Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1082 hysterical

The bubble is swallowed the blood of the ancient demon, and the strength of the strength has reached a new level.

He has absolute confidence in its own strength.

However, when the sword is in the moment, this is a sword.


The end of the courtyard, but he raised a shock.

This is shocked, there is no sign, and there is no reason, it is entirely from instinctive stunning and fear.

He saw the moment that quietly sounded a sword, and the brain reminded the super existence of the top of the green fire world ... Rising Sword Emperor.

This sword in Jiannan, give him the feeling, as if it is a generality of the Rising Sword Emperor.

"How can it be?"

"It's impossible!"

"I don't believe, I don't believe it!"

It contains the anger of the sky, even with a crazy roar, sound from the body of the sky, and the body is twisted, followed by his vast blood of his body, and the sacred deflamings behind him. The shadow also sent a sharpness.

Booming ~~~ The horrible blood of the horrible blood has formed a bloody giant hand again.

This bloody giant hand holds a fist, like a huge meteorite, from the sky, she hits.

Time, the meteorite is in touch with the sword light.


The slight sound sounded, and there is also a glamorous ray.

I saw the original sword light that was originally quiet, but at this moment, I broke the power of the world.

This huge 'meteorite' started to be ruthlessly cut in the center, and it was directly cut into two paragraphs. Subsequently, the sword light is still not reduced, continue to kill, and finally impact. On the body of the body.

The body of the gods, the endless red cloud formed a defense circle, and the body is full of strong, the flesh is also unparalleled, but under this sword.


A big mouth was sprayed from the mouth of the dead, and the face of the born, the face was immediately miserable. He was originally gathered in a large amount of blood, and he was also strong at this moment. He directly slammed it directly. The bubble is injured and wounded.


There is a low roaring in the body, the ears, noses, noses, the eyes of the nose, the whole person seems to be old, and the body is still weak. .

"Too old!"

The ambiguity of the ancient monk, saw this scene, the face changed, and immediately, the winter was first forward, and he took the courtesy.

After the stupidity of the sky, it was once again sprayed a blood, and the atmosphere has been weak.

"I lost!"

The strong people around the battle are one by one.

Becoming Heaven has been exhausted, showing all the topic means, from the beginning of the gathering big array, and then swallow the blood of the ancient monk, the power of the blood, and the outbreak of the war, the result, It is still defeated.

"Father just just the sword ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the mind is still recalling the horror of the horror.

He knows that the name of the sword is looking for a dream.

"That sword, if I didn't see a wrong, I should be a very good sword strong in the world." The King said, "The strong, although there is no star of the star, Luo Trinity is very good, but his sword is really terrible. He created a sword, a total of twelve types, your father's research should be the first style, and just only comprehend half. "

"Although it is just half, your father's sword is extremely high. With half of the enlightenment, with some of his swords, create a new priest, and the full first-style seven-handed power, He is also a full revision of Tianzun, but also opened up a strongest sword, and fully show this sword, strong power, has exceeded the category of Tianzun. "

"If you really want to say, your father just just the sword, than before, he crushed the jade, and the power of the Temple of the Temple was not weak."

When I heard the king of King, the sword was unhappy.

The body is full of blood, but it exceeds Tianzun, but it is only between Tianzun and the main level of the temple, and has not truly high-level war.

And his father just showed the sword, but it was comparable to the hit of the temple.

It is also no wonder that the bubilization will be defeated under this sword.

"Your father has not tried to enter that step, to show the sword, is still too reluctant, single sword will take him 80% of the spiritual power, he kills, the swordsman can only display a sword "King said again.

The sword is unparalleled.

Although only one sword can be displayed, it is still very terrible.

As the bubble is defeated, the battlefield has been completely calm.

Jian Nan Tian has already recovered the long sword. He didn't even look at the gods of the sky, but look down on his front.

There, there is a towering mountain, the top of the mountains, the faint, and can also see an old black tower.

That, it is the peak!

Tight the pair of hands, the sword is moving, but it is slowly going to the peak of the day.

The ancient monk's guards have broken.

Three major days, the power of the world, there is also the godboo of the nine ancient gods, and the sword is unparalleled.

Even the strongest and affected Tianzun of the ancient demon family have also been lost in the hands of Jiannan Tian, ​​and suffering from serious injury, there is no ability to fight again.

Now the ancient demon family, no one can stop him.

Under the eyes of countless roads, he stepped into the peak of the day, and he had not tried to enter the peak.


One of the low sounds, the snoring is that the bubble, his voice is almost mysterious, "You think that there is no block of , can you take her?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

"You don't know her importance at all. She is not only for my ancient demon family, the most important thing is the entire fire world, all have a huge influence!"

"Do you want to take her? My ancient monk is not allowed, the green palace will not allow, and the entire fire industry will not allow!"

"You, can't do it!"

The sound of the bubble is shaking the world, and all people heard people have frowned, and it is obvious that I am full of disqualification for the dead of the sky.

And I heard the swordsman day of this, the pace was slightly, turned around, and smiled.

"As long as you can with her, don't say a green circle in the area, even if it is an enemy of the whole dramful chaotic world,"


PS: Five get it!

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