Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1101 Chazhu's Golden Men

The huge battlefield void, a blood rober with the long sword, hurriedly passed.

The sword is unhappy in hand holding a hug, while plumbing, drinking wine while drinking.

"For more than a decade, even someone else didn't see it, it is really boring." The sword was unparalleled.

Such a huge battlefield, although there is a lot of strong strongest, but the probability of encounter is still very small.

More than 10 years, the sword has not been encountered alone.

He cultivated years of years, like this boring day, he has experienced not much, it is inevitable.

"The sword is unparalleled, you must enter the unpredictable area, be careful." Yu Wang reminded.

"Well, I know." The sword nodded, took the kohole in his hand, and the body was shaped. The wine was dissipated immediately.

After half a day, the sword is unparalleled to truly enter the unprecedented area.

Here, the speed of the sword is significantly slow, and his look is more cautious than before.

Even if I arrived in this area, the sword was unparalleled, and it was still an endless battlefield ruins.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you not cultivating the secret surgery of the ancient people? This day, the secret surgery, you use it now." Said the king said.

"Tianshu secret?" The sword was unparalleled.

Tianshu secret, see all reality and illusory, if this battlefield is in a fogwood, if he blocked the line of sight, he showed that this day, the secret surgery has great use, but here is open, there is no hindrance what?

"The use of heavenly secrets is not only just looking to wear virtual, illusion, it can also make you see more clearly."

Kings said: "This battlefield you are now is a huge treasure. Everywhere is a treasure, you see those ruins, look forward to Putong, can be said to a normal stone on the ruins, one ordinary The pillars are treasures, you can't see it with the naked eye, but there is a secret surgery, it seems that these treasures are mostly. "

"What is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He immediately showed his secrets.

Tianzhu secret surgery, the sword is not a diverse view to become more open, what is more clear, and more clear.

The sword is unparalleled, still not slow in this area.

Wink, the past two years.


The sword who was in front of the void is unparalleled, and suddenly stopped.

"What happened?" Xiang Wang asked.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is awesome, just a dialect, just a moment, he came to a desolate and air.

The sword has no double overlooking the ground below, the corner of the mouth is a smile.

Standing on the sky, he can clearly see the ground below, and some spears that are randomly scattered, these spears are covered with dust, and the power is also converged, and it has become Pu Tong. If someone is empty from this Brush, if you don't look carefully, I am afraid that it is difficult to find these spears.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it is very clear, but it is instantly recognized.

These spears are the gods, and they are also the peak level! The number is much more.

The sword waved in the ground, and a wind swept, blowing the dust on the spear, so that these spears showed the original appearance.

A root of the black spear, the material used to refine, the sword is not seen, and these spears are the same as the size or shape size, it should be a system of the gods, the number is much more, foot foot There is more than one hundred and twenty handles.

"The emperor of the peak level, I need 10 fire points in the fire point exchange, that is, I want to sell these conch to the fire point to exchange, a spear can sell 7 fire points, here there is one Hundreds of spears, all added, I can sell nearly 1000 fire points. "

1000 fire points, equivalent to one-fifth of a drop of ancient gods, he does not costly, just just the hand, naturally.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will continue to take these spears.


Here is a ruins between the two bare mountains, on the edge of the ruins, but there is an old bronze stone pillar standing there.

This bronze stone column is very large, and there is a strong high, and the house is very strong.

The stone column also carved Jinlong, Jinfeng Pattern, which looks the richer emperor, but the most eye-catching, this stone column is the most central, there is an ancient magnificent character.

This word, read 'kill'!

I originally looked at the stone pillar of the atmosphere, because this killing, this stone column is full of amazing suffocation.

At this moment, in this ancient bronze stone column, a handsome man wearing a golden armor sat there, he stared at the killing of the center of the stone column, and the heart is completely silent, and it will not be self-extricted for a long time.

This golden armor man, under this stone pillar, has stayed for a hundred years.

At this time ...


The face of the golden armor suddenly changed, and the eyes were directly opened, with a faint golden Li Mang, dutied directly to the side of a direction.

There, there is a stunning body slow hair.

"That is……"

The sword just came here was unparalleled, and I saw the huge bronze stone column in the first time, and I also saw the golden armored man under the stone column.

"I have been in this battlefield for so long, I finally saw people." The sword reveals a smile, but the bottom is very dignified.

Because he found that the body can induce the companion position grouped, and there is no reaction, that is, this person is not from the green palace, but the golden country!

"Golden Battle A? Golden Country, all wearing golden warfare, this golden warfare should be a kind of god soldier that can be used to defense." The sword is unparalleled.


Under the ancient copper stone column, the golden armor man figured the figure, and it was unparalleled in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, be careful, your eyes are a high-level," said the King of Kings.

"High Tianzun, the level of the ancestors of the ancestors?" The sword is unparalleled, and the face is also dignified, but there is no thoughts who want to turn around to escape.

If it is placed before entering the green fire palace, I encountered a high-level Tianzun. The sword will definitely choose to escape.

But now, it is different.

"It's hard to encounter a person in this battlefield, and still the strongman of Golden Guo ..." The sword is unhealthy, "this is the first time I will meet the strong people in Jin Guo, will also be the first During the time, this battle, I will never refund! "


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