Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1086 Invitation!

Everything that happens in the void, sword is unparalleled, and Jian Nan Tian still does not know.

In the ancient demon, Jian Nan Tian and Ji did not hold hands, slowly came.

"She is a mother?" The sword was unparalleled and dead staring at the blue robe woman.

"It's so pure and noble, the emperor, this day, the bloody blood, even if you put it in the world, I am afraid that I am not very seen." The king is dark.

Just a moment, Jiannan Tian, ​​Ji didn't have a dream of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with a little quirky, but it quickly responded, and quickly rude: "Have a mother!"

"You are two children?" Ji did not looked at the sword with a strong surprise, "grew up, you grow up."

"Of course, when you are walking, this kid, there will be no way." Jienan is over.

"Father, mother, let's leave here again." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Jienan nodded, holding a hand of the Ji Ji dream, said: "Dream, we go home!"

"Well, go home!" Ji didn't have a dream.

The sword is unparalleled.

When you are walking, no one will come back to block.

Many strong people of the ancient demon, including the embarrassment, and no longer shot.

As the three people have completely disappeared in the sight of everyone, this collision is finally curtain.

Jiannan Tian, ​​sword unparalleled father and son, if you have rescued Ji Dream, with Ji did not leave.

The ancient demon family has paid an incomparable price, and the results are still unable to stop.


There is a bending lake in the bamboo forest in the sky.

In the lake, the Junyi man in a green dress is with a blue robe woman snuggling, and the two words are laughter.

On the edge of the lake, the sword is unparalleled with a weed, relying on a pillar, looking at the scene that happened in the forefront of the lake, "I haven't seen my father for a long time, or say Self-birth, I have never seen my father, I have been happy. "

The sword is unparalleled.

From his birth, his mother was separated from his father and son, and later his mother was caught in the mainland by nine times.

It is clear that you have a deep feelings, but you can't come together for more than two thousand years. If you do anything, you are not happy.

Until today, the two met again, and even in the future, they can always be together. Natural is happy.

"The mother saved, the father's heart didn't have to be stretched, and I was too much." The sword was unparalleled.

Before, he became a reincarnation until his father became a reincarnation, and his mother was unknown. He also had great pressure.

But now, this pressure is scattered.

Now, if there is still a concern, then there is only cold as frost.


I think of cold as frost, and the sword can't help but hold.

"Sword is unparalleled, don't think, you can find your little love, you still have a good way, so you still think that the way will improve the strength." The voice of the king sounded.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

"In addition, your mother's blood is not in general, the back, I am afraid," King said again.

"Father is not easy to reunite with the mother, I can't make the second time." The sword is unbreaking, "no matter what the mother is carrying, I will bear it!"

King said a few times, but there is not much to say.

at this time……

A figure is floating from the horizon of the distant, and soon fell into the bamboo forest, but fell to the front of the sword.

"Well?" The sword didn't look at the people in front of him.

This person is an old man, a smile, looks quite gentle.

But the sword is unparalleled, has seen the breath of this old man, this old man is an authenticity of a genuine day!

"Old Friends, Yu Ding!" This flaming is a smirk.

The sword is unparalleled, he has not heard of a Tianzun called Yu Ding.

"The old man is no longer moving for a long time, and the little friend doesn't know that it is normal." Yu Ding Tianzun smiled, "the old man is only for a matter today, it is to give this, handed over to the little friend, still hope. Kids can accept it. "

After that, Yu Ding Tianzun waved his hand and threw an ancestor to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, you will see a browse, the look is fierce.

That is the word, there are only three words ... Qinghuo Palace!

"You are, the people of the Green Palace?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is." Yu Ding Tianzun nodded, "the old man is ordered to be here, and specially invite a small friend to join the green palace."

"Join the green fire palace?" The sword has no double-sided colors.

Green Palace, he heard of him early.

He knows that it is the place where the highest launcher in the green fire industry, the representative is the entire fire world.

But all the strong people above the sky, or some of the power of the green circles will be invited by the Qinglu Palace.

And the sword is unparalleled, although it is not a Tianzun, but it does have the truth of the sky, it will be invited by the Qinglu Palace, it is also normal.

"Xiaoyou can consider it, is it willing to join my green palace?" Yu Ding said.

"I joined." The sword is unparalleled, there is no much consideration, directly agreed.

He also knows some of the nature of the Qinglu Palace, knowing the meaning of the green palace.

Most importantly, he also knows that his father is just a dream, and the mother is gone, and the Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty is a member of the Qinglu Palace.

So many pro, and those who have close to him, they choose to join the green fire palace, and the sword is unparalleled naturally.

"Since I promised, is the little friend going to the green palace with me now?" Yu Ding Tianzun laughed.

"Now?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yu Ding Tianzun." The distracted voice sounded, but the Jian Nantian in the lake's heart pavilion and Ji did not have dropped.

"Nantian Zun, don't be innocent." Yu Ding Tianzun also greeted, apparently known before.

Jiannan nodded and walked to the sword.

"Double children, you are born in the green world, naturally guard the green world, the green house can let you go to the green fire, go." Jian Nan Tian said.

"The father, mother, what about you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I just gathered with your mother, I didn't go to the Qinglu Palace. I have already discussed well, go back to the ancient world, go back to our hometown to see, wait for a while, I will come back, after all, you The mother is carrying things, you must be your father and son, go to undertake! "Swordnan Tianzheng.

"I understand, you reunite with your mother with your mother, if you are left, you will give it to me." The sword laughed.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled, followed by Yu Ding Tianzun, and go to the green palace.


PS: The ninth roll is finished.

The 10th volume of the green palace will be launched tomorrow!

The plots of the next volume involve too much, some details have not been able to do yet, so today, four chapters are updated normally. After I think it will be finished tomorrow, continue to add more.

In addition, the next volume will be very exciting, it is very much, and everyone will wait and see!

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