Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1094 Mutation!

Time passed, a year of time, soon passed.

In the big temple, the original incapacity of the soul, and finally burned the end, it quickly exted completely.

The soul of the soul is extinguished, the unique fragrance that is full of the hall is almost in an instant, and the temple of the hall is also open again.

The sword in the palette is unparalleled, slowly open his eyes, standing up.

At this moment, the corner of his mouth with a smile, follow him, but waved at the time.

A sword light suddenly lit.

This sword is unborn, after lighting, the front is straight, and it is simple to look at the naked eye, slowly swallowed, slow and poor, basically, one of them can easily use his body. Sword is shot.

It can be actually, don't say a road, even if the genuine Tiangou stands in front of this sword, he can't avoid it, he can only try to resist, because this sword is light ... In fact, incredible.

"Combine quick slowness, this is the real speed sword."

"In the beginning, the father and sword killed the words of Lei Yi Tianzun, the swordsmanship of the show, and the swords of this speed should be similar to me."

The sword is unparalleled to watch the swords of swords that are swayed in the void, and the smile is even more.

Under the guidance of the soul, carefully enlighten the first year, the sword is unparalleled, the swords have finally made breakthroughs, and now he has opened a second campaign level.

And this sword is evolved in the basis of the Aurora Sword. This sword contains two kinds of artistic conception, and its name is the speed sword.

The speed of the swords, the power of the two campaign levels, the sword has no double strength to skyrocket.

"Unfortunately, this soul is just a year of time, it is enough to burn, if you have a burn, you don't have to use too much, it's enough for two or more, and I have become a yin and yang sword. The sword is unparalleled.

In this year, he made a speed sword, and he also reopened a sword of the Yin, coexisting with the Chiangyang Keng Road, and the two swords were only a more than one step. Once it is combined, it is possible to achieve the yin and yang of the compilation level. Kendo, at that time, he would wait to open up three ways of confining.

"However, even if you have no soul, I have found the direction, then I will achieve the yin and Yangjie, but it is only a long time." The sword is unhappy. "

This year, he got the benefits, it has been much.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The gentle sound sounded, but the Yu Ding Tianzun, who has been waiting outside, has already gone in.

"How is the harvest?" Yu Ding Tianzun went to the sword and asked.

"Not bad." The sword was not aid and responded.

"You have cultivated it under the guidance of the soul of the soul. I have already got one, then this is too clear, and there is no need to stay again. Let's return to the Qinglu Palace. "

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

He had a lot of gains in the past year, and it is already content.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled followed Yu Ding Tianzun, the original road returned, and went to the space.

Seeing they just got out of the main hall, but also in the corridor of the palace ... Boom!

A sharp roar sounds, accompanied, and there is a strong spiritual breath.

"Well?" Yu Ding Tianzun face immediately changed.

"What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

His two people feel that the roar has a spiritual breath, it is from this palace, and it is not far from this too.

"Is there anyone in the battle?" The sword is unparalleled.

The Taichuan Temple is within this giant battlefield, whether it is a green palace or a golden country, there are many strong people to look for the opportunity in this battlefield.

These two big camps have long been not dead, and if the strengths of the two sides are encountered in the battlefield, they directly shot fierce battles. It is normal.

"follow me."

Yu Ding Tianzun is solemn, immediately speeds up the speed, and has come to the gate of the palace with a sword.

The sword is unparalleled with Yu Ding Tianzun, and the sky is sent to the sky. Through the source of the roar before the void, I have seen the past.

So fast in their sight, there was a resequential figure.

I saw that I am far less than 10,000 miles, and the three wearing gold waves, who are being siege, old woman who holds a white hair, holding a long stick, this old woman is full of blood, the breath is also quite Wilded, obviously seriously injured.

The three golden warfares are particularly strong, and there are two people who are secondary, and one person has reached the level of higher days.

The old woman who was besieged, but only a second day.

Even if one is one-on-one, this is a serious injured old woman will be extremely hard, not to mention the three people.

"Worse, is the silver and moon!"

Seeing this scene, Yu Ding Tianzun faces now.

"Silver Moon and Tianzun? Is it a strong in my green palace?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Yu Ding Tianzun Zheng mainly, "Yinyue Tianzun has been in the battlefield, and the life expective ability is quite a million years, never encounters too much danger, but this time, she is really dangerous. ! "

"What is waiting for, we hurry to save." The sword is unparalleled, the sword in his hand has appeared, and the body shape immediately.

But he just moved, a transparent ban, immediately appeared in front of him.

"What?" The sword did not have a double color.

"It is useless, this is quite unique, although I have been refined by the empty temple, but I can't get it, I can't keep it in this battlefield, but I can stay in this battlefield. In order to prevent the golden strongest from breaking, the void hall will start a heavy ban on this Tooother, there is a banned, and the golden strongest can't break into Taichuan Hall, but we also Can't go out. "Yu Ding Tianzun Shen Sheng.

"Can you go out?" The sword was unbold, "Then, do you think so?"

"I have already told this matter to the void palace. After the void hall knows the news, it will definitely immediately close the ban on the Temple of the Temple. When I arrive, I can immediately take the rescue, but in this process, It takes a little time, should be around two breaths. "Yu Ding Tianzun voice was cold, and his face also took a scent.

Two breathing, just a moment of work, this efficiency is very high.

However, for the strong people of Tianzun, the two breathing is enough to take a few times. The Silver Yue Tianzun has been seriously injured. Can she support two breathing?

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