Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 109 fierce


He is a big change, and it will not take care of the black spurt, and the body is rapidly opened.

There are no number of terrible attacks, and the goals are finally bombarded on the lake, suddenly, bombing!

The whole Jinghuohu is instantly violent, just like a tsunami, a large number of lakes are set off, forming a huge water curtain with a foot feet exceeding several meters, and the water curtain is still rising, and it is completely blocked all people. Line.

"Go in."


A large amount of powerful Jin Danwu did not hesitate to rush into the water curtain, and the strength of Jin Danwu, because the sight has been completely covered by the water curtain, can't see the relationship of the black sparkling, body shape Both.

"Fast, attack, give me attacks!"

"Even if you can't see it, give me crazy attacks, no matter if there is any attack."

Although the golden Danwu who stayed outside the water curtain was not rushing into the water curtain, but they were not idle, still in the water curtain.

Of course, this road attacks don't have a goal, but it is attacked, but I don't know if they will attack people. They attack them, they are too lazy.

Anyway, they can't get it, and I can't let those powers in the water curtain.

And they also don't worry that their attacks will ruin the black sparkling.

After all, the black water lotus is really precious is the seven lotus seeds, and the black water lotus itself does not have a lot of role. The black water lotus seed is small, and the chance of attack is too low, and the black water lotus itself is attacked thoroughly. Destroyed, it is not necessary.

There are nearly 100 strong people who rush into the water curtain, including swords unparalleled with Suoft.

Everyone has a lot of speed, and there are six people closest to the black spurt.

These six people are the magic gun ancient Tao, Ling Mu Bai, Tu Xin, Ziyang and the sword unparalleled Suofou.

The ancient Tao's eyes were dead and stared at the seven black spots.

"Black water lotus, is mine." Ancient Tao is directly low.

"Gu Tao, you are strong, but if you think of you, you want to swallow these seven black roses, you will not put us in your eyes." The colorful woman, a favorite woman, Ziyang Ice cold road.

"Hey, you will be competing with me. I dare to fight with me? Give me!" Ancient Tao has bursting it, and the bloody grows in his hand rises, followed by it.

The blood-colonal long gun is like a poisonous snake.


At the same time, I pierced the five shots at the same time, and the five people bouldering it, and the speed is even more incredible.

Ling Mu, Tu Xin, Ziyang three people saw the blood shot spinning, did not hesitate to shoot the shot, but when the blood rifle movement, the top three faces immediately changed, then the body is actually It was forced to retreat.

The bloody drum is also in the sword.

"This shot." The sword has no double look, "this gun has already had the strength of the ninth floor of the Longmen."

When the sword is unparalleled, the three kill swords and the swords of the big land.


Jian Feng hits the front of the blood color, the strength of the sword is also out, but it is directly taking this blood collection directly.

The long gun was touched, the offensive momentum, even the fifth shot of Suofu did not come and show it.

"Well?" Gu Tao looked up and somewhat surprised to see the sword.

His trick, although not his strongest blow, the power is also very strong, like Ling Mu White, the three martial arts, which are strong by his blood, but you can't see it in front of you. Jin Dan Xiao Cheng, actually blocked him with the front?

Not only blocked, and a cold sword light at a moment is light, but it is directly to his throat.

The speed of the speed, the ancient Tao face can't help but change, and the body shape is not from independent.

A sword forced the ancient Tao, and Lingmu Bai three people were retired by Gu Tao, now the close to Black Slim is that he is happy with Su, the sword is not happy, but he has not come yet. Take Black Slim, but immediately found that after yourself, the air of the sky came over.

"Not good." The sword did not change the double.

These offensives are displayed in the water curtains, there is no goal, which is so messy, and can be in the direction of Heline.

If it is normal, the sword is unparalleled. You can avoid these offensive, but now he can't refund.

You must know that behind him is the black lotus!

Those ordinary martial artists don't care about the black lotus flower, only care about the black water lotus, so I am not afraid of ruining the black hydrant, but he can't do it.

After all, Su Guang is necessary, it is the black lotus flower itself!

"Old four, you go picking up the lotus flower, here is handed over to me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay." Su Guang did not hesitate, she knew that the situation at this moment did not have any hesitation.

Looking at this densely attacked offensive, the sword has no bumper, and the swords of the earth are rising.

"Round back swords."


Sword Ying continues to wait.

When the denseness of the attack is coming ...

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

The continuous impact of the continuous impact has almost no pause. Although the offensive is not much more powerful, it can be mainly too much too much. The sword is unparalleled to play the reincarnation sword. .

Fortunately, he has already mastered the reincarnation of the sword to Dengfeng, the sword, the sword is like Hongzhong's dripping water, it seems that it has formed a layer of swordsmanship, and the offensive is all disappeared.

The final sword is only just a few meters away from the impact of these offensives.

"Fortunately, these people can't see the scenes in this water curtain, they are just a crowd attack, I can block, otherwise ..." The sword is unparalleled, but at the same time, his eyes have seen the past.

At this moment, Suirou has already reached a palm, and it is necessary to take the black spurt.

"Stop!" Gu Tao wants to crack, eat roar.

"Leave black water lotus!"

Ling Mu Bai, Tumin, Ziyang three people also have a large number of golden Danqiang's horror.

But although they are angry, they can't stop Su soft because they are too far.

Seeing the black spurtes to fall into Suiler.

in vain……

A cold knife is directly directed to Su.

The knife is cold and glaring, all the way to ruin, all the things, the grass is not born.

When this ice-cold knife appeared, many strong people in the water curtain became large, and one was very fear.

Even with ancient Tao, Ling Mu Bai, the dragon list of these Dragons, and when you see this knife, you will rush away, and you will rise to a hint of this instinct.

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