Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 110, the collision of the knife and swords

"This knife ..." Su Rou originally immediately touched the black spoiled, but she suddenly saw the ice-cold glazed knife, this knife seems to be able to open everything in the world.

The knife is not, no one is too cold.

Su Fu face is also a big change. At the same time, it is instantly judicially judged that this knife is a hand arm, and if she continues to pick up the black spurt, the whole arm will be directly copied by this knife.

The arm is with black spurt ... Su Soft naturally does not hesitate to choose the former.

Su said is busy to collect the palm, and the body shape also fails.

At the moment of Suirou recovered the palm of the palm, the ice-eyed knife was directly smashed along the place where Su Jigang's arm is located.


After the knife is completely removed, it slowly disappears.

On the entire Jingyue Lake, there is more than a huge crack with half a meter and ten meters wide. This crack is like the entire Jingyue Lake thoroughly built two halves.

~~~ The lake in the crack begins in a constant sources of cracks.


A floating blue dress appeared, and there was a black spray that all the people were incomparable, and then the face of the smile was revealed in front of everyone.

The whole Jing Lake is quiet at this moment.

The water curtain that was highly picked up was already calm. At this moment, everyone can see the Qing Shuxiao shadow of the Holly, and they also saw that dozens of meters long as if they will see. The entire .

For a time, everyone's expression is very good.

"Old four, you are fine." The sword has no double appeared next to Suole.

"Nothing." Su Guang shook his head, but the look is very lifting.

"It's him?"

The sword is unparalleled, and this is a sprinkled green dress. He has been the top strongman he has been very concerned about ... Xiao Mang.

Xiao Mang, the twenty-two in the landlord list, more than the ranking of Gu Tao.

Strength is naturally more.

Single is the knife just now, the amazing and terrible is very unparalleled, in the field, even the strong people in the dragon list, such as Gu Tao, Ling Mu Bai, there is no slightness.

"Xiao Mang." Gu Tao is dignified, staring at Xiao Mang, low departure: "You are not feeling the water, and you can invoish you, you can't ask you to help you to grab Holuen, that seven Black Water Lotus is nothing to do with you. "

"You are right." Xiao Mang looked up, glanced at the ancient Tao, a little smile, "these seven black water lotus seeds, there is no need for me, so ..."

Xiao Mang said that he was abrupt, and took the seven black lotus seeds in the black water lotus, followed by the eyes of everyone, and the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, these seven black water lotus were unable to fall into the water below the lake.

All the golden Danwu surrounded by this scene was stunned.

Relying on the absolute strength to capture the black water lotus, but the most precious seven black water lotus is thrown into the water?

Obviously, this Xiao Mang has no interest in the seven lotus seeds.

"Black water lotus seeds are useless to me, but this black hydrant is not small, so this black lone is taken away, can you have opinion?" Xiao Mang's eyes are ringing.

The people around him heard Xiao Mang, but it was a big joy.

"He just wants lotus, don't be a lotus?"

Gu Tao, Ling Mu Bai's strong eyes on these landlords are bright.

It is necessary to know the black spurt, only lotus seeds are helpful to dripping the sense of dripping, and the black water lotus itself is very small, and it is no attractive to these Jin Danwu in the field.

"Xiao Mang, since you only have black lotus, now you can go." Gu Tao directly.

"Yes, you can go, we will never stop you." "Ling Mu Bai and other places have also opened.

Xiao Mang nodded, under the eyes of everyone, slowly turned, and suddenly ...


The two people blocked in front of Xiao Mang, and the sword was unparalleled with Su. Sudu, the sword was unparalleled with a smile, watching Xiao Mang, the faint discourse was inert, but it took the court. The atmosphere becomes nervous again.

"Sorry, I am not interested in the black water lotus seed, but this blacklota must be obtained."


The sword is unparalleled, so that everyone on the sun is a mistake.

"What is this kid, what is it?"

"Who is this person, dare to stop the way to go to Xiao Mang, a big courage?"

"A Jin Dan Xiao Cheng, also dare to stop? I also interested it for the black water lotus. Do you want to die?"

The surrounding golden Danwu people feel that the sword is unparalleled.

And just in the water curtain with the sword, there is no double, but the look is quite aura.

"This little child ..." The ancient Tao frowned to see the sword and unparalleled, just he had no double with the sword, although the latter seems to be just a golden Dancheng, the strength of the outbreak, but far beyond it The realm of itself.

No matter how people around you look at him, the sword is unparalleled.

He doesn't know why this is the black water lotus, but he must help Su soft to the hand.

"Jin Dan Xiao Cheng?"

Xiao Mang looked up, glanced at the sword and unparalleled, did not speak, but the knife behind him suddenly became unexpected.


The knife is once again, it is still that cold, glaring!

The knife is always, still the like, such as broken bamboo, destroyed.

Everyone looked at this knife.

Just just this knife, it will be directly smashed by two halves.

Terrible unparalleled knife!

Even ancient Tao, Ling Mu Bai saw the moment of this knife, couldn't help but secretly.

However, when this knife is swept, the sword is not a double-faced, but the next moment is in vain.

There is no Jin Dan, a hundred times of Jin Dan small strength, and it is in vain!

Swordless wave, tenth style!


The air is instantly cut, and the terrible sword is directly angry.

Suddenly all Jin Danwu in the surroundings felt directly oppressed it directly, and they were all breathless.

Zhou Tianyidi has been eclipsed in front of this sharp sword, and when the swords and shadings are angry, the lakes on the two are inevitable in incredible speeds.


A moment of swords and shadows set off two great waves.

Next moment, this pound of the sword hits the front of the ice-cold glazed knife.

This moment is as if it seems to collide with two different worlds.



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