Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1087, one hundred and thirty-nine

The green fire palace, the highest layer of the green fire industry gathers.

It is named in the green world, and it is only for the fire world.

Under the leadership of Yu Ding Tianzun, the sword is unparalleled through a vast dark void, and passes through several reducing complicated anti-anti-anti-drug, and finally came to the green palace.

"This is a green palace?"

The sword is unparallled in front of this piece between the two mountains, quietly floating in the land of the void.

This piece of land is huge, there is countless Qiongmu Yuyu, which is magnificent.

And the entire green palace also brings a lot of ancient feelings to the sword.

"I am in place, it is not a reincarnation, and it doesn't belong to the void continent. It seems that it is already outside the fire industry. The green fire palace is here?" The sword has a surprises.

The Yu Ding Tianzun next to it has seen it. "Many years ago, a strong man in my green circle found that the land of the floating in front of him, this land is very unique, the numerous palace hall of ** is also very early There is there where it is, and it cannot be destroyed. "

"Can you destroy?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There are many buildings on the land, including flowers and trees, can't destroy it, you have to destroy it temporarily, it will automatically fix it, in addition, the strong man in the green circle, and found it in this The cultivation environment of the film is better than that of our hot circles, in this land, it is much better than in the green fire industry, and the effect is much better. "Yu Ding Tianzun said.

"This magic?" The sword was shocked.

Not only the terrestrial trees can be repaired, and even the cultivation environment is more superior to other places.

This land is really a good place.

"It's because this land is getting, so come back to my green palace will place the old nest here." Yu Ding Tianzun smiled, "Come with me."

Yu Ding Tianzun took the sword unparalleled and went to the land of the floating land.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is immediately aware of the difference in the surrounding environment.

The heavens and the earth are very strong than the green circles.

The most important thing is that, when I stepped into this land, the sword was unparalleled, I felt that my heart was quiet, my body and mind became comfortable.

In this state, it is necessary to have a half level.

"It's a strange." The sword is unanzhong.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just join the green palace, some cases in this green palace, the old man is also said to tell you." Yu Ding Tianzun said, "The Green Palace is for the life and death of the fire industry, in order to The interests of the fire industry exist. "

"Our green circles, relative to the whole dramatic chaotic world, it is too small, I want to continue to survive throughout the Outdoor Chaos World World, the high-rise power of my fireworks must be united, so there are Green Punter. "

"Well." The sword has no double heart.

He also knows that as a member of the fire industry, he must bear the responsibility.

Like the heavenly old ancestors, it has a strong strength, but refuses to invite the green palace, only the picture of yourself, this behavior, is unparalleled for the sword.

"The green palace has existed for many years, and the endless years have accumulated that although the strong people have a lot, they have fallen a lot, and they have left some, so now the rest of the Tianzun level in the greenhouse. There are not many. "Yu Dingzi sighed.

"Not much? How much is there?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If you are in the words, you still stay in the sky of the green circles, there is still one hundred and thirty-nine." Yu Ding Tianzun said.

"One hundred and thirty-nine?" The sword was unparalleled.

What is the strong, why are you waiting in the green world?

Whether it is a round to the mainland, or the empty continent, Tianzun strong is almost all of the legendary existence.

Even those who stand on the top, there are not many days.

Like the ancient demon family, it is known as the first ethnic group of the mainland, and the results are only three Tianzun.

But now, Yu Ding Tianzun tells him that there is a feet of one hundred and thirty-nine Tianzun in this green house.

"How can there be so much?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Many?" Yu Ding Tianzun shook his head, said: "The sword is unparalleled, the time you rise is too short, it is not a lot to understand the fire industry, you can know that we can know the fire world, already How many years have you presented? "

"This ..." The sword has no double.

For him, thousands of years, it is already extremely long, but the old guys who have already reached the top have reached the top, and the years will not be a moment.

As for how long it takes for the fire community, he doesn't know, it can be seen in his opinion, at least 10 million years.

"The fire community, there have been more than 40 million years." Yu Ding Tianzun said: "4 million years, how long, in this long years, how much is the strong in the fire world? "

The sword is unhealthy, can't help but shock.

It is important to know that a military strength reaches the eternal, and the life can be called eternal, and it is definitely a long time to achieve the respect.

These roads, Tianzun unless they are killed by people, or have some natural crisis, or they can always survive.

40 million years, void continent, the reincarnation of so many thousands of militors have accumulated, the number of strong people, absolutely an astronomical figure.

"For so many years, the sky is born in the green circulation, although I don't know the exact number, but at most than 500, most of these Tianzun fallen, and some of them left the fire community, and went to the vast chaotic world to swear. And the rest, most of them stay in the Qinglu Palace. "Yu Ding Tianzun said.

"These Tianzun stayed in the green palace, mostly very old, and have nothing to worry, they only pursue their own strength, so long years, staying in the green palace, almost no green fire circles, Over time, the fire in the fire industry, I have long forgetting their existence. "

"Like me, if you put it in three million years ago, I also had a famous name in the green fire industry, but now, I will mentioning my Yu Ding Tianzun, it is estimated that there are already a few people know."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also.

If these Tianzun have been staying in the Qinglu Palace, no longer go to the fire world, time for a long time, is forgotten that it is normal.

"The sword is unparalleled, you look up again to the two people." Yu Ding Tianzun is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, even if he looks at it, it is on the top of his front, there is a black white two Cang body shadow sitting there, and there is a chess game in front of the two, which is obviously playing chess.

It seems to be aware of the eyes of the sword, and the two old people who are black are also seen in the sword. .

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