Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1095 falls!

"Silver Moon, fast, you escape, two breathing, then support two breathing time, the void hall will ..."

Yu Ding Tianzun Hui's voice spread out, I want to let Silver Moon and Tianzhi see, but he has not finished it, he heard a sprint in front of the void, and then the silver moon is beginning to fall down. .

This scene, the sword is unparalleled with Yu Ding Tianzun!

"Yu Ding, this seat immediately closed the ban on the Taiqing Temple, so that you have no doubles with swords, but I'm remembering you, and also be careful ..." The Void Temple received a message, and immediately sent it back.

"The Void of the Temple, no." Yu Ding Tianzun sighed.

The void palace is not from silence.

He knows that since Yu Ding Tianzun said no need to turn off, then explain ... Silver Moon and Tianzun, already fallen.


Sad sigh, the void palace directly interrupted the message.

"One hundred and thirty-nine Tianzun, the green palace, and one less." Yu Ding Tianzun also secretly shook his head.

The sword is unparalleled, it is holding hands and is cold.

He and the Silver Moon Supreme, although he never had any communication, but at the same time, a young fire palace is a comrades who fight for life and death in the green fire.

My comrades die in front of them, and the sword is unparalleled, but it can only look at it. This taste is naturally uncomfortable.

"Golden Guo!" The sword is not biting.

At this time ...

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, Yu Ding Tianzun looks up.

I saw the three strong people in the golden country, and then kill the silver moon and the sky, and the body of the Silver Moon Tianzun had come to the front of the Temple of Temple.

Through the transparent prohibition, the three strong people in the golden country are interested in the sword unparalleled and Yu Ding Tianzun. It is like a flow of light, directly smashed in the referendum surrounding the Taiqing Hall.


That Golden Guoqiang took a stunning strength, and the direct burst of the corpse of the silver moon is in order to be a bloody.

This scene, the sword is unparalleled, and the teeth of Yu Ding Tianzun are tremble.


Yu Ding Tianzun is even loudly.

The sword is unbearable, it is killing.

"Haha, the ghosts of the green palace?"

Among the three golden nationals, the high-day contest, "My family said," I have to say that you are old and true, you can stop this battlefield. , Hey, come one, I kill one! "

The sword is unparalleled with Yu Ding Tianzun color.

"How? Is it very angry?"

"If there is something, you can close this banned ban, come out and fight with me!" The high day smiled.



The space in the Temple Hall, fierce, a dazzling light.

The light flashes, the next thing is a few shapes in the next moment, it is instantaneous from that space.

At the same time, the heavy ban on the Too Qing Dynasty has always been turned off immediately.

"not good!"

"Quick escape!"


When the three golden powers were noticeable, they immediately responded, and the three people immediately showed that they were crazy and fled. The whole, I just went to the sword, there is no parallel, Yu Ding Tianzun.

These three people are the true price of the real value, and the speed is not slow, the first time chooses to escape, I have escaped out of the distant distance, so that more than ten strong people from the Hall of the Hall of the Hall I have to return it.

"Golden Country!"

"If they run fast, otherwise ..."

"I really want to give these three messy!"

A voice of an ambiguous voice sounded.

The Tema Qinghai has a void, and more than 10 shadows stand there. These figure have men with men, there are fewer, and one breath is particularly powerful.

Always is a strong and strong in the Qinglu Palace.

When I was awarded the main news of the Hall of the Temple in Yu Ding, many Tianzun in the Qinglu Palace were also known to the news of Silver Moon Tianzun in the Taiqing Temple. We immediately had a good value for more than ten months. The sky is coming through the space of the sky.

Obviously, they still have a late step.

Now, they stand here, see the blood mist, which is composed of the silver moon, faintly seen the white bones and some flesh, and a noodles are extremely ugly.

These people, they live in a long time, and their relatives have long been there. There is no more concern in the green fire world. The only thing is that these are all life and death in the green house. The comrades of the country killed.

Silver Moon Tianzun is one of their lives and death, knowing that Silver Moon is full, these people are of course low.

"Yu Ding, the silver moon is killed, you are in this Taiqing Hall, why don't you save?" A bald older roaring.

"I want to save, the ban on the Taiqing Temple is still, I first requested the void hall to close this ban, but the void palace has just responded, the silver moon is already dead, I have any way?" Yu Dingtian lownsed.

I heard the words, although the bald olders were angry, they did not continue to mighten Yuming Tianzun.

"According to Yu Ding, the silver moon should be suddenly huddled, and it is always hidden. It will be seriously injured. If she detects the crisis in an early time, seek to save the void passion for a little more closed. If the Qing Dynasty is banned, she may not die. "A little teenager sighed.

Although this person is a young woman, the hair is white.

He is a lot of Tianzun in the scene, the only one of the sky is full, and it is also the oldest one, known as dust!

After short grief, the mood of these Tianzun is gradually added.

And that dust is suddenly seen in the sword, "Yu Ding, you are ..."

Other Tianzun is also quite surprised to see the sword.

They all see that the sword is unparalleled just a eternal situation.

"He is a sword and a unparalleled, it is a member of my green palace. Although it is only eternal, he has reached the royal god of the Samsung, plus many means, strong power, is comparable to the general medium Tianzun. "Yu Ding Tianzun said," I will bring him this too. "

"Oh?" Dust Tianzun and others exposed the color.

The sword is unparalleled, this is the sky, and humility: "The sword is unparalleled, have seen the Tianzun."

What's more, these days, these days are living, I don't know how old, the old monsters are exist. In front of them, the sword is unparalleled is to be humble.

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