"Good thing?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"." .

The sword is unparalleled, and it is seen in the past.

"Pearl, worth 100 Fire Point?" The sword was unparalleled.

In this fire point exchange, there are many treasures, and many treasures are extremely precious, and the fire points that needed.

But only the treasure of 100 fire points, in which it should be on the bottom.

"This is the bead, is the baby?" The sword has no double.

"Of course, it is a baby, just this low, the treasure house is not judged that it doesn't have its value, and this pain is not small for you." Yu Wang said.

"I am used?" The sword is unhappy, "" Then hurry. "

"Don't worry, this is quite strange, this green industry should know how to use it, or so good baby, no longer staying in this redeem, you go out, ask how to get fire Point, then wait for a while to redeem it again. "Said the king said.

"Well." The sword nodded, nor did it continue to stay here.

After the fire point exchange, the Yuding Tianzun immediately greeted.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is it, can I have a treasure?" Yu Ding said with a smile.

"If you value the treasure is there, but I have no fire point." The sword didn't have a bitter smile, and asked: "Yu Ding Tianzun, how is this fire point get?"

"Fire point is based on object." Yu Ding Tianzun explained: "You can get your own treasure, take it to the spirit of this fire point redemption, he will judge the value of this treasure, Then use the seven-made value of this treasure. "

"For example, a treasure, the original value of 1000 fire points, then you can sell it to the fire point, you can only get 700 fire points."

"This is the only way you get the fire point."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, the bottom is secretly thinking, "I killed the Yuanzi, got a lot of treasures on the Daozi, and there were a lot of value to be very high, but I can't use it. I don't know how many treasures can be exchanged if they are used to exchange fire points? "

"The sword is unparalleled, let's take you to the land of that machine." Yu Ding Tianzun said.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

The battlefield where the fire community is located, contains a great opportunity.

As three secrets, swords are unburden, but there is a kind of opportunity, but it is the power of every green palace.

Under the leadership of Yu Ding Tianzun, very fast swords have come to a space worm hole.

"Space Worm Cave?" The sword was unbolded.

"The machine is within the battlefield, and there is also a distant distance from my green palace. If you are purely able to flip, there is no more than a decades of time, so, we still rely on the space. The hole is very fast. "Yu Ding Tianzun laughed.

The sword is not hesitant, followed by Yu Ding Tianzun, directly into this spatial insect hole.

As the light flashes, the sword is unparalleled again, but it has come to a palace.

This palace is decorated, and now the sword is unparalleled in the corridor of the palace.

"Here is it?" The sword was unparalleled to frown around the scene.

"This is the Taiqing Temple, it is the place where the opportunity is, you are coming to me." Yu Ding said with the front lead.

Not long after, the sword has come to the core of the palace. It is a magnanimous hall, in the middle of the main hall, with the existence of four burly figures, the most in front of the main hall, and a huge incense burner .

"What is the war?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the four barexes that stand in the center of the hall.

"The sword is unparalleled, see the four fragrances next to the incense burner?" Yu Ding Tianzun fingers.

"See it." The sword nodded, he also noticed that four sizes of fragrance were placed on the table of the incense burner.

That four fragrances, from small to large and emissions there.

The sword is unparalleled to detect that four fragrances, extraordinary.

"It turned out to be a soul." The voice of the King took a few horrified sounds suddenly sounded.

"The soul of the soul, what?" The sword didn't have a double.

"The soul of the soul is a treasure with great benefits to cultivation. It can make people tranquilly, and can also greatly enhance the speed of enlightenment." Dai Wang said: "Although this soul of the abairy is not difficult However, the key is that the refilms are quite rare, so the value is also very high, even if there is not much person in the vast chaotic world, there is not much people to take the soul to practice. "

"Of course, this soul fragrance is still some of you."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, there are four leaders on the table, and the size is different." Yu Ding Tianzun said.

"The minimum of the soul of the soul, after igniting, only one time!"

"Second, you can burn one day!"

"The third leader is enough to burn for a month."

"As for the last volume of the biggest leaders, I can burn a year!"

"But all the strong people in my green palace are eligible to get a soul, but can get which root, you can see your own ability."

"Seeing the four fights in front of you, you can use which leadership, it is judged by them, they will shoot with you, the longer the time you insist, the higher the level of the soul. "

After listening to Yu Ding Tianzun, the sword is not understanding.

"Start it." Yu Ding Tian said, his body has already retired outside the hall.

The sword was unparalleled, and it was slowly, and he just got into the most central situation in the main hall. He has been standing in the four war, and his eyes open, and these four warfare are also Move immediately.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four warmers did not start from the four directions from the four directions.

The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of these four war is natural, and naturally, the blood peaks appear in his hands and swept directly.

A elegant sword is brushed out.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

The sword light has hit the body of these four battle, just like hitting the strike, made a crisp sound, but the shape of these four war is immediately shocked.

"Is it so weak?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, if I have not guess, this four warfare is based on your own realm, you are just a eternal border, so they only started to treat you as an eternal border, but they broke out, should Will constantly improve. "Said King.

"It turns out."

The sword is unparalleled, and then the sword is waving, and it is standing with these four battle.

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