Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1096, I am borne!

"The sword is unparalleled? The old man seems to have heard ... I think it, is you a son of the south?" The dust is suddenly sinking.

"South son?"

Many Tianzun in the scene, seeing the sword and unparalleled eyes are also straightforward.

These Tianzun have lived in the green fire house all year round, almost no longer walking in the fire industry, and the sword is unparalleled in these years, although the fire circles have made a great fame, they may not be recognized, but they mentioned the son of the south, these Tianzun immediately known.

"You are the son of the South?"

"South? That mixed kid!"

"I heard that he has taken Ji dream from the ancient demon family, this bastard ..."

A low voice, issued from the mouth of these days.

The sword has heard these low screams, and the brow is a wrinkle, and the hands are not hit, but there is no immediate attack.

After all, he already knows the original, and knows why these Tianzun will be such a father.

"Xiaozi, the old man listened, is your father and son, killing the ancient demon family, killing the peak, put the Ji Dream to take away?" Dong Tianzun is unparalleled.

"Yes." The sword did not have a double Zheng point, while drinking: "Ji dream, is my mother!"

"Yes, she is your mother, but she is also my Green Palace spending a big price. This has long been a hopes. She is carrying the whole green palace, the whole green industry, but now she is being patrified by your father. Take away, this means that I have made so much effort in my green palace, even for this sacrifice, all of them, my life and death brothers, Peng Tianzun, the original is because your mother is dead! "

"If your mother can complete her mission, then my green palace is paying, my brother's death can die, can it be?"

"He ... death !!!"

Finally, this dust is almost roaring.

And the sword is unparalleled to hear these words, and the hands are more tight, and that the fingertips are deeply inserted into the blood.

Deep sucking the tone, the sword was unparalleled, "" My mother did not complete, I will finish her, her own mission, do everything, it is all by me ... one person to bear! "

"One person borne? If you are borne, you are born?"

"Okay." Yu Ding Tianzun finally opened, his brows were also frightened and said: "DATo, there are also people, the complaints in your heart, I know, but this, the five palace owners have already If you make a decision, if you still have any dissatisfaction, even if you go to find the five palace owners! "

"In addition, Ji did not dream, the mother of the sword, the mother, is the wife of Nan Tianzun, people are selfish, standing on the position of the sword with swords, they did not do something wrong."

Dust and the earth, the color is slightly changed. He is dead and staring at the sword. It is a long time, but it waves the sleeve. I do something about my green palace, I don't ask him to be comparable to his mother. As long as you can play a half of his mother, it is good. "

After that, the dust is turned away.

Other Tianzun, watching the sword unparalleled eyes are also more complicated, but eventually they are alive.

Soon, this is too deep in the Hall, only the sword is unparalleled and Yu Ding Tianzun.

The sword is not a double is still holding hands, but it is filled with an unprecedentedness of perseverance.

"The sword is unparalleled." Yu Ding Tianzun saw it, said: "Dust Tianzun They are somewhat too excited, but it is also because of understanding, you understand."

"I know." The sword has no double heart, and the bottom is not blameful.


The sword is unparalleled, he has learned from Jian Nan Tian, ​​and he also learned about his mother's work. Later, in the way to Yu Dingtian to come to the green palace, he also asked Yu Ding Tianzun. The answer.

After having an answer, he knew that the dust is so angry, even the father and son rebuilt.

It is really because they pay more.

His mother is gone, it is the ethnic group of the ancient demon, and the ancient pendulum blood has always been high.

After tens of thousands of years ago, on this giant battlefield, the strong organs of the green fire palace found a great opportunity. The machine is a complete and high blood of the shemale body. There is also a complete heavenly inheritance.

The inheritance, very strong, and it contained an extremely secret, so the Qinglu Palace immediately gave the ancient demon to send a very high blood purity to receive the inheritance.

The inheritance, with some tests, the result of ten ancient monk people, only one person passed the test, so that this person was his mother, Ji did not dream.

I got the complete sky demon inheritance, but also had the secret. When I didn't have a dream, I had an extraordinary potential. I have studied the secrets of the secrets at the time, I bluntly, Ji didn't have a dream. The secret surgery is formed, and it is totally likely to become the leader of the Qinglu Palace!


That's leader!

The Green Purchade is now the five major palace owners. The five major palace masters are very large, but they are not leaders.

After all, the so-called leader, that is, you can lend the green palace to kill the golden protector, destroy all the enemies of the enemy.

Such leaders must also be enough to make the green fire palace.

His mother has this potential.

However, the secret surgery is income, if you want to make it, the cost of pay is not the same, and this price is the most important, it is necessary!

Abandon all emotions, whether it is love, family or friendship, the only thing that can be retained, maybe there is only one love of the hometown.

In order to completely abandon emotions, the green palace spent a big price, giving Ji dream into the round, according to the midst of the midst of the nine death, nine reincarnation.

When I sent Ji Dreaming, I didn't know where to know what was known, I wanted to kill it, I would like to kill it, the many strong people of the green palace, nature is desperately resistant.

That battle, the smashing is unparalleled, the terges is only 5 million years ago.

In that battle in the Green Palace, the loss is extremely heavy, and the light is strong, and it is more than twenty.

So big costs, the purpose, it is to let Ji did not refine the secret surgery soon, becoming the leader of the Qinglu Palace.

After Ji dreams into the reincarnation, I have been carried out under the monitoring of the Qinglu Palace.

The top eight, very normal, Ji did not dream in the top eight, and all completely abandoned emotions.

Until the ninth, that is, the world of Nanyang Continental, but there is an accident ...

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