once, but now It seems that it is afraid to have the second time. "

When I heard the gyzykly, the gods in the field were fierce.

It has already reached this point, the ancient demon family, there is a card?

And, is it the strongest basement?

What is the strongest base card?

Everyone in the sky knows.

I saw that the bubble is suddenly smiled, but then it is the ground of the land of the ancient demon family, and the slap has a plurality of handprints, these handprints, each of them is quite strange, and after the hand is printed, this is close to the sky Beglying a scarlet.

"Blood spring, give me!"

The bubble is a burst of drinking, and the time under the ground of the slap in the ground, the bottom of the bottom, a creepy power slowly rise.

This power is the force of blood!

Most of the mighty, the heat of the blood is soaring from the bottom of the ground, and the next moment will go to the baker to explode.

"That, what is that?"

Many strong people around the battle, looked at this scene in front of them.

No way, it is really the power of the blood, too much.

Such a lot of blood is actually swallowed directly by the bubble.

Through this vast blood of the blood, the breath of the body is full of breath, and it has risen again, and this time has skyrocketed to an unprecedented point.

On the void, the body shape of the bubble is also skyrocketing, and the body is even more bloody, the horrible suffocation is crazy to sweep the four sides.

"Good breath."

The sword has no double eyeline, he can feel the breath of the bubble, and the atmosphere of this moment has been upgraded to a new level.

This breath, even beyond the category of Tianzun, of course, from the main point of the temple, the Houdom of the Temple, and the level of the Daozi should also have some gaps.

It seems to be between Tianzun and the high level.

But you can be sure that at this moment, the weather is full, whether it is a breath or strength, it is more than a few times more than just a lot!

"This ancient demon family, it is a good means." The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"If I haven't guess, this is a strong blood of the pounds that have just been absorbed, and the strong people of the ancient demon will force the blood to force the blood before dying, thus giving together."

"The ancient monk exists in the reincarnation of the mainland. The birth of the birth of the history is that the strong people don't know how much, and the strong people who die are definitely very much, and the ancient demon family will collected these dead strong body. Then use special means to extract the blood of the blood, form a huge blood spring formed by the blood of the blood. "

"These blood, although the reliection is incomparable, forcibly swallowing, there is a huge damage to the body, but by swallowing these blood veins, it can explode more powerful combat power in a short time, just like this."

When I heard the king of King, the sword was unparalleled.

Forced to swallow the blood, he also tried himself, so he is more clear than anyone.

Forced to swallow the blood of blood, it will cause a great impact on itself, the more you caterocate, the greater damage.

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