Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1091 Fire Code Exchange

"The sword is unparalleled, you go in and see it." Yu Dingtian said.

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled, it is not asking for, even if it is across the blood tower, it is the fire point exchange office.

Within the bloody tower, the sword is unparalleled in the first time, but did not see the existence of treasures, but seeing, but floating in a void.

This list is also classified.

There are gods, secret, Dan medicine, genius gear, special treasure ...

"This to the treasure galler will not only judge the value of treasures, but also know how to classify itself?" The sword didn't smile, and then the first look is that the gods.

God soldiers, have a number of people who have a number of people, and the knife sticks are all kind, and the level is extremely high, even if the minimum level is the emperor, but also the emperor of the peak level!

"The emperor of the peak level, if it is put in the green circle, it is already very good, enough to make many the enthusiasm of the aunt, but in this green palace, it is the bottom of the bottom, the price of the redemption is also poor. Just 10 fire points? "The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

This goddess, more than 90% of the emperor, and there are a lot of talents, such as wings, fans, bronze clocks, etc. have a special treasure. These specialists have a special value. Taller.

And on the emperor, there is also the existence of chaotic gods, even the highest value of the blue-colored sickle in this goddess, is a hierarchy!

The gods hierarchical, from the emperor, it is a chaotic god soldier, and then the chaotic odorant, and the chaotic god.

The sword is unparalleled, the boutique, the chaotic god treasure!

"Good guy, this green palace, there is still the existence of Chaos Qibao?" The voice of the King is shocked, "This is a chaotic odor, although it is only the lowest level, with your blood. Compared, it is also far away, but if it is put it in the world of chaotic world, it is enough to bring many strong people to compete. "

"This chaotic Qibao should be that the power of my green palace is got on this battlefield. As for the fire industry itself, it is impossible to have a chaotic odor." The sword said.

"Well, only this possibilities." Kings nodded, "Don't look at the soldiers, go, see secret". "

The sword is unparalleled.

This fire point is exchanged in the secret, the number is also a lot, and the level is universally high.

"Good guy, these secrets, although most, I can't get my eyes, but there are still more than ten secret surgeons, these secrets, any one, put them in a million shares, the chaotic world is enough Come to a group of rounds to the main, the power of the hierarchy of the void, and there is more than ten doors, but here, you are a green world, you are really unique. "The king praised.

The sword is unparalleled, and he also shows that these secrets are extraordinary.

If you put it in the green fire industry, it is enough to let countless power crazy.

However, the secrets in the Qinglu Palace can only be cultivated by the strong people in the Qinglu Palace, but they can't teach them to others.

"But it is a pity, these secrets, although some are very good, but the threshold of the cultivation is too high, you estimate that there are not a few people to practice, even if it is forcibly cultivation, then you have to pay the huge price." Wang You said.

"Okay, don't say this, you will help me, is there any secret, have a lot to me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't worry, I have been helping you see." The King will browse up, and only a moment, there is a result.

"Although the secrets in this are extraordinary, you have a lot, but you have a lot, and you can practice, even if you redeem, there is only one kind, it is the" gold icon " "Secrets." Said the king.

"Golden episode?" The sword is unparalleled to find the past and soon found the introduction of the secret.

"The secret body of the body?" The sword was unparalleled.

The secret surgery of the body, he has been cultivated before, it is from the rock of the magic, and the immortal of the flood god.

It is now that the sword is unparalleled before the secret surgery. It can now, with the sword without double strength, especially after the bloody will take the armor, it is nothing secret to him. Effect.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will help you think about it."

Kings, "You are a Samsung's ancient god, the flesh is very strong, and because of the relationship between the blood, it is, it is a hit of Tianzun, you can try to take a hard anti, but you can block it is just just The general first or otherwise, if it is a high-level world, it is enough to seriously hurt you. As for the Tiangou Great, it is enough to kill you. "

"So, you need a strong body secretation now, let your flesh more robust, and this golden episode, although it is not too high, but let you practice, but also More than enough, the golden episode secrets are three, you only need to think about it, and then with the bloody will be able to kill you, there are not many. "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is clear, many means of a person, the most important thing is the commanding means.

Only the life-saving means is strong enough to live longer, this golden episode is very important to him.

"10000 Fire Point?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the price of gold episodes and secretly screamed.

I need to know that the emperor of the peak level is only 10 fire points. This golden episode is exchanged, which is equivalent to the emperor of one thousand sorts.

"I am not a little fire point now, I don't know how this fire point can get it, I will ask." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will look at the special treasure class." The voice of King said.

"Well." The sword didn't have a double.

The treasures in this special treasure are even more different. What kind, what is the treasure of what is, the sword is dazzling.

And Kings also looked tightly those treasures, and on the way, the light was constantly.

"Kings, what happened to you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, there is nothing, I just saw a few good gadgets, and I didn't say that the value of these treasures is really unable to truly judge the value of these treasures, and even the use is nothing. Know, so the price of the exchange is very low. "Yu Wang smiled.

"Oh?" The sword is not a double brow. "

at this time……

"What?" The king suddenly sent a excitement.

"What happened?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have seen the same good things!" The sound of the King took a smile.


PS: New volume is open, everyone's monthly ticket recommended tickets!

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