Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1081 for dreams!

When the sword was unparalleled, he had got a heritage of Luo Zhenwang.

That inherited blood, there is a huge blood of the blood, but the sword is unparalleled for the Battle of the Eastern Tang, forciting the blood of the blood, the result of the battle, although he won, but its anti-allerge ability But his flesh is rushing into a bloody.

If he is just in the state of unstead, he is dead.

At this moment, this is a bloody force that is forcibly swallowing. Although it is not as good as the vastness of the King of Luo Zhen, it is not that kind of pure, but it is still enough to make the bunity of the world to skyrocket, even a new level.

"Trouble." The sword was slightly smoldering.

His father is a full success of the Tianzun of the Strongest Sword. It is invincible in Tianzun.

But now the dead, strong strength, but it is already half-footed into the high level.


The bubble is terrible, the scarlet is terrible, then the same scarlet eyes are dead, and the southern days, "I said, you, too little to look at my ancient demon!"

The voice fell, and the bubble was once again shot.

I saw a huge, covering the bloody palm of the sky branched ~~~ Rolling the air, crushed everything in the world, appearing in front of the Jiannan days.

I have always been self-proclaimed in Jiannan days, I wrinkled the eyebrows for the first time.

When the blood giant hand is about to come to him, Jian Nan Tian also immediately out of the sword.


This time is a bright and glare of the swords and light.


A loud sound, time and space seems to stop.

The blood giant paused for a moment in the void, and then he continued to oppress the past.

In the end, this bloody giant hand slammed above the ground.

The ground below, is the place where the ancient demon family is, with the giant hand, the number of mountains are immediately crushed into the powder, and there is a foot feet of the foot, and countless palace buildings. It is also crushed in an instant.

There is even a few ethnic groups of ancient demon, and there is no way between the Huanghuang, and is also pressed into powder by this blood giant hand.

The entire ground is depressed, a huge and unbroken palm, appearing above the ground.

The big world is still quiet.

Everyone looked at this scene, the bottom is full of unprecedented shock.

And at the bottom of the palm printing of the depression, it is no slightly.

"Father." The sword is not double-colored.

"Don't worry, your father is still alive." Kings suddenly said.

Kings have a long sense of vitality than swords. It is much stronger than in the scene. He can feel that it is still very tough life at the bottom of the palm of the palm.


I saw that the ground is broken again, and a lot of gravel is also shocked. Subsequently, a few wolves have appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the sword is in the middle of the sky, and the body is full of blood, and the clothes are also broken.

However, despite the shape of the wolf, he has not seen the scorpion of the deep eyes, but it is still indifferent.

The face is also ancient well.

"Didn't die? And the injury is not heavy?" I watched the Swordsnam.

The strong people who watch the war around are also secretly shocked.

Task, just the power of the blood, what is strong?

Then, it has exceeded the category of Tianzun.

But as a result, Jienan is just a bit of wolf, but the breath is not weakened.

"This little child ..." The bubble is full of gloomy, and he is also suffocating.

Just then, Jian Nan Tian looked up, and the dark eyes and saw it.

"For Today ... I have prepared a whole for two thousand years!"

"In these two thousand years, I have experienced countless life and death, and countless times, I'm going to fight, countless struggles, for this day!"

"Today, no one can stop me!"

"You, can't stop me!"

The whole person in Jiannan Tian is like a sword, and a handle wants to puncture the sword of the world.

His voice is indifferent, and the word is rooted throughout the world, just like drumming, rings at the heart of all people in the field.

He has dropped in the voice, he has already raised the long sword in his hand.

At this moment, the whole world seems to have only the sword in the south, and there is a long sword in his hands.

A fantastic breath, surrounded by a sorrow, with a trace of ethere, but more, but it carries a unmanned sharp.

Swords have not yet been displayed, but the power of single-volume is still in the heart of the person, including the body of the body.

In the sense of everyone in the field, the spiritual power of Jiannan Tianyi is sharply reduced at this moment!

Task, Jiannan Tian, ​​but the Tianzun is completely cultivated, why is the spiritual force?

His eight-made spiritual power, how is it?

One-breath is used to use eight% spirit, just to show a sword?

How much is this sword?

"That sword ..." In the sword where the king, the king, also felt the swords of Jiannian savings, and the heart is also a sudden.

I don't know why, this trick, Jiannian is about to show, I have given him a feeling of recognition, and I think he once seeing a strong man.

The horrible power, slowly accumulated in the sword, and the Jiannan Tiankou also muttered.

"This sword is many years ago, I entered a secret city, under the opportunity, and I saw a sword!"

"The sword, the deep arrival, I have a hundred years of 100 years, only for drilling the sword, but only half of them."

"After that, I broke the swordsmanship in the first, and I created a new one of the swords through my own research on the sword."

"This sword, I have never regardneassed in front of others, and even its name, I have never thought about it."

"Now, this sword came out!"

"It is going to break everything in front of me, defeating everything strong, only for the peak of the sky, let me meet with the dream!"

"That's it, then this sword is named ... Find a dream!"

Sword name is already!

Sword has become!

Sword is exportable!

Next moment, this suggested sword was made by the hands of the swords, completely showed.

The sword is looking for a dream, just as the Jiannan Tian, ​​he is only the peak of the sky, just ... Ji dream!


A sword is light, but there is no potential to generate it in the blunt.

Just quietly, I went to the dead.

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